I've always viewed her as a good bridge builder.

Jim Driscoll

The public input is essential to the overall process. I won't say that the charter is strengthened by this process but it is a very positive step to have the charter reviewed and essentially clarified where needed, or amended as needed. The process of reviewing the charter should be viewed as a positive step overall.

Mario Ramirez

The phenomena of nature, especially those that fall under the inspection of the astronomer, are to be viewed, not only with the usual attention to facts as they occur, but with the eye of reason and experience.

William Herschel

Any special authorities granted by you or your board that may be viewed as problematic.

Jean Lapierre

We knew we were putting our equipment and technology right in the middle of the hackers' playground, but we viewed this as the ultimate test of our network security implementations.

Keerti Melkote

While there may still be some downside to earnings, we think the sharp reduction will likely be viewed as being relatively better than other companies, who may need several modest reductions or a sharper reduction in guidance later in the year.

Daniel Oppenheim

[New medicines mean HIV is no longer a death sentence in Canada.] It's no fun to have HIV even though it's viewed as a chronic, controllable disease, ... It means being wedded to the health system.

Phil Berger

[The mayor's strong criticism of FEMA and other agencies has earned him more than a few enemies, said Robert Hogan, an associate professor of political science at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.] Some of his comments have done him a huge disservice, ... Some of his comments come across as a crackpot. To me, he's just exasperated, but he may not be viewed that way in Washington.

Robert Hogan

Women represent change in a region where politicians are viewed with suspicion.

Joseph Ramos

Fashion and technology are increasingly merging and overlapping. Technology is coming to be viewed as an accessory ? it's expressive in that way.

Amanda Freeman

Early in his career, he was looked at more as a singer/songwriter, ... As time went on, he was viewed more as a cabaret artist. I missed that image of the singer/songwriter.

Rick Rubin

I worked for Knight Ridder for 18 years and I know the Detroit Free Press was part of the company's pride back in the old days. Now it seems, viewed from the outside, that these papers are like cards in a deck: you shuffle them, you deal them, you fold them, and the meaning of them as an institution in the community seems to have been lost.

John Carroll

Nationally, I think you're starting to see an emergence of programs that may not be at the tip of the tongue of the media but are starting to be viewed very differently.

Doug Elgin

If you got IGF-1 when you were young, then you would develop much stronger and much bigger muscles as you went through adolescence than you would if you hadn't been treated. So it would change the whole sort of composition of your muscles. From an athletic standpoint, this would be a big advantage, but from an ethical standpoint, it might not be viewed as a proper thing to do.

Lee Sweeney

The discrimination was aimed at John McDonald. Domino's itself viewed JWM as John McDonald.

Allen Lichtenstein

I think it could have an adverse effect. It could generate more no voters and be viewed negatively as an increased cost.

Richard Sullivan

John loved this community and he loved the people he wrote about. In his eyes and in his heart, he viewed all the kids he covered as 'his kids.' He was a great talent, but an even better person. Through the Daily Light John Hicks Memorial Scholarship, we can help John pass the torch that he carried so well.

Neal White

[The report] shows that 2,032 medication errors associated with radiology procedures were voluntarily reported by 315 hospitals and clinics during the five-year period from 2000 to 2004. This number averages approximately 406 errors per year. Viewed in the context of the hundreds of millions of radiology examinations performed in the United States each year, the number of reported errors is small.

Cathy Parsons

Is a priority. We need to know what children's lives will be like after therapies. We need to research what therapies protect better the quality of life, as viewed from the patient and parents -- not just the doctor.

Paul Fisher

It's going to be a great time, we'll go out there and interact with the fans first-hand. It should be a good event, the winners of the tournament get to go to the World Cup, so there's an incentive for them. It's all about promoting the World Cup. It's the most viewed [single-sport] event in the world, and it's only a couple months away, so it should be a fun weekend for everyone.

Brad Guzan

Statistics received indicate that in just 30 days we lost some 1162 people on our roads. This means the country has been losing 39 people every day to car accidents. Even viewed against war scenarios such as the current war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the casualties on our roads come out worse.

Ronnie Mamba

No relevant data which support hypotheses, laws, models and theories could be found in the papers and books by proponents of intelligent design, only unsubstantiated assumptions. Therefore, it can justifiably be viewed as pseudoscience.

Mark Perakh

Boone has run the fund seven years, his long-term record is good and he has a substantial personal investment in it, indicating his confidence in the selection process. This is a good fund for a core investment holding--even viewed apart from its social considerations.

Greg Carlson

I think that it's unlikely that her candidacy will be viewed as viable from mainstream Republicans in New Hampshire unless and until she gives some indication she wants to run. So far my indication is she's given the exactly opposite indication.

Warren Henderson

Business conditions remain weak with little visibility. An upturn is not viewed as likely before year-end.

Brett Hodess

Asian consumers, particularly those in China, are viewed as the most important source of industry growth. The demand in Asian countries will go up significantly in coming years, with a burgeoning economy and increasing consumer wealth. Automotive companies recognize the opportunity that awaits.

Betsy Meter

The evidence broadly viewed continues to point to underlying improvement in labor market conditions. Seasonal adjustment of weekly data is a tricky problem and especially so around holidays.

Ted Wieseman

We knew we were putting our equipment and technology right in the middle of the hackers' playground, but we viewed this as the ultimate test of our network security implementations. We are very pleased with the results and confirmation of our effectiveness, even in the most hostile of environments.

Keerti Melkote

Anyone seeing women at a bargain-basement sale where aggression is viewed as appropriate, even endearing, sees aggression that would make Attila the Hun turn pale.

Estelle Ramey

As you get closer to the election, the likelihood that Congress is going to be able to pass legislation, particularly on what might be viewed as partisan or difficult issues, diminishes.

Erik Autor

Within both parties, there are a lot of people who are looking for cues as to people who are viewed as on the rise in one capacity or another. It's unlikely that many of these contributors know the governor personally. More likely, they're getting a cue from somebody.

Earl Black

The soaring Sino-US trade should be viewed in the global context.

Zhang Yansheng