24 quotes about unraveling follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's a mystery that's been buried and only now that the ice and snow has melted away, has this mystery surfaced. Now, what we have to do is unravel that mystery and we just started to do that.

Robert Mann

Oh, the jealousy, the greed is the unraveling. It's the unraveling and it undoes all the joy that could be.

Joni Mitchell

Anxiety is the poison of human life; the parent of many sins and of more miseries. In a world where everything is doubtful, and where we may be disappointed, and be blessed in disappointment, why this restless stir and commotion of mind? Can it alter the cause, or unravel the mystery of human events?

Tryon Edwards

Residents expect and receive the finest health care, but the system has been unraveling. Citizens are not aware that all of a sudden what's been available to them in the past may not be available in the future.

Rich Meiers

It's interesting to see it all unravel. Gossip magazines, just by catching people walking down the streets, can actually be more effective and fashion-oriented than fashion magazines.

Ashley Olsen

All in all, I am not surprised that the people who want to unravel the social contract start with young adults. Those who are urged to feel afraid, very afraid, have both the greatest sense of independence and the most finely honed skepticism about government.

Ellen Goodman

I think this is the beginning of the unraveling of several indictments.

Stanton Glantz

The tale is a classic whodunit which seeks to unravel the mystery of who killed inflation. The only problem is that neither the body nor the murder weapon have been identified.

Adam Blankman

In the past few weeks we have begun to unravel the web of deceit around pirate fishing. The way the legal and illegal ships work together is designed to deceive, but in the end it is a simple case of stealing food from others.

Sarah Duthie

Given what's happening in Europe, which could be a knee-jerk reaction to what happened in the U.S. Friday, we're probably going to be down again (in the U.S.). What's been happening is that investors have a burst of energy for a week, then it starts to unravel.

Gary Dugan

The other thing is the redemption going on mutual and hedge funds due to declining stock valuations. We've seen a good level of liquidation recently where some of these funds that have been holding gold stocks are selling them to lock in profits. This kind of activity is still going to take a couple of days to unravel.

Amaury De Barros Conti

This is a major unraveling of the law, ... it opens up new avenues for corruption to enter the political process.

Marty Meehan

They need somebody to unravel their distribution problems, especially in the mid-section of their product line.

Lou Mazzucchelli

We believe the tight supply environment may be unraveling faster than we previously anticipated, which does not bode well for pricing and bookings relative to our previous expectations.

Chris Danely

What we are seeing is an unraveling of the way we finance healthcare in the United States. It is coming apart at the edges, and those edges are small business and low-wage workers. The levees are breaking.

William Custer

The challenge is to build a new economy and to do it at wartime speed before we miss so many of the nature's deadlines that the economic system begins to unravel.

Lester Brown

With invasive pest species, we can't turn back the clock, the lakes will be altered for good. Not only do invasive species unravel the food web they also fool public perception: The lakes look cleaner because the food has been stripped out.

Cameron Davis

Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions.

Lisa Randall

This is the beginning of the unraveling of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives.

Anna Eshoo

Gaining access to the wreckage will be important in unraveling precisely what happened.

Jim Lay

This type of violence is destined to unravel a nation's state and is unacceptable, ... We have the forces to stop it, we will stop it and the United States will take the leadership in doing that, even at the charge of being called unilateralists.

Richard Lugar

They have certain defenses, but at least in this situation, I feel very confident that they have tremendous exposure. I've been following these cases for 40-some odd years, and I don't think I've ever seen a public offering unravel as quickly as this one.

Melvyn Weiss

The situation is unraveling … and if it comes apart, the danger to civilians will be very great.

Juan Mendez

No one will even know whether a greater focus ... would have lead to the unraveling of the September 11th plot.

Eleanor Hill