18 quotes about understated follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's a simple story, yet with all the complexities of myth. The technology was so understated. I thought he (George Lucas) was an amazing director who had created this totally believable world.

Liam Neeson

Stunning, simple, elegant and understated.

Tipper Gore

A lot of people now, because of Enron, are looking behind the numbers, especially energy companies, ... But this one has understated earnings and understated the value of its assets.

Gene Marcial

What I really want to say to everybody, the media, the police, the police in the states, everybody involved, 'thank you' sounds so understated, but that's the only word I can think of at the moment. I think without the concerted effort of everybody involved that I may have been having another sleepless night. I am so thankful to everyone involved that he was found before the 48 hours were gone.

Corinne Jeffers

Everyone knows Microsoft is the best company in America. Yes, it's expensive. But the earnings are always highly understated and they're generating billions and billions of dollars in free cash flow.

Paul Wick

I think the Fed will look at the core number and determine that it was understated, and still raise rates by a quarter-percentage point at the meeting on November 1.

Stuart Hoffman

GDP has been understated for the last three to four years.

Ma Jun

That's all I can surmise, as well. But the writer's feelings of guilt cannot be understated.

Murray Klippenstein

His truly beautiful voice and melodic, understated guitar style contrasted dramatically with the more rough and raucous blues and blues-rock that came before him.

Bruce Iglauer

Lacking ladylike poison, Lizzie (Borden) did what every over-civilized, understated Wasp is entirely capable of doing once we finally admit we're mad as hell and aren't going to take it any more: She went from Anglo to Saxon in a trice.

Florence King

The spring story is about evolving femininity, everything is subdued, understated. It's more about the line and shape of clothing. Interesting textures. Going back to classics.

Gregg Andrews

That tends to cause accounts receivables that they report to us every quarter to be understated.

Sanjiv Hingorani

Jeep Grand Cherokee sets the benchmark with its on-road refinement, off-road mastery and overall performance in key areas of customer satisfaction. Now with the understated luxury of the new range-topping Overland model, Jeep Grand Cherokee becomes the ultimate expression of Jeep ?Modern? and an even more compelling package for customers in Europe and other international markets.

Thomas Hausch

It's a little bit simplistic, but our employees really kick out, and they commit to it. I think that's an understated thing in this world, is when employees really care.

Merlin Hove

But it struck me that the extreme violence and cruelty of the English Civil War had gone understated.

Simon Schama

The bragging power with this cannot be understated.

Brandon Wallace

This season's different styles are a great chance to mix it up. Whether your style is sleek and understated or fun and funky, a piece of jewelry can go a long way to helping you capture the perfect look for any occasion.

Bonni Davis

They maintain a visible yet understated presence, acting proactively rather than reactively. Students need to feel like they can approach them, or any other staff member, with security concerns. I think we do a good job of making students feel comfortable. That goes a long way toward preventing trouble before it starts.

Ellen Egan