It's a great economic tool for our district. It's bringing $144 million worth of construction.

Randy Olson

The bottom line is, are we reacting to and dealing with this conduct that is illegal, and we are. We're just using a different tool than everyone else is.

Dana Mitchell

The Internet has many advantages and can be a positive teaching tool. But there is also that potential for wrongdoing. It's a wonderful tool and there is a clear danger, and in the workshop, we will discuss the dangers.

Joseph Dreliszak

Motivation through fear was Woody's biggest coaching tool.

John Lombardo

The results of this eight state regional program over just three weeks prove conclusively that high visibility enforcement is the most effective tool we have to increase seat belt use and save lives. We are encouraging every state to use the federal funds it receives for seat belt programs to implement the 'Click It or Ticket' model.

Alan Mcmillan

Blues music is a tool to help you deal with bad stuff in your life. If you've got a problem, I don't care what it is, if you put it to some music, you are going to feel better.

Brad Wheeler

We are a tool for the community. We are the best fund-raising tool the community has.

Tom Starling

Something that goes on the desktop has to be a simpler and more structured tool with fewer configuration options. It has to be running in the background.

Ross Anderson

Few influential people involved with the Internet claim that it is a good in and of itself. It is a powerful tool for solving social problems, just as it is a tool for making money, finding lost relatives, receiving medical advice, or, come to that, trading instructions for making bombs.

Esther Dyson

I think we'll finally find out [what Sparkle is about], ... Is it Flash-like, a runtime or animation tool? It's not clear, but definitely it will compete with Macromedia and Adobe in some manner.

Paul Colton

War is the tool of small-minded scoundrels who worship the death of others on the altar of their greed.

John Cory

Definitely, they're another tool that can be utilized and they're an important tool for the general public that we would love to see here.

Denny Lolli

It is a very useful tool for students to view job postings for part-time and full-time jobs.

Vinessa Mundorff

This is not a court system, not a sheriff's system. This is a single criminal system, where all the pieces work together. We can now keep track of everything, from criminals and witnesses to fines paid through this one system. It's a fantastic tool for us, and it's only going to get better.

Jimmy Ray

Our emphasis will be that all the classes will be taught with an arts-integrated curriculum so we can use that as an innovative tool of teaching and hopefully reach students that way.

Maribel Rees

Under these conditions, all negotiations are called off. Besides, Ukraine is becoming the main tool in helping Moldova reach its political [aims].

Igor Smirnov a powerful defensive weapon for free people. It offers a technical guarantee of privacy, regardless of who is running the government... It's hard to think of a more powerful, less dangerous tool for liberty.

Esther Dyson

I'm in three videos that have six nominations, ... But I was just a tool. The [videos] that got the nominations are the bands and the directors, and they deserve them. ... These are formidable people who are great at what they do, and they just told me where to stand and what to do, and told me to be sexy and stuff like that.

Eric Roberts

The significant 55 tool bookings in Q4 2005 confirm an overall semiconductor cycle upswing. We expect the trend to be sustained in Q1 2006, with bookings at least at the same level as that of Q4 2005 and Q1 2006 sales showing important growth versus the previous quarter.

Eric Meurice

This isn't just tossing out a tool; it's like tossing out the whole toolbox.

Eric Holdeman

It is a good marketing tool that the FDA has approved it, so I am quite sure they will make some inroads in the U.S. That is for sure.

Eric Bernhardt

The art of an artist must be his own art. It is... always a continuous chain of little inventions, little technical discoveries of one's own, in one's relation to the tool, the material and the colors.

Emil Nolde

Hopefully, these reference materials will also provide consumers with another tool that can assure them that the products they buy and use are not adulterated in any way and don't contain harmful levels of potentially toxic substances.

Elisa Zied

We have received countless inquiries about our paid search solutions from small to mid-size advertisers. Express is in response to that demand, providing a sophisticated, yet very easy-to-use, tool for advertisers to manage the complexity of the search engines and optimize their campaigns.

Ellen Siminoff

It's a debt management tool.

Ellen Frishberg

I think PUD is the absolutely best tool that I've ever seen for working towards the accomplishment of these things. It's incentive-based, so it's win-win for the town and the developer.

Ellen Dohmen

We become a more disciplined and better company because of this tool at the front end.

Ellen Devlin

I think the availability of these new products, especially without a doctor's prescription and the costs associated with that, will be a very useful tool for the millions and millions of smokers in the United States who desperately want to give up the habit.

Elizabeth Whelan

The legislature has given us the task of protecting consumers who pay someone else to prepare their tax returns. One of the ways we're doing this is by providing a free new Internet tool, which helps consumers find tax preparers who are legally qualified to prepare tax returns.

Elaine Lyttleton

Second, simply use PowerPoint as a slide projector rather than an information tool.

Edward Tufte

For many 19th-century artists, the usual reaction to photography was no reaction at all. They simply ignored it. But not Degas. He was deeply interested in the new medium, not just as a tool that could help with his drawings and paintings, but as an art form in its own right.

Edward Saywell

Bobby can run the bases and play defense. It was good to see him get his hands through the ball. We think he is going to be a five-tool player.

Ed Mathey

The greatest marketing tool there is is victories. I think [the team's merchandise sales] are going to finish strong.

Eddie White

No ordinance can protect the children of our community 100 percent. The ordinance is just one tool available. Parents still need to know where their kids are and what they're up to.

Ed Ourada Jr

Simple, single-metric quotas and forecasts are rare in any size business, but the SFA tools offered -- both on-premise and hosted -- can't handle this basic requirement, ... As a result, most forecasting and commissions happen in Excel, not the SFA tool.

Zach Nelson