28 quotes about theoretical follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Inflation seems like a theoretical construct. But with any goal that's in the future, it is absolutely critical to think about how much additional you need to save or make to offset the impact of inflation.

Paula Chauncey

I'm disappointed, ... I spent several years there. I was one of the founding members of their Institute for Theoretical Physics. I would have thought they'd be proud to claim me.

Frank Wilczek

We're going to look at it from a less theoretical standpoint and more from a common sense, everyday type of view. We're going to mix both views.

Michael Schinler

This is a revolutionary way to learn because you're not just reading, you're hearing people talk to you. It's theoretical poker reinforced by practical play. We teach a theory and go in and talk about strategy. You learn by example. That's the uniqueness or advantage we provide.

David Power

So I haven't seen any of the parties coming forward to say that they are prepared to fund such a thing, so we are talking about a theoretical issue at this period.

Christopher Hill

I am now convinced that theoretical physics is actually philosophy.

Max Born

The top business schools tend to be very theoretical, ... We want our students to go beyond case studies to make linkages to the real world.

David Kidwell

This is more of a theoretical issue because we don't believe this has actually occurred.

Andrew Weinstein

One theoretical model shows that young stars could power an outflow that matches what we see very closely.

Yurii Pidopryhora

It's a theoretical question (but) the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation broke IOC ( International Olympic Committee ) rules ... They could in theory be disqualified.

Stefan Lindeberg

I focus on theoretical and socioeconomic reasons why there are gangs, why people turn to gangs and how we could get people out of gangs.

Tim Delaney

The market is expanding rapidly, with all kinds of brand-new product lines for little kids. But the research hasn't advanced much. There really isn't any outcomes-based research on these kinds of products and their effects on young children, and there doesn't seem to be any theoretical basis for saying that kids under 2 can learn from media.

Vicky Rideout

In Marseilles they make half the toilet soap we consume in America, but the Marseillaise only have a vague theoretical idea of its use, which they have obtained from books of travel.

Mark Twain

They have basically been theoretical objects.

Alexander Kashlinsky

It's important not to think of this as a theoretical debate. This will have real repercussions on the Internet and the way people use it in the future.

Max Engel

When we asked them about how they liked to learn, they told us they weren't looking for theoretical information. They're not looking for skills-based learning with step-by-step instructions. Their objective as executives is to understand how to execute solutions that work. The best way to do that is to see how others have handled a problem and adapt that to your own situation.

Geoff Clendenning

There is a theoretical possibility, but there are no plans for this now.

Andre Manning

Despair, feeding, as it always does, on phantasmagoria, is imperturbably leading literature to the rejection, en masse, of all divine and social laws, towards practical and theoretical evil.

Isidore Ducasse Lautreamont

I was a hot commodity, ... Being African-American didn't hurt me - I was one of the leading young theoretical economists of the generation.

Glenn Loury

The quantum theory of parallel universes is not the problem, it is the solution. It is not some troublesome, optional interpretation emerging from arcane theoretical considerations. It is the explanation, the only one that is tenable, of a remarkable and counter-intuitive reality.

David Deutsch

The theoretical and mathematical development lasted more than 20 years. It was a struggle. Production began in 1998, and we only recently reached the point where the company is sustained by sales.

Ruggero Santilli

[Duke] wrote of his wish to support a form of education 'conducted along sane and practical lines,' ... He goes on to specify that he means 'sane and practical as opposed to dogmatic and theoretical.' At first hearing you might have thought he meant sane and practical as opposed to insane and impractical, or kooky and clueless.

Richard Brodhead

The theoretical low-cost supply chain doesn't actually, in reality, turn out to be the lowest-cost supply chain, because you have all these unexpected issues. Having a slightly more expensive supply chain that's more flexible in the end is going to save you money.

Beth Enslow

Women have confused equality with independence. Equality is a very good and desirable thing [compared with] independence, which is often rather notional and theoretical.

Michael Buerk

Space technology can and does fail. When you mix plutonium into the equation, we think you're asking for trouble. It's not theoretical. It's real.

Bruce Gagnon

The United States hopes that differences can be narrowed by looking at concrete data, and moving from a theoretical discussion to real scenarios.

Christine Baker

I think this will be the norm. When you have something new, there is the theoretical potential for harm.

John Lamattina

Both inside and outside the classroom, he's really genuinely concerned about both theoretical and practical issues. That's another thing that's distinctive. He's really able to join theory and practice and that is often a rare quality.

Eric Gregory