20 quotes about synagogue follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I grew up with the belief that to dress for synagogue it was more appropriate to wear skirts.

Sara Lewis

Anyone who thinks that it is art to simulate a 'gas chamber' ...in a former synagogue no less, and to somehow thus transmit authenticity, is shamelessly abusing artistic freedom.

Stephan Kramer

When you throw dung on our Virgin Mother, it is hate speech. It is the same thing as drawing a swastika on a synagogue.

William Donohue

My mother didn't raise us Jewish, but my daughter wanted to become involved with the synagogue.

Trudi Renwick

The whole point is to be interactive, so people can ask questions, share their experiences and hear one another. People get to know one another, call each other, make friends. It's a way to meet peers, which they may not have the opportunity to do if they can't go to the senior center or synagogue.

Bonnie Jacobs

The most significant and poignant part of the event is it's our chance every year for the entire synagogue community, federation community and general community to come together for one magnificent day at one magnificent event.

Alan Katz

There was the barest minimum of religion at home. In my entire youth, until I left home at age 15, I remember going to Synagogue just a few times on Yom Kippur.

Dr. Leonard Rosenman

In both cases, he did it with very strong bipartisan backing. But they wrongly and foolishly extrapolated from the recall and the Prop. 57-58 and 66 campaigns that this guy was a masterful campaigner who could sell ice to Eskimos and could sell pork pies in a synagogue.

Garry South

Crime has gone up 35 percent in the Five Towns alone. I have multiple neighbors who have experienced home invasions—been accosted getting out of their cars and assaulted in their homes. A man was attacked walking to synagogue on Sabbath morning just a few weeks ago. We've got a serious crime problem here.

Jeffrey Katz

If someone told me 45 years ago, 'You are going to be in Cologne, and the pope will visit you in a synagogue,' I wouldn't have believed it. We have come a long way in mutual support and in mutual understanding and, as the pope said, in mutual love.

Paul Spiegel

We often come out to synagogue-sponsored events. I heard him during rehearsal and he sounded really good.

Beverly Jones

We have a growing number of interfaith families, and families that have no synagogue affiliation and who are marginal in terms of other affiliations.

Rabbi Daniel Lehmann

Our whole life was around the community, around the families. Ron's dad was our Cub Scout leader. He taught us how to play softball, how to bowl. My dad ran the teen lounge at the synagogue.

Ron Bernstein

I spent a lot of time in churches. If you go to a synagogue, someone is always asking if you're alone, if you're married. In a church, in a hundred years no one would ask.

Peter Malkin

It's truly unpleasant to see a synagogue burned down, but this destruction was foretold. None of the Cabinet ministers had the illusion that the Palestinian Authority would want, and especially would be able, to save the synagogues from the mob.

Yossi Sarid

When you throw dung on our Virgin Mother, it is hate speech, ... It is the same thing as drawing a swastika on a synagogue.

William Donohue

The place for religion is in church, synagogue and in the home and in one's heart, ... Certainly, we think it's contradictory to the American tradition to put it on the campaign trail, to say, 'Vote for me because I'm a believer.'

Abraham H. Foxman

There's nothing that would restrict a city from allocating funds to a church or synagogue that faces a grave danger or risk. We have always said we have felt this was redundant and unnecessary.

Marc Short

This does not necessarily reflect synagogue membership. This is what they consider themselves.

Ira Sheskin

Where we had no armed guards, they have now appeared. Police are patrolling every synagogue and every [Jewish] community center.

Borukh Gorin