We were really struggling the first half. They (Ronan) hadn't won a game. They got a few hoops to go and made a good run.

Jim Epperly

I have confidence in whoever goes out there. Even when Kolbie was struggling at the beginning of the season, I always felt like his last outing would be the one when he turned it around. It took him being demoted and he's figured it out. He's getting key outs. Reitsma will do the same.

Chipper Jones

Our running game has been struggling, and the key was to try to get on top of these guys early and work the ground game. We wanted to develop some confidence in our running game, which we did tonight.

David Mitchell

The poor and the very poor are struggling the most and we're expecting a high amount to be spent on debt.

Rosie Jackson

Our guys were relatively positive for all the bad things that happened. The one thing I take out of this, is our guys didn't get down. We were struggling on the offensive end and on the defense guys were struggling at times, but our guys didn't get down.

Mark Matlak

I've been struggling lately with free throws. The last few days I've put in some extra time with them. I knew it would come down to this at some point, and I had to be ready.

Ryan Brooks

We typically don't share a lot of fishing information, but maybe a little bit if one of the guys is struggling.

Stacey King

We're struggling a little with that right now. We just need to keep working hard.

Joseph Smith (coach)

The economy was struggling to gain traction at the end of last year. We think growth will be restrained in the Australian economy, keeping inflation pressures in check and keeping the Reserve Bank on hold for some time yet.

David De Garis

Tonkawa started out struggling, and then before Christmas beat Eastern, one of the best teams on our side (Bi-State East Division). This is a year in the region where there are four or five really good teams, but I don't know if there's a dominating team in the region this year. It's going to make for some interesting games.

Louis Whorton

We are hiding him a little bit. It's really not by design. We switched a few things with him in batting practice about a week ago. We moved him up in the box a little. It wasn't that he was struggling. He just couldn't get anything on the barrel.

Adam Miller

Until I saw the pictures again, I almost forgot how many people are still struggling and still trying to get their lives back together. Do we do enough? We can never do enough. Did we forget about the tsunami? Of course we did. That's just the way life is. We can't just pour money into every place. We've got to go back and see about them.

Rich Antous

This path may lead to many years of struggling with high-interest-rate debt and limited resources. The result is a feeling of being trapped.

Brian Orol

I went par, birdie, par, and I kind of rattled her chain when I hit that par. The next whole I hit a drive like 270 yards. I've been struggling lately. It showed me that I'm not done and I can still comeback and win, and that really boosted my confidence.

Abby Oberthier

Business logic changes all the time. This is what our clients are struggling with now.

John Rymer

It was a roller-coaster ride in terms of starting out 5-0 and then struggling at the end, but then regaining focus and composure in the last two games. It's a shame this one goes down in the loss column. But if you look at the effort and the focus in the Virginia Tech game and last night, certainly it was dramatically different than what we saw during the three-game losing streak.

Dave Hart

We were struggling before and right now we're better defensively. If you look at our team, we don't have a problem with our offense. We have a lot of guys who can score. But we got better in our own zone and at helping the goalies.

Marek Svatos

We're making incremental, steady improvement. We're struggling to find consistency in our play. This is a team that's been a little rocky, which is a sign of chemistry coming together.

Gavin Stevens

It's been a trend for our team to hit for power in the first inning, but we've been struggling to put it together. We put it all together and kept hitting throughout the game. Hopefully this starts off our season on a good foot.

John Malloy

The show has always been about the shallow moment-by-moment existence of life in the business. But we keep discovering subtleties, like, in Hollywood, even a guy who makes $5 million is constantly insecure and struggling.

Doug Ellin

I have been having technical problems with my 200m all year. I am really, really quick now but I am struggling to hold it round the turn.

Marlon Devonish

We're down by four (players) now. I guess we try and rest, and try to get healthy. I don't really know. We're struggling.

Andy Baker

Spears provides inspiration for those struggling with the right choice.

Daniel Edwards

I was struggling to get goals early on when I first got called up. It feels really good to finally put some home.

Luke Fulghum

It's pretty clear they're struggling. They're struggling.

Drewry Fennell

Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishing.

George Sheehan

Right now we're struggling with getting practices in because of the weather, getting grades up, and getting commitments from families.

Rex Meshelle

It's difficult to reconcile these colossal profits with the fact that some of the most vulnerable people in society can't heat their homes and industry is struggling to keep going.

Derek Simpson

That's something we were struggling with early on in the season was finding the holes. And he found them tonight.

Bill Sweeney

He came in at a good time because we were struggling and then he just shows up. He was a bigger kid and that was certainly an answer to what we needed. But not just in his basketball abilities alone. He is a positive role model for his teammates and the school. Johann demonstrates great character and I think the school and the community at-large has grown and benefited because of him.

Darryl Adams

We are struggling to get tickets, even for the technical study group.

Gerard Houllier

I don't think investors are discouraged, they're just not sure what to do. People want to get this out of the way. We've got so many other things to work through, with the economy struggling and the budget.

Bill Roe

There really are two issues: One is of the court's order, and the second is of equity. They are intertwined . . . and the School Board is struggling [over] how we go about satisfying them.

Tim Shea

For 15 years, we've invested a lot of money in trying to get everyone a computer, and a lot of schools are still struggling with that. In five years, everybody's got a cell phone, which is really a computer, and we've invested no money in that.

Jay Dominick

Stephanie and (Cristina) were both struggling earlier with illness. But they are great friends which translates to great chemistry on the doubles court.

Jan Brogan

We were 0-3 after the (all-star) break and struggling to find ourselves. It's a nice win but it won't mean anything if we don't come back and play hard tomorrow.

Joe Wolf

It was just good for us to play solid basketball. We had been struggling lately, even though we were winning some games. We got a great effort from everyone we put out on the floor.

Jeff Overmyer

I told him he might want to try the outside shot because he has missed so many close to the basket this year. Bobby stepped up when there was really no one challenging him. He has been struggling with his shooting, but not in this game.

Tubby Smith

[The struggling quartet did backing vocals for Crewe productions while lead singer Valli (with whom Gaudio remains partners)] knocked on a lot of doors ... Sherry.

Bob Gaudio

I've been struggling lately, but I guess I picked it up a little bit. Hopefully, I can continue that so we can get to state.

Jeff Teague

Shares rose because the notice promises measures to develop a more stable capital market and resolve some of the problems faced by struggling firms.

Zhang Qi

We were sort of struggling in the beginning to find the direction stylistically what exactly we wanted to be, ... We sort of had a few different things going on that were probably good for a young band because it gave us options as far as what path we wanted to really go full-throttle with.

Ethan Mentzer

She's just come out of nowhere. Last year she was struggling to get over seven feet and she clears 8-6 today. That's got to do wonders for her confidence.

Errol Logue

It was a big defensive battle. Both teams were struggling. They got a couple big plays on us, big penalties that hurt us. We made a lot of big mistakes we shouldn't have made.

Eric Olsen

The standard is critically important, as companies have been struggling over their materials information. They really need a format. The standard will be very positive for component suppliers delivering the information and for the OEMs and contract manufacturers [CM] that are consuming the information.

Eric Karofsky

I learned a lot from struggling in Trenton, and Arizona was a confidence booster. It put me in a better frame of mind.

Eric Duncan

I learned a lot from struggling in Trenton and Arizona was a confidence-booster. It put me in a better frame of mind.

Eric Duncan

It is so good to be outside. Playing in the gym is so different and it's going to take a while. Today was nice in that we're outside and some of my players who'd been struggling hit well and got some confidence back.

Emily Cederholm

The United States stands firmly with courageous men and women struggling for their freedom across the Middle East, including in Syria.

Elizabeth Cheney

Without a doubt, medical affairs departments are struggling to maintain their strategic impact amid regulatory changes and the introduction of new industry guidelines. With the OIG guidance and the potential effects of Medicare Part D, medical affairs departments have turned to globalization to implement standards of practice across all their organizations.

Elio Evangelista

We are struggling right now. They were key players in our defense as well as our offense, so hopefully we can group together, compete and get to the state tournament.

Ed Jarvis

That's something we've been struggling in all year. We had a couple of chances to win it, but give them credit.

Ed Easley

Especially for the kids they know they have the ability to gain some distance in this league without struggling, we just need to keep that intensity.

Fred Davis

Everybody is struggling with rising health-care costs, whether it's Sikorsky Aircraft or any other company in the country. We're simply not immune to that. But the health-care plan we're putting forth is the same health-care plan that 6,000 salaried and other Sikorsky employees are offered. It's a good health-care plan.

Ed Steadham

She has been a tremendous help. She is here everyday and the students who were struggling have just done really well. They just love her and look forward to the classes and the time they spend with her.

Zickeyous Byrd