29 quotes about snapshot follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

What we see right now is a snapshot of a long time process between the magnetic field and the inner core. I do expect to see this rate change with time.

Xiaodong Song

This place lets us show a snapshot in time of San Diego County. We are encouraging more people to come.

Jake Enriquez

It was really good for our kids to get a snapshot of other competition across the state. We've come here for three years and this is one of our favorite meets for that reason.

Kristy Mcclain

If you take a snapshot of the world today, it probably is a bigger problem.

Rev. Roger Woodard

It needs to be addressed. It was an oversight and is correctable. It's not about how proficient our students are, it's what students know in relation to the standards. The test scores are a single snapshot on a single day of testing.

Richard Holmes

Bird enthusiasts are encouraged to help Audubon generate a snapshot of the birds seen or heard on this day during spring migration.

Mark Lasalle

Citations are important and citations have their place, especially when people don't want to clean up their property. The officers have no problem writing citations but ... you have to be careful not to take a snapshot two-second look at a property.

Lesli Andrews

We need to be careful that we don't over-interpret a snapshot of the corner as giving us the entire picture.

Steve Murawski

This gives us a really solid snapshot of what's going well and where we need to continue to focus.

Dorothy Teeter

The first week doesn't give us much of a snapshot.

Rod Thompson

We have not prepared that report, so we don't have any official statistics, yet, ... Right now, no one is monitoring real time crime on a daily basis. All we have is a snapshot from the daily reports. The problem is a snapshot is not always an accurate reflection of the total picture.

Don Kelly

Our goal is to help OEMs create a new class of virtualization solutions for small and medium enterprises. The new class of solutions would consist of the same OEM software (snapshot, replication, etc.) ported onto a high-performance, low-cost hardware platform.

Frank Berry

A system restore is a snapshot in time, and that's fantastic because what that means is you can roll back the hands of time and go back to a time before you did something to harm your computer or something else did something to harm your computer.

Lance Ulanoff

It's a snapshot of how we did growing apples. If they would taste our apples I know I'd do better. My grandfather always grew better-tasting fruit on this shale soil.

Dwight Mickey

Historical plaques provide a personal snapshot of Wilmington and its people. The purpose is to educate the public and provide historical insight.

George Edwards

[Of course, sometimes when you go behind the scenes like this all you get is another scene: a carefully composed snapshot, not of what an athlete is like off the field, but of what he wants you to think he's like off the field. I'm sure, by now, most fans realize this and recognize the dangers of hero worship.] Idolatry is really not good for anyone, ... Not even the idols.

John Bach

We have an awful lot of assumptions that these numbers hold a certain amount of magic, when they really are a snapshot, ... Why are we elevating these narrow scores and thinking they show so much?

Alan Young

But it is only a small snapshot of what is going on.

Keith Ashdown

A credit score is a snapshot of an exact moment.

Cate Williams

Traditional methods of detection of bacteria can take days but the biosensor developed by them could take as much time as it takes for a snapshot.

Benjamin Miller

The poll is just a snapshot in time and things can change quickly.

Sergio Coronado

There is not a big anti-incumbent movement building out there. This is a snapshot in time that doesn't mean a lot.

Carl Forti

We now have a new snapshot of the Chinese economy. This is not slightly bigger, it's a significantly bigger economy.

Hong Liang

We can't begin to do that without first doing our homework, which is why we're undertaking this study. We need a clear, up-to-date snapshot of the labor market in the region.

Gary Rhodes

The fact that someone commissioned a poll doesn't mean anything. A poll is a snapshot of time that may or may not change as a result of the commissioner's testimony.

Dave Cox

That's what an obit is supposed to be-a picture, a snapshot. It's not a full-length biography, it's not a portrait. It's a quick picture.

Alden Whitman

Until now, the virtualization market has been dominated by high-end solutions consisting of software (snapshot, replication, etc.) running on high-end chassis hardware (Cisco).

Frank Berry

The first quarter is another snapshot of a company with great global growth opportunities, but facing greater competition in core markets -- all while digesting a very challenging acquisition.

Jonathan Feeney

SIMPLE is not a mature protocol at this point, so we've taken a snapshot and implemented against that. As we make subsequent releases, we will be looking to make sure we are absolutely compliant to the standard.

Ed Simnett