[Defense companies are doing well, but] is this war profiteering? ... You have to look at it on a case-by-case basis.

You know how they call Vancouver 'North Hollywood'? Well, Alaska could become 'North North Hollywood,'.

The fact is, there are not the checks and balances to make sure the money is spent well.

But it is only a small snapshot of what is going on.

They're going to go with what they know. There is some type of relationship.

There's a lot of money in this bill, but bar none we consider the documentary the most egregious provision because it has absolutely nothing to do with alleviating the traffic problems in this nation.

Transparency is the best disinfectant. If they would disclose everything and give the public time to review it, that would change the discourse dramatically.

They've created a complicated scheme of making sure a lot of different profitable energy industries are going to make off like bandits, ... pad their bottom line, but it doesn't really create new behavior in the energy industry.

There's definitely a need to get the money on the ground fast. But I don't think any of these proposals would do that. What I see them doing is lessening the transparency. It's the opposite of the way we should be going. We need to know more so we can know if all this money is being spent in a wise and responsible manner.