Contests are meant to be fun, and ?Find the Flashing Can? is one that we believe will really connect with people. The people at Pepsi have told us it?s the first time they have done something like this with the restaurant industry.

Pat Finelli

The daytime workers will all help [restaurant and retail] business owners.

Tom Keating

Some restaurants simply couldn't afford to do that. Taking a full night's proceeds out of the restaurant is more than they can do. We see how remarkably generous those [100 percent] restaurants have been, but we're appreciative to the 25 percent restaurants as well because we have so many of them.

Craig Shniderman

Going through a strip search on the way to a restaurant isn't going to do much for the experience.

Jack Jackson

Almost everyone in the kitchen has worked in a restaurant or been to cooking school, ... One person started as a dishwasher and now cooks and is in a supervisory position.

Alex Levine

These guys seem to appreciate what I've done. I can't pay a whole lot in wages at the restaurant, but at least I can provide a clean living place.

Jackie Gentry

We don't like to say we run a fast-food establishment. We like to say we run a fast-casual restaurant. We like people to feel like they are at a nice restaurant.

Bonnie Polverari

We don?t have a school, we don?t have a restaurant, we don?t have a fire department. We?re not really sure why they picked this area.

Michelle Dunn

La Fiesta really pays attention to the customer experience. We try to train our employees well, buy the best products, maintain a clean restaurant and hopefully keep a good atmosphere for the client.

Jason Thomas

Our new address is 1203 Bienville, where Germaine's Restaurant used to be. We absolutely love the new location. People have been stopping by every day, wanting to know when we're open. Ever since the phone's been connected, they've been calling, and it's just been awesome.

Debbie Cox

The only reason I am not at the restaurant is because I am moving my oldest daughter to college.

Anthony D'amelio

How the food actually comes out, who's working in the restaurant, what's going on behind the scenes.

Darren Star

Everyone's making living wages, nobody's earning less than that, and they work with respect and dignity. We've done everything possible to show other restaurant owners how things could be better for them and for their workers.

Saru Jayaraman

We had 20 locations last year. We ran out of soup everywhere, spoons, everything. We were preparing for 200-300 people and we had more than 1,000. We're ready this time -- every restaurant is making 8-10 gallons of soup. We've prepared for 2,000 people, really.

Amy Camp

We're not the food police ... but we want people who are on a special diet to be able to go into a restaurant where they can find something they can eat.

Rebekah Spetnagel

Tommy has said along and along this is God's will, that God sent Ed to his restaurant and that there was a reason for him to meet him and this was the reason.

Lynn White

They'll basically figure out what the power tables will be in the new restaurant. Then we will figure out how the jigsaw is taken apart and how it will go back together.

David Middleton

Experience: Citron 47 Restaurant and Lounge -- public liaison for food and liquor deliveries.

Brenda Greene

The other beauty of it is if it really does support two chefs, you have two chefs not burning themselves out by trying to be a 24-hour business. Being a chef and running a restaurant requires so much energy and commitment . . .

Meriby Sweet

[He] confronted the worker with a sawed-off shot gun and ordered her back into the restaurant.

Paul Dolbey

Our purpose was not to bring concerns to the borough. From day one, we wanted to come here and use our expertise to bring a high-quality restaurant to the borough.

Man Wong

This event has definitely grown. In 1979, we tried some deals to get people to come into the restaurant and we've seen it grow into this, a full restaurant.

Craig Cooper

When we do go out, we are very afraid, and if we go to a restaurant, for example, we always think about, 'OK, do we want to sit next to the front or do we want to sit in the back?' Because a suicide bomber might come in, and I don't want to die today, because I am only 18.

Liat Margalit

The culture of Italians is that of a very short time, so it is difficult, ... It would be unbelievable in our country to, say, make a reservation at a restaurant one month in advance. They would answer the phone and say, 'Are you crazy, sir?' .

Valentino Castellani

It all comes back to the basic. Serve customers the best-tasting food at a good value in a clean, comfortable restaurant, and they'll keep coming back.

Dave Thomas

People don't have to tolerate bad service. And if they're unhappy with the service at one restaurant they go to another one.

Nina Zagat

You'll have The Farm of Beverly Hills on your right, then over there's the valet parking. On the left, there's another great, upscale restaurant. It's all coming.

Larry Green

We had a friend cosign the loan. No bank would give a loan, [so] basically two other people put in $30,000 each. Then, there were about 21 other limited partners for West Hollywood. We raised $510,000 for the first restaurant.

Barbara Lazaroff

I wanted the health department to make this presentation because I have seen this coming. I wanted us to get as much information as possible and open it up to the public and our restaurant owners, because they will be impacted the hardest.

Mayor Dorothy Larson

It might be a really nice-looking restaurant, but if it's sitting empty on a Saturday night, that's probably not a good sign.

Julian Smith

Ten in the morning is the classic time for coffee. We sit down at the restaurant and work on the day's plans.

Jani Lehtinen

We'll bring in some fabulous Worth Avenue-quality retailers and a great restaurant.

David Barton

We really look at it as a great opportunity to highlight Mount Clemens to out of town visitors to the area those who haven't been to the city in some time. We have become the entertainment and restaurant capital of Macomb County.

Arthur Mullen

It smells like a restaurant.

John Hurley

Restaurant deals always do really well because the come out at different times of the year. There are very few, they are unique. I have high hopes for this one.

Jeffrey R. Hirschkorn

So much food is wasted in the United States. When I go to a restaurant, I bring my meal.

Adam Weissman

It's important to give back to the community. This isn't just a restaurant to go to for good food and drinks. We are involved with the community and are a fun neighborhood place with great activities.

Robyn Young

I have a choice. I can go to a bar or restaurant that has non-smoking. I don't think it's fair for the government to tell us what we can do with our bodies. How can you say one business can't but another business can?

Gary Richardson

DUCK-BILL, n. Your account at your restaurant during the canvas-back season.

Ambrose Bierce

To make bio-diesel from vegetable oil, you get the oil from the restaurant, heat it up to about 120°, mix it with methanol, and lye, the right proportions, shake it, let it settle, and you get glycerin at the bottom and the rest is all bio-diesel ready to go.

Jacques Chiron

It's just like going to a fancy restaurant.

Beth Buster

Beyond the many cosmetic changes, we've re-configured the restaurant to provide a better use of the space, which contributes to improved operating efficiencies as well as enhanced customer service.

Jeff Powell

Guests ask for her constantly. You could fill up the restaurant with people asking for her.

Sean Fitzgerald

He was crushed, it's just terrible. We're not sure when that restaurant will open again.

Karla Mundale

With all the classes, we teach people how to control their ingredients so they can really control what they're eating. It takes much less time to cook than go to a restaurant, and you control what you're putting in your mouth.

Kate Webster

It's working so much that it will be a staple in every restaurant we open.

Rob Katz

The restaurant area will create an entertainment aspect to the center.

Deborah Gibb

Having to look at it almost in retrospect now is also damaging to the restaurant industry, though. I don't imagine anyone's going to be happy to hear that they may have eaten fish in a Chinese restaurant that could have been contaminated.

Bruce Cran

I went to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any time'. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.

Steven Wright

We expected this disaster. Everyday I told the policemen not to eat among the civilians, but they didn't care and said all Iraq is targeted, not only our restaurant.

Uday Mohammed

They eventually closed that and opened up Carroll's Western Wear and the Western Traveler restaurant on Hwy. 90.

Heath Carroll

We'd have to look at the way our restaurant is configured as to whether we could serve or not.

Tim Hall

We don't have any specifics to share about which hotel chain would go up there, or which restaurant or bank. But apparently, that's what the developer wants to build there.

Jeff Murray

We've been parading it around the restaurant as 'award-winning' lately.

Bernie Kavo

The police called me at the restaurant and said his car was still in the garage. I told them that if his car was there, he was there, and they busted down his door.

Rhonda Yates

Now you can have a small taste of beer or wine and a bit of food to go with it without the emotional commitment of dining in a regular restaurant.

Clark Wolf

[The New Jersey Restaurant Association] would not oppose if it was statewide without exceptions. We are committed to fight for fairness.

Deborah Dowdell

They both discovered they had once visited the same restaurant in Mexico when they were on their respective vacations.

Val Sullivan

The Fargo restaurant is doing wonderful. So is the one in Sioux Falls.

Bill Nadon

A customer who often comes to my restaurant and always enchants me for his simplicity, shyness and self-irony is film director Woody Allen.

Arrigo Cipriani

It's a restaurant within a community that's affordable, so that the people within the community can afford to come and eat and enjoy themselves.

Sharon Mckennie

It's definitely going to be a mixed use, ... There's no way it could be just a restaurant.

Paul Hogan

It is great that each [restaurant] has its own personality.

Katherine Carmody

The ratings reflect Dunkin's very highly leveraged capital structure, thin cash flow protection measures, narrow product focus and participation in the intensely competitive quick service sector of the restaurant industry.

Diane Shand

We ask new employees to share with us their most memorable restaurant experience and why. They never say it was because of the food. It's the way a special occasion was handled, or how a mistake was handled.

Pat Mcdonnell

When you first entered the restaurant, I thought you were handsome... and then, of course, you spoke...

Helen Hunt

I tried catering first and then I put money into the restaurant as I got it. I've cooked all my life, since I was 7. I don't know what the secret is - a gift from God.

Mary Reynolds

Courtyard ... it's more kind of a business hotel. We're going to have a bar, restaurant and a conference center.

Mike Patel

A restaurant is a weird science. It's a chemistry, and that place had it.

Nick Powers

It would amaze you the absolute complexity of restaurant IT needs.

Bill Fitzpatrick

The Golden Gate Restaurant Association did a study, when the law first came out, the first quarter, and people reported, based on their experience, a 20 percent loss in revenues.

Kathleen Harrington

I was the main complainer about not having my favorite dishes, and then someone suggested that I open my own restaurant.

Gary Edwards

We weighed in early on in the process. It is an important provision for the restaurant industry.

Rob Green

I can't see any good reason for them to be in the restaurant business. It's an anchor pulling through the sand at the bottom of the ocean.

Tom Pirko

We all have a restaurant background.

Jason Mink

Our restaurant is operated by our family, for families.

Jim Frederick

What do we know about running a restaurant? Everything and nothing! The principles of business are the same and can be applied to anything.

Paul Kovensky

After talking to people all day long in the restaurant, which I love to do, I look forward to being quiet at home.

Emeril Lagasse

Luigi, the restaurant manager, said to me once that he keeps that particular table for the Queen of Norway or the Queen of Denmark. One night the Queen of Norway was eating at this table and the Queen of Denmark walked in. She looked at the table, she looked at the Queen of Norway, she looked at Luigi and without a word she walked out.

Egon Ronay

If you're going to put a restaurant in Downtown, these four areas will offer your best chances for success.

Ed Dunlap

Service is not a San Francisco problem. It's a national problem, ... It's the largest problem in the restaurant industry in the 71 cities we cover.

Zagat Survey

Restaurant staff recognized Song, confirming that she was the person who stole the suitcase.

Zhao Jinyi

I'm an owner and manager of a restaurant. I did what I thought was right. If they would have contacted me prior to the event and told me their plans, I would have politely told them to leave the flag at home.

Zach Doulaveris

I was in a no-win situation. To 50 percent of the world, the Confederate flag represents heritage, but to the other half it means racism. I'm not here to draw that line. This is a restaurant. It's not a place for politics.

Zach Doulaveris