Our brand of basketball is relevant to kids. There's a connection to the players.

Taylor Duffy

The idea really came to us when we realized we had hundreds of silent films in our library that we couldn't air on the network because they had no musical score to accompany them. We also wanted to find a way to reach out to younger audiences, to keep our library relevant to them. This program helps draw in composers in that age range.

Katherine Evans

Next to nothing is known about this process, but it could be of great importance to the well-being of the offspring. This is particularly relevant because of the alarming rate of child abuse and neglect.

Mark Erickson

It's a happy coincidence that when we bought the Fantasy catalog we were also able to sign one of the most relevant and talented singer-songwriters of our generation. We're all enormous fans of his music. He's a big hero here.

Norman Lear

We were motivated by a desire to design a system for anyone to both build with fabric in a way similar to playing with Lego and create objects that are rich with relevant context-aware computation without having to program.

Gauri Nanda

No relevant data which support hypotheses, laws, models and theories could be found in the papers and books by proponents of intelligent design, only unsubstantiated assumptions. Therefore, it can justifiably be viewed as pseudoscience.

Mark Perakh

The commission is of the view that this would provide yet another opportunity for the Syrian authorities to show greater and meaningful cooperation, and to provide any relevant substantial evidence on the assassination.

Detlev Mehlis

PReach gives search engines just what they want: relevant, meaningful content. Your optimized press release not only informs the public about your news, products, events, and services, it leads interested prospects directly to your company. And that's the most important element in any marketing effort.

Lisa Wehr

At that rate, it is literally impossible to read everything that is relevant to an issue or subject. A new challenge has presented itself--how to make sense out of this monstrous conversation, and how to find the most interesting and authoritative information out there.

David Sifry

We want you to find stories that are relevant, [that] you can apply directly to your life. Surprising, in-depth, contextual stories that help us make good decisions about the future.

Chris Johns

Functionally, Linux lacks the ability to audit the necessary events [all security-relevant events] to meet the functional requirements of the Common Criteria Controlled Access Protection Profile (CAPP).

Linda Walsh

The opinion is intended to provide some guidance going forward if this issue becomes relevant later in the legislative session.

Melissa Merz

Let them know who may be contacting them, and briefly outline the key elements you would like them to respond to. That way, your references will be able to respond with relevant information.

George Fleming

Overall, things are changing. We have to be relevant to a broad range of customers. Price is important, but we are also concerned with value. Value is not just price. It is assortment and convenience.

Gail Lavielle

The relevant departments of the People's Republic of China have repeatedly indicated clearly that such incidents would never happen in China. Should it occur, the Chinese law will punish the culprits.

Zhu Bangzao

Some competitive keyword ad buys currently being made will be eliminated because the competitors (or search engines) decide those purchases are too risky. Stock valuations of relevant industry players should adjust downward accordingly.

Eric Goldman

(What she meant was fencing is relevant) because of the moment-to-moment interaction of two actors together who have to be listening and aware of each other, and who have to be so completely involved in what's going on in the moment that everything else sort of becomes secondary. It's the focus, the one-on-one interaction, the moment-to-moment.

Eric Bryant

She introduced the whole thing by saying there are two sports that are directly relevant to acting -- tennis and fencing.

Eric Bryant

It's not important to me to talk about it all the time, but it comes up when it's relevant.

Elvira Kurt

It used to be that they had to be directly relevant to the firm.

Elizabeth Tarbert

It's important to emphasize that this work is not directly relevant to humans. First, rats have a universal drive to run. While some people may feel internally motivated to exercise, most do not and need additional incentives.

Elizabeth Gould

First was to create a rationale for it by convincing people that the city wasn't doing well under the mayor's leadership, ... and second was that he could do better. He had to clear the first to make the second relevant, but he never came close on either.

Edward Skyler

We will be working with professors to generate proposals. We won't simply look at what's out there and give them money, but will look for proposals that have specific automotive and, in Boeing's case, aerospace applications. We are really looking for proposals that will be relevant to both of us.

Ed Krause

We would of course speak with any interested shareholder of relevant thoughts and perspectives. We have informed Icahn that we'd be happy to meet.

Alfred Adler

Some people there are not alert for bird flu. They don't report serious pneumonia cases to relevant departments when they hear of them.

Zhong Nanshan

One thing we've learned about videos is there are often missing pieces before and after. The quality of the video is often problematic and the sound doesn't pick up relevant issues and can actually distort things.

Eugene O'donnell

We had some trepidation whether or not we wanted to do it because we had been in the mode of doing the other. Once we got into the very first rehearsal, it reminded us how good Mozart was, how funny and how relevant to today.

Eric Smithey

The number three seems to have a particular significance, relevant in some strange ways to the relation between man and nature.

Erno Rubik