The in-principle agreement will see allied health professionals receive one of the best enterprise bargaining agreements in the country.

David Llewellyn

I think they're both two of the best professionals at what they do. I don't think it's going to be a problem. If it is, I'm sure the media will be there to cover it.

Luke Walton

It's important to educate yourselves. You need to find out where you can get the help your child needs. There are a lot of sources on the Internet. You also need to communicate with the schools and professionals.

Brian Goff

It's still small. We don't have lots of booths, tons of things going on. It's really focused on the birds, and at night, the lectures by the professionals.

Dawn Grafe

Because we've had the opportunity to develop a plan and approach from scratch Avalon asked insurance professionals, employers and potential members what they want in their health plan. From their point of view, we've created a consumer-focused model for the future.

Drew Cassidy

Noble beings are never alone. You can rent a office with your friends who are engaged in different work - you could be a photographer while your friends could be a designer, a consultant or other professionals.

Yu Qiduo

Our guys are professionals. They have been playing hard. They also have not been panicking in good or bad situations. We made a lot of plays (Friday).

Mike Dailey

That is what coaching is all about. It is not all about winning premierships, it is about developing these players and moving them on to better places where their abilities can be progressed by professionals.

John Little

Like doctors with specialties, professional appraisers and home inspectors can see things that their customer typically cannot. It's vital that both professionals be involved in the process.

Thomas Byrne

Meridian International Center seeks to educate people of all ages about global issues, connect professionals from different countries, and enrich the cultural perspectives of audiences across the US and abroad.

Judith Close

Robbie is probably one of the best professionals I have ever worked with, and I don't say that lightly.

Mick Cooke

There's a circuit of Olympic specialists. They are the elite of the elite - super-professionals who move from one Olympics to the next. They are more flexible, open to big changes and more used to moving around.

Evelina Christillin

We're honored to serve the local real estate professionals helping to rebuild the area. And we're happy to have Harmon Homes back in New Orleans.

Ernie Blood

It's a good opportunity for some of our local amateurs to play with world class professionals.

Eric Hayes

The professionals are going to be joined by the average Joe. Everybody's a publisher.

Eric Brown

It's going to fill a need for some types of professionals that can be in short supply.

Eric Becker

So if the doctor prescribes for example an ounce of something to fall asleep, it will be controlled by the medical professionals at the hospital to ensure the patient receives it in a safe and timely way.

Edouard Hendriks

We have earned the reputation of providing Latino professionals with the opportunity to find meaningful positions at well-respected companies in the Atlanta area. We are able to attract the most qualified and diverse candidates to our job fair.

Edna Rodriguez

There's also usually a black hat contingent at most mainstream security conferences. Since information security and hacking are two sides of the same coin, many hackers go to security conferences and many security professionals go to hacker events -- neither community seems to mind.

Ed Moyle

There are two big market segments driving downtown residential: the young professionals and the empty nesters. We've had a very low number of empty nesters.

Ed Wolverton