Bedford Park is the ideal location for industrial users looking for close proximity to transportation and a deep labor pool.

Doug Hayes

I'm not advocating your candidacy at this juncture, but I would like to have the town commission have the ability to include you in the candidate pool if you were so inclined.

Commissioner Finn Caspersen

We've very excited to host our district meet. Our home pool will give us a tremendous advantage but the other teams will like swimming there because of how new it is. It's well-lit and deep and has a lot of other benefits of a newer pool.

Shari Walling

I'm only talking about days here. I might even be back in the pool this week.

Luk Boral

I am an unpopular electric eel in a pool of catfish.

Edith Sitwell

This is dirty pool. The Republicans are clearly trying to fix the Democratic primary.

William Binning

Her 10th birthday was last May, but she wanted to wait to have the party until I could be there, ... We're going to have it at the swimming pool at my house.

Richard Quick

This is not parking for the pool, it is a city parking lot.

Jan Mcelwrath

The effect of all this opposition is not to prevent gay people from becoming parents. All it can do is diminish the pool of mothers and fathers for children who need homes.

Adam Pertman

If there are no more tournaments added I could be looking at playing pool. Why not? You don't want to be sat at home twiddling your fingers all day.

Stephen Hendry

If it was a big conspiracy, don't you think he would have bet more than $18? And won? There was no million-dollar pool. It was just a kid ruining his reputation and his livelihood.

Gary Piontkowski

She's the best girls swimmer we've ever had at Weston without a doubt and we've had some good ones. In addition to the points Eliza scores for us, she brings so much out of the pool. She's a great captain and leader.

Pete Foley

We're comparing the event to other data of cloud cover, temperature and other factors near Antarctica at that time. It's still too early to tell, but there's a lot of curiosity about events like this and not a lot of data. We've been comparing notes and pooling data to learn more.

Peter Brown

The pool has seen dramatically declining use since the mid-1990s. We've been operating in the red, but fewer people are coming each year.

Paul Gilbert

Our best defense against a flood is to lower the pool (the lake). If we can take the pressure off the lake levels, we lower the potential for something happening.

Miles Waldron

The owners who like Tahoe love the new one. It's much more polished. But I do think the pool of those buying big SUVs is shrinking.

Alan Starling

Bob is one of the most talented guys I've ever met. His studio's in his home so we would do vocal takes and guitar takes and then jump in the pool. It was a great experience.

Dallas Smith

It's good because it gets him back in the gym, back into the mode of training for a big fight. ... Get him out of the pool hall a little bit.

Freddie Roach

The stream ran through the parking lot two to three feet deep and tore up tiles and filled the pool with mud.

Don Heacock

The Australian wine consumer represents less than 15 per cent of our profit pool.

Trevor O'hoy

Her friends saw her having sex in the pool in front of everyone. She also slept with my client just five minutes after she met him.

John Barnett

A lot of makers and inventors are really proud of their barbecue-powered pool heater, or whatever it is.

Bob Parks

They know there are sex offenders hanging around the community center with kids and at the swimming pool, but they've lacked any legal mechanism to exclude them.

Attorney General Rob Mckenna

The club was going to do some work on the 18th green. They put a border all the way around. So we thought that was an opportune time to get in there and do the pool at the same time.

Terry Wilcox

We talked for a brief minute (inside a local pool hall), and I asked (Jackson) what had happened. He said they went to the house, they saw her, and (Jackson) hit her.

Billy Burns

Before we had the pool, we had walking events. For some children, it would be walking three or four steps, whatever they were able to do.

Shannon Adote

Here's a 3,300 square foot footprint of a house with a pool and patio.

Daniel Stone

Never organized anything more complicated than a car pool.

Donna Dees thomases

We will set up a new catalysts division where we would pool Engelhard's activities with our own existing ones.

Juergen Hambrecht

She's been down at the pool every morning doing running workouts. She's done what she needed to do to get back.

Tamra Strano

It'll be a lot more fun for kids than the other pool was.

Mike Barber

The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.

Steven Wright

I'm a good pool player. I just got lucky but if you shoot the puck, that's what can happen sometimes.

Kristian Huselius

It will help increase river diversity, and provide a nice, deep, cool pool for fish to hang out in during the hot summer months.

Trent Baker

The most the kids seem to get is five packs for $50. They pool their money and one kid with the guts to go to Detroit buys for them all.

Jerry Tarchala

If someone is making money on the pool, then it's illegal. It technically might be a violation, but it's never been prosecuted.

Jack Lewis

This doesn't have a gym or a pool, but the Hunt center has a summer camp and other programs.

Linda Carlo

One family talked about not being able to enjoy their backyard pool during this beautiful weather, ... We've got a husband of a family in the hospital this evening, with symptoms from cryptosporidiosis.

Paul Nunes

A year ago I thought it was a done deal. I thought we weren't going to have a pool. I'm encouraged.

Wade Taylor

If you do that, you keep the pool of available money that can be stolen small enough so that it's not really worth going to jail for. I'm very realistic.

Jimmy Fahrenholtz

Derek told us how great it was there and it sounded like a better deal than the places we were at. We all figured we might as well play where we could be playing golf or at the swimming pool by noon.

Brian Idalski

There is a strong (talent) pool, but a very small pool.

Darryl Frank

Some people think we have a nursing shortage because there are not enough folks interested in nursing. That's not the case in Utah. We actually have a large applicant pool.

Maureen Keefe

Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean.

Christopher Reeve

I've heard through the grapevine that it is going to be difficult to put a jury pool together, and I don't know if they're going to be able to get one.

James Mchugh

This test is an opportunity for the city to increase some of their numbers and give them a more diverse pool.

Carolyn Mclaughlin

On singing in the swimming pool: "If I can move the water, I can move the people."

Michael Bolton

Northern Virginia is tech central, and we are delighted that BDPA has a home in this technology corridor. This chapter will help companies grow their talent pool.

Wayne Hicks

The candidate pool was exceptionally strong, which says good things about the way people around the country perceive the University of Maine and its athletic department.

David Townsend

We are focused on building products that are very tailored to the Chinese market and tapping into the tremendous engineering pool that China has.

Daniel Alegre

When it's 40 below and people want to stay home, pool players have to come out and play.

John Amelsberg

So we thought it would be super for the ladies to have a nice, clear water pool that they could dive into.

Terry Wilcox

The jobs will get done. But it may take longer to do some of them, because we have a finite pool of money to work with.

Randy Ort

The Internet makes it much more easy. They have a ready made pool of victims.

Tom Evans

We have had a very good pool of candidates.

Karrie Heartlein

If you only look for candidates in a pool of people that look and act like you, you're likely to get candidates that look and act like you. This has to be based on a meritocracy, not just who you know.

Peter Roby

I remember I had this male instructor who I liked, and I would just get in the pool and go. I looked forward to it every day.

Meghan Sackett

Everyone in the pool business is very busy, ... People are refinancing and adding pools to existing homes, and the majority of new homes have pools installed on new construction.

Terry Turner

The pool is over 50 years old and it has absolutely gotten to the point that we need to start over.

Bernadette Castro

I'm not a regular sports writer. You gonna let me in your pool?

Hunter S. Thompson

The people around here who used to play pool are his age. I'd like to get them coming in. Walking around the tables is good exercise for their bodies and figuring out the shots is good for their minds.

Ron Lanphier

The movie is not all swimming and that was a huge goal to show outside the pool. People see me cracking jokes and go, 'I didn't know you were funny.

Ian Crocker

This is the most disastrous effect on transportation I've seen, even more than the hurricane (Alicia) in the '80s, ... I-10 looks like a swimming pool for four-wheelers.

Kaylee Brown

We are just geeks who want to pull the two cities together and pool our resources.

Dean Mccall

We'll be a pretty competitive club. But when you're in a pool with the Dominican Republic and Venezuela, it's going to be tough.

Glenn Williams

Beer joint and pool hall.

Jim Porter

At a pool party, with everybody around, a guy and I had sex in the pool, but nobody knew it.

Krista Allen

There are 350 varieties of shark, not counting loan and pool.

L. M. Boyd

We are one of the smaller schools so it is tough enough to find kids to play. The larger schools have a bigger pool to pick from.

Dennis Mullin

Based on the size of the applicant pool, we're pretty confident we'll be able to fill the second-flute spot.

Robert Mcgrath

We swam in that pool (in the Northeast Invitational on Jan. 13-14). We know how big (the facility) is. Hopefully that experience will help.

Kelly Janda

What I would love to see is getting rid of silos and pooling budgets so we can do what the individual client needs.

Margaret Hodge

I don't see why you can't car pool.

Terri Morrison

As Ms. Fitch will work through June 30, she will complete the fiscal year and her successor will be drawn from the new pool now forming.

Jane Allen

This was the place where everyone came. We had a game room with a pool table. Sometimes kids would be here for two or three days before we had to send them home.

Rob Marvelle

You can see the progress Justin has had over the years. For him to get MVP in the Catholic Conference was a crowning accomplishment. The younger kids have looked up to him as a leader. He's proven that in the pool and on the deck.

Brian Buckley

Everybody was on their feet cheering him on. Andy is an incredible swimmer, an incredible athlete. I think what most of the people around the pool were talking about is how humble he is.

Brent Newman

We don't have the capacity, ability, or resources to administer [such a large pool of money].

Brad Maione

We sacrificed this whole season because our old pool was on this site, and we just demolished it.

Roger Adams

As a swimmer and as a team you'd rather go to where the fastest pool is and if you have something modern, well you'd rather go there.

Jim Engler

Training in that cold pool of a morning really tests you, whether you really want to do it or not.

Ian Thorpe

We're buying the UPC power because we need it. We are a co-op and are not out to make a profit. If [utilities] have more power than needed at any given day or hour, the excess is sold to the New England Power Pool.

Avram Patt

Not everyone is going to agree on how it should look, but all I see are concrete walls with a reflecting pool. It's dull.

Sherri Williams

I was just .2 off the pool record. I was hoping for it. But it is good to know that I'm doing good at this time because I know I'm only going to drop more time.

Max Dittmer

It grows the talent pool. It encourages employees looking from California, Seattle or Boston — when they're looking to move to Austin for a tech job, they want to know their other options so they can grow their career.

Larry Warnock

It was a great effort in his first Big 12 Championships. We did some things well but this is another step toward the NCAA Championships. Tomorrow is big day with more time in the pool, we need to stay focused and continue to improve every day of the meet.

Eddie Reese

The office pool. I don't consider it gambling. I think it's social interaction. And every office has it.

Eddie Einhorn

For that period, a matter of just over 24 hours, we are appealing to people to please put off their geysers. We are appealing to people ... to switch off their pool pumps and their pool heaters, to switch off unnecessary lights ... to switch off unnecessary appliances.

Ebrahim Rasool

Our target donor pool is individuals, families, businesses and organizations in Woodford County. 4-H really touches more people than just the current members.

Earl Allen

Because my boyfriend plays there Monday nights ... and the pool.

Eva Mendes

[It's] actually pretty amazing considering that we are a club team beating teams that draw players from a pool of D-I athletes.

Eric Jensen

In one sense, this is sad. I have many fond memories of the old pool.

Elyce Kastigar

Andy has a focus on improving as an overall athlete. He has focused on improving the technical aspects that will affect his performance in the pool. Andy has had to use the clock to push himself. I compliment him on this difficult task for a long season.

Elyce Kastigar

For instance, one of our representatives was walking through the pool area of one house when he noticed that the water level was low. He immediately filled it to a acceptable level.

Elaine Johnson

We feed the kids first. We use the pool water to flush the toilets, ... We are just trying to make things livable.

Edward Thomas

We began to blend increasing quantities of ethanol in our gasoline pool.

Eduardo Carvalho

You have to have some organization, and you can't have too much, and there is sort of a fine line between the two. Have activities and attractions that interest families. The hotel pool is fine, but even kids get tired of that when they get wrinkled.

Edith Wagner

This is working very well and we will continue to back each other and work together since we're all dealing with the same basic pool of criminals anyway.

Ed Mattingly