Rarely do you see a pistol.

The interesting and frightening thing about a crime is that you can't look at an individual and determine if that's someone you need to be concerned about as far as your children go.

I was just an average player on a very good team. I've tried to pass my Blue Devil experience on to today's players.

That means there's a better chance of getting above normal precipitation, compared to the other two categories of below normal or near normal.

He was like a walking Chamber of Commerce and an ambassador of goodwill. There are so many stories that you can just go on and on and on.

There's still plenty of consumer demand for direct-view televisions. They provide people looking to step-up to HD television a great value and for others satisfied with standard definition, an attractive price and solid performance.

They scored so early that we played most of the game on our heels.

At least there's a glimpse of precipitation.

The Internet makes it much more easy. They have a ready made pool of victims.