We believe the fundamentals continue to materially improve and that sales productivity and margins will continue to improve in 2006.

Adrienne Tennant

I'm trying to get comfortable. I'm here to improve my game. I'm not focusing on how many homers I'm going to hit in this league.

Joel Guzman

We need to improve on that dramatically. It's hard to keep control sometimes during a game when the adrenalin is flowing, but we have to learn how important it is to stay out of the box.

Kevin Raylman

It's exciting to see more and more students receive proficiency. But we are constantly seeking to improve the achievement gap.

Nate Mackinnon

This has the potential to improve the quality of life for millions of Americans with diabetes.

Dr. Steven Galson

It is important to improve the climate models, so we have higher confidence in the results. A lot of change is going on in the climate and our weather is definitely affected by polar climate.

Ronald Kwok

Creating 3,000 large-lot single family houses behind a gate is not going to improve things. That would be walling off the center of a very large geographic island.

Nat Roberts

Our technology strategy is, in the near term, to improve our gasoline and diesel engines, and for the medium term, we're heavily focused on hybrids.

Larry Burns

We hope to continue to win, but we still have a lot of work to do and have some areas of weakness we have to address. However, an emotional win like this can only help you and we hope to continue to improve.

Mark Slotsve

We have talked quite a bit about trying to do things more efficiently, and a charter would allow us to improve the way we do things.

City Manager Mari Macomber

It's more important that we're taking actions that will produce either a decision that somebody shouldn't be a provider -- which has happened in a lot of cases -- or a decision that allows that provider to improve their management.

Gordon Macinnes

We need to improve throughout the year. With us, it's all about taking care of the basketball.

Mary Becker

In 2006, we are aggressively taking actions to improve product and win back our customers.

Paul Pressler

We must improve our lives and we will do it together -- all of our citizens and myself as president of Ukraine...,

Viktor Yanukovych

We are in a dangerous position especially after the cases (reported) in Iraq...and we accept any help to improve our readiness.

George Khoury

I would like to improve (on last year's record). We are definitely capable.

Ted Braggins

It has been great to see him improve so much in a short period of time. Hopefully, he will continue to make his game better.

Paul Castonia

We expected the acupuncture to improve the pain. We didn't really expect the largest benefit to be in fatigue or anxiety.

Dr David Martin

He is young, he wants to improve as a player and we are delighted to have him here.

Steve Bleasdale

I know I can improve a lot in a month when I really focus on the track, if I can get on the team. Hopefully I have done enough.

Sonia O'sullivan

We're hoping that new management will be able to improve things but it won't happen overnight. DaimlerChrysler is a tanker that can't be turned around immediately.

Thomas Meier

This year we expect to improve our return on equity by 17 percent.

John Horne

There were attempts to improve the work conditions of the police, but the corruption continued as in other administrations.

Victor Clark

Our purpose is to improve the quality of life for our residents.

Harold Nectow

This is all new. We don't know what will happen. Hopefully that (survival rate) will improve.

Mark Kumberg

We disagreed with them that this disclosure was a productive exercise--how would it at all improve the situation on the Hudson?

Gary Sheffer

I am hoping for a big year out of Cory. He had a great year last year and has worked hard to improve.

Mark Brown

It's not always about points. It's about execution. We have a lot to improve on.

Chris Beatty

There are some ideas on the table as to how we can improve this situation, however none are complete at this time.

Jenny Jones

I seek constantly to improve my manners and graces, for they are the sugar to which all are attracted.

Og Mandino

I think the market will continue to rally as the economic data continues to improve.

Steve Neimeth

Year after year we've learnt lessons and have been able to improve in a serene atmosphere.

Sidney Govou

We don't get to face any more [NCAA Central Region] teams so we can't improve our head-to-head ranking.

Debby King

The market is not only based on yield, but also on growth. The market is anticipating that profit growth is going to improve.

Chris Reilly

We're starting to improve the little things and our defense is coming around. Right now we just have to take care of the things in our control.

Matt Nosack

If we open up more bike lanes, you can improve the city's overall health.

Rep. Beto O'rourke

She continues to improve. Her condition is good. If I were to guess, I think she could be leaving as soon as this weekend.

Jim Oliverson

We continue to improve, we're getting stronger with each game.

David O'donnell

We put this course on for the drivers to improve their awareness of the conditions through there and to reduce the number of crashes as a result.

Peter Goodwin

To really hit the mass market...in the hundreds of thousands and the millions of customers, we have to improve.

Mika Krammer

I want to work with different feed lines to help them formulate rations and improve efficiency.

Matt Quinn

We have looked at some of the failings of our country and embraced the idea that we can improve.

Gordon Campbell

Congratulations go out to Ben. We'll go back to work and try to improve tomorrow and give it another good race.

Mat Mladin

Their immediate challenge, ... is to give us a fresh creative approach to help improve sales.

David Novak

Don't take it as a telling off. Use it as a chance to improve your skills.

Sherridan Hughes

We haven't been playing well for the past four or five weeks and we need to improve our defense.

Shane Showalter

You can tell early on that we're going to grow offensively. The key for us offensively is the line's going to have to improve.

Larry Neumann

The aim of my visit to the region is to improve relations with neighboring countries.

Moqtada Sadr

There is no progress if you don't have the government pushing the industry to improve.

Carol Tucker Foreman

One of the key things here is. . .the road infrastructure to improve Canada-U.S. trade, that's one of the best things we can do to improve productivity.

Dale Orr

That was his best outing. And the most impressive thing is, he continues to improve every time out. But I told him he can't be satisfied with it. Hopefully he can use this game and continue to improve.

Donnie Williams

I've never seen a team improve as much as I've seen us improve the last couple of months. We could fall flat on our face, but that won't diminish what we've done the last couple of months.

Brad Chasteen

Ashley (Hermes) continues to improve. Her short game (Thursday) was impressive. She had only 32 putts.

Kipp Schreiner

This is part of our continuing process to improve bus service.

Susan Meyer

The purpose behind this lawsuit is to improve the conditions of confinement for inmates in the county jail.

John Eldridge

She contributed a lot offensively and that's a credit to her. She's done some things to improve her swing, so I think she'll be better offensively and defensively.

Greg Dierks

I do expect, if the trend continues, that he will improve.

Dr. Lawrence Roberts

The council, to their credit, are approaching this issue with care and asking good questions. We can't see all, we can't do all and we can't know all, but a human relations committee can help improve a community.

Stacy Phillips

We will definitely look at it and see what can be done to improve safety at the intersection.

Mike Claffey

Yuni doesn't have to improve on anything. He's pretty outstanding at whatever he does.

Carlos Garcia

That's one of my goals for this year: top 10. I really want it and I have to work hard. There are some aspects in my game I have to improve.

Ana Ivanovic

Surgery will not improve the range of motion enough.

Bill Neff

We have to try to improve the election infrastructure, improve the education of voters.

David Cardwell

Both exports and domestic demand are on a good footing. Production is likely to improve gradually in the coming months.

Yasukazu Shimizu

If you improve or tinker with something long enough, eventually it will break or malfunction.

Arthur Bloch

It's going to be a tough tournament. It's going to be a tournament in which we could improve on some district seeds if we wrestle well.

David Ganey

What we need in this country is more good airlines, and that will bring down prices and improve the quality of service.

John Duncan

If we habitually focus on how to improve things that are already great, can you see how this spirit can transform ourselves, our organizations, families and communities?

Tony Robbins

There's a lot to be pleased about and there is a lot to be down about on what we can improve on (after scoring 35 points in an 80 - 23 win!)

Jonny Wilkinson

As we get more feedback, that gives us the opportunity to improve.

Jeanice Jarvis

It's hard to improve upon perfection.

Robert W. Burke

As a major shareholder, our overall goal is to improve corporate governance and shareholder value.

Rob Feckner

When the (U.S.) market improves we improve, and when it gets worse up there it gets worse down here.

Celso Senise

It will greatly improve the flow in that section.

Steve Allaband

The objective of debt relief is to free up resources to improve the lot of the poor.

Pedro Alba

This is going to improve the quality of our identification, which we use at every checkpoint in the country.

Richard Falkenrath

It's not as much as we'd like to pay. We'd like to improve that.

Rick Keller

We're trying to improve our ability to conduct that kind of business on our site as a customer service to the citizens.

Bob Woods

The divestment will definitely improve sales growth. We should see some positive impact on the sales growth line.

Richard Withagen

We've been working on a number of things to improve our service, and that has a cost.

John Bromley

We don't want to see something that you did 30 years ago. We want to see something current, and to watch your work improve.

Denise Copeland

She is going to find all kinds of wonderful advice about how to improve her home, how to enhance her family and how to help herself with her own life.

Bill Kerr

The hope is they (Cerberus) can improve sales and improve margins to actually make it a better deal for us.

Richard Auletta

She is a good student, a good all-around kid. She will have to keep working hard to improve her quickness.

Phil Willard

The only way this company can improve their earnings is through pursuing a merger or by being acquired. It's not very innovative, but it's what they're going to have to do.

Barbara Ryan

We're going to look to improve as the season goes on. I'm hoping for the states.

Steve Annino

The real thing we wanted to do is get faster. That's the place I felt like we really needed to improve and we got some fast guys that are going to help us out.

Robin Ross

This needs to be done this session. This is one thing we can do to help improve our city.

Hampton Grunewald

One of the biggest things is that the academic and research community has access to the code to improve it.

Anne Thomas

We're constantly looking to improve all of our services. And it's definitely an area we're looking into.

Clay Owen

We have identified areas where we can improve.

Bernard Laporte

I talked to him yesterday. He just told me about a couple of things I did wrong and a couple of things I could improve upon.

Louis Rankin

The good news is that things are getting better, Clearly we need to do more to improve the oral health of poorer Americans.

Bruce Pihlstrom

We now expect that on balance things could improve slightly in 2006.

Hubertus Pellengahr

My main focus right now is to improve going into next year.

Dallas Baker

Japan Inc. is getting stronger, and their profitability continues to improve very nicely.

Jesper Koll

We really would need a transponder to improve tracking enough to firmly establish that an impact would occur.

Alan Harris

We'll do the best to improve the final result, but at the present, there are no big factors that deserve to change the forecast.

Toshio Nakajima

As the economy continues to improve, so does MBA recruiting.

Jeff Rice

Worldwide, it'll be a tracking system. It will improve our importing and exporting concerns about diseased animals.

Jim Barho

Companies will have an incentive to improve if they know consumers can check out their service records.

Janee Briesemeister

We worked on a few things to help improve it.

Jim Arendt

Communication needs to improve on the field. I would also like to see improvement on our possession. We are okay, but we can get better.

Tim Dougherty

They've got to improve the performance of the broadcast division.

Henry Berghoef

A lot of it is technique stuff. Until we improve, anybody and everybody is going to come after us.

Casey Rabach

Both sides should try to clarify what happened and take measures to improve on their mistakes.

Michel Lu

It is what it is. The only thing I can do as a player is to continue to work on my game and improve myself.

Greg Vanney

This group's strength was the ability to improve. They continuously learned and got better.

Alicia Townsend

When everyone knows everything is going right for a company, sentiment is hard to improve.

Richard Farmer

Greater use of gas for power generation in Australia will also help to improve Australia's greenhouse performance.

Belinda Robinson

I played pretty well. I just need to improve on a lot of things.

Markus Manson

We cannot deny the facts of nature, but we should certainly try to improve on them.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

These actions will improve the learning climate and assure a safer learning environment.

Gene Harris

In the end this will have to be a decision that balances the dual need to protect public access and improve security.

Paul Tyler

I want to try to continue to improve so I can help the team each year.

Eric Bogden

It's designed so we can improve our efficiency, and expand the volume moving through.

Eric Smith

We didn't play our best, but we still won. That's great, but we have to play the same kind of game every week. That's something we have to improve on.

Eric Rice

Right now the main thing is to concentrate on the little things. She's not going to improve on this distance every meet.

Errol Logue

I hope so. But I don't expect her to go out and improve on that distance every meet. If she continues to do the mental things correctly, she could do even better.

Errol Logue

Jim jumped well and will continue to improve. Jim needs no motivation. He motivates himself enough.

Eric Murray

It should improve safety and significantly improve mobility.

Erin Phalon

Reducing staff seems to have become a central part of the executive board's strategy to improve efficiency...and we don't accept this.

Erich Klemm

We've got to keep our heads up. We'll improve as the season goes along.

Eric Wallace

How can we improve the organization? How can we bring better services to the citizenry?,

Eric Swanson

This is in line with the work we've been doing on an action plan to try and improve the capacity of the Libyans to deal with AIDS/HIV.

Emma Udwin

We?re all eager to better ourselves and improve.

Emma Hayes

I don't think we'll have to change anything (from the first game). Just by having more practice and with greater intensity has helped us improve our game.

Ellie Radke

This will contribute to improve political and economic relations with the EU.

Elias Murad

It is called destruction before reconstruction. People will have to see the danger of war, the hopelessness of war, before things can improve.

Elizabeth Joyce

That is our next big goal, to get someone there to help get people out of pain and improve their health through dental care.

Elaine Miller

The horse is doing well, but for myself, let's say it's possible that business goes in cycles. It's been disappointing but, hopefully, things will improve, starting Sunday.

Eduardo Inda

It's been tough. But we just try to keep our head up and improve.

Reed Jackson

He just wants us to improve over the course of the season.

Ed Howell

You're expected to be perfect the day you start, and then improve.

Ed Vargo

We expect to improve fairly rapidly as the season goes on.

Ed Ortego

I'm really ready to start working and improve my game.

Zane Teilane