They have put new hurdles in the path of people who are already flat on their back due to financial crises.

Brad Botes

(The) recent drought has a huge financial impact.

Hank Gilbert

They are obviously building to be a bigger company than their financial guidance is letting on.

Gene Munster

This is a financial decision and not a change in strategy.

Aaron Blakely

A lot of these countries owe money to [U.S. banks] in dollars and yen and, therefore, our financial institutions may find it a little more difficult to collect on some of that money.

Robert Hormats

Financial services are not excluded; they are simply not yet included.

David Aaron

We have always been in excellent financial condition due to Dr. Bolton?s exceptional knowledge and financial talents.

Karen Zelley

The religious side says it is a lifelong commitment. But the financial side also says it is a lifelong commitment.

Seth Harp

The time has come for me to address certain personal estate, charitable and other financial matters.

Patrick Ryan

Equities have been hammered, reflecting the broader financial community's view that energy is at its peak.

Seth Kleinman

As we explain the benefits to the financial institutions, migration will occur.

Kerry Williams

Unfortunately, the financial health of the P.B.G.C. is not improving.

Bradley Belt

Elliott Homes brings a lot of expertise and a little bit more financial muscle. It means bigger and better projects, and bigger and better communities that we will develop.

Scott Spencer

The CPA did not implement adequate financial controls.

Stuart Bowen

There is an enormous economic and financial challenge facing us as we try to provide that education.

William Maestri

At this time, the motive -- if there is one -- appears to be financial.

Martha Coakley

Most financial stuff is really boring.

William Conroy

It doesn't have anything to do with a good faith-bad faith situation - it just comes down to a financial situation.

Daniel Mcdonald

Since last August, the new chairman of the board, Roel Pieper, came up against a cesspool of financial issues.

Lanny Davis

No one on this board or anyone connected with them, or their families, has any financial interest in this transaction.

Laura Weiss

It's really been fun, and it's been educational. We've been low key, we haven't had controversies, and we've never really had financial problems.

Jerry Beisner

Delta's financial problems are severe, but by no means insurmountable.

Gerald Grinstein

It is our view and the collective view of all the advisors that we surrounded ourselves with that this speaks of more financial engineering.

Mike Roberts

All part of financial literacy.

Pat Schneider

Many just don't want a conviction on a drug charge, even a misdemeanor, because it can affect their employability or ability to get financial aid.

Doug Hughes

We believe the city has the ability to handle its financial problems and we expect that it will do so.

Terry Stanton

Often students aren't made aware of it until they actually apply for credit or they apply to get financial aid at an institution.

Natalie Forbort

I would not be surprised to see J&J come back. They've got $16 billion in cash at the end of 2005. They have tremendous financial resources. It's up to them.

Bruce Nudell

I would give something up if it was a matter of life or death, but for financial reasons, no.

Andrew Williams

Too early to have any estimates of the financial loss to banks.

David Barr

Potential customers have more faith and confidence in the financial health of IBM.

Adam Adelman

We have a lot of financial problems. If they don't give us this bill, we could be in bankruptcy. That's a fact.

Peter Davis

States are in much better financial conditions than several years ago.

Robin Prunty

This figure will be adjusted to approximately 10 per cent under the new Australian Financial Reporting Standards (AIFRS).

Charles Curran

I think this is a solid group with a solid developer. I think they have strong financial backing.

Bill Turner

Everybody take out your book on financial empowerment. That's why we're here.

Benjamin Chavis

We are not going to change our financial discipline, and we are not ready to overpay for acquisitions in retail banking.

Daniel Bouton

As the chief financial officer of a Fortune 500 company he knew exactly what he was doing.

James Ingram

He's a brilliant financial engineer. His record is always the same: cut costs, sell assets. That's terrific, only that's no way to run a retail business.

Howard Davidowitz

It would not be a heavy burden for us because most authorized dealers have financial strength.

Zhang Hui

There is an awful lot of capital out there for financial buyers to acquire these types of companies.

Michael Appel

By completing the FAFSA as soon as possible, families can secure the best possible financial aid package.

Mark Brenner

Academic qualifications are important and so is financial education. They're both important and schools are forgetting one of them.

Robert Kiyosaki

It's too early to talk about impacts in terms of production or financial impacts.

Samantha Evans

Allowing Medicare buy-in for caregivers of Medicare beneficiaries, or tax credits for caregivers' medical expenses, could ease their financial burden.

Sara Collins

Matt expressed to us his desire to stay, but that was challenged by a huge financial offer.

Andrew Fagan

It (becoming a financial center) could be a little faster.

Rick Pudner

It's intended to be a one-time-only financial grant.

Jason Smith

Banks are now recognized as providers of financial services.

Andrew Collins

This is the largest financial crisis since the depression.

Ron Ryan

This type of financial assistance is granted only after other resources have been exhausted.

Pat Loosen

The financial and fundamental impact is not as severe as some might fear.

Christopher Hickey

Financial people, investors, are there for people in different areas. It's the same with taxes. Some people will never be comfortable with doing their own taxes.

Hal Roberts

Essentially the business manager in Waltham is the chief financial officer for the school department.

David King

Measure of the financial deficit that households are running at an annualized rate.

Paul Kasriel

I believe in financial retirement. I don't necessarily believe in physical retirement.

Jerry Doyle

Whether they are looking for looking for a (financial) windfall or a souvenir, they are stealing.

Customs Enforcement

We could not have secured this championship if it hadn't been for the financial support and the community support from the chamber of commerce and the city of Coulee Dam.

Jonathan Hoskins

The Japanese consumer is very isolated from financial market dynamics.

Jesper Koll

Many corporations are starting to embed financial education for their employees.

Dara Duguay

Some of this may be because financial planning is confusing.

Thomas Mcinerney

Not only has it contributed from a financial standpoint but from a benevolent standpoint as well.

Jane Miller

Budget and Finance has broad authority with relation to financial matters.

Frank Seanez

College is part of the American dream. It shouldn't be part of a financial nightmare for families.

Barbara Mikulski

My financial ambition was to own my own house by the time I was 35.

Gordon West

In addition to cash financial support, we are also providing in-kind support.

Mary Huff

Anytime you deal with school finance, there's a possibility districts will have to make tough financial decisions.

Brad Mitchell

Our fixed cost structure remains a barrier to acceptable financial performance.

Ralph Hake

Financial accountability is the same as educational accountability.

Randy Daniels

I'm ecstatic. We have put a financial plan in place and we're certainly on target if not ahead of schedule as far as the revenue is concerned.

Warren Hood

Company CEOs and chief financial officers must vouch for the accuracy of their companies' public statements.

Paul Sarbanes

They go in debt too far right off the bat, and they have financial problems.

Don Campbell

If consumers need financial help, they need to ask for it now. Keep up a dialogue.

Rick Hackman

What we know about the global financial crisis is that we don't know very much.

Paul A. Samuelson

It's way too early to determine the long-term impact, financial or otherwise.

Kathy Walt

It's strictly financial. It's a difficult period right now.

Dean Breest

We believe that through some financial constraints, they?re unable to complete the lease at this time.

Johnny Haney

This will have a bigger impact on the world's economy and a smaller impact on the financial system.

Charles Blitzer

We hope to earn around $3.8 billion by the end of this financial year.

Fazlul Haque

We don't have any big financial backing we can depend on every year.

Barb Cox

I know at last what distinguishes man from animals; financial worries.

Romain Rolland

And he can help communicate with these institutions for cooperation in relation to financial matters.

James Sung

These are both in-depth audits. We will do extensive interviews and testing of financial records.

Jennifer Freeman

It seems she is receiving very favorable financial treatment for what she is now saying.

Bill Thomas

They have certainly learned how to turn attacks into attacks on their supporters. They have learned to turn attacks to their financial benefit.

Anita Dunn

We're excited to get this event into the community and have a chance to go through something like this. Not only is this a financial boost to our programs, but to the community too.

Megan Wilson

Past transitions at the Fed have often been accompanied by volatile financial markets.

Bill Dudley

This has left us with a serious financial burden.

Joe Phillips

Families go through enough emotional anguish having to cope with having a child suffering with cancer, and additionally they have financial stress.

Sandra Muvdi

We need Congress to consider financial relief (for businesses) to make it more competitive.

William Daley

It essentially put Sioux Falls and South Dakota on the map as far as the financial services industry.

Evan Nolte

I am not happy about this. I am concerned about this development and this development has to stop. We can see that this helps the export situation, but the confidence in the (financial community) and the public is concerned with this.

Ernst Welteke

We are transforming non-governmental organizations into financial institutions.

Enrique Garcia

I see very little other sources of financial catastrophe than credit-card debt.

Elissa Buie

You cannot definitely plan for financial emergencies, but you know that you will have financial emergencies -- everybody does -- so you have to be prepared.

Eileen Dorsey

Find themselves in dire financial straits.

Ed Whitfield

After 2002, China witnessed rapid development after the Asian financial crisis of 1997.

Zou Shoumin

You have a very, very vulnerable financial economy. I expect to see volatile markets.

Zhu Min