Cars are coming off that bridge at 55 mph. If they are comfortable at that speed, that's the speed they'll drive. I don't think squeezing them into one travel lane will work.

We are trying to maintain a higher level of water in the canal.

It looks like we have some good candidates, and all of them meet the qualifications we've set and also have good experience.

If [politicians] are going to go after this demographic, it's not just about the issues but about fairness and morality. And it's not the same thing as talking about religion specifically. What I hope politicians will talk about is whether their policies are fundamentally just or unjust.

We tried that and it works for a while. But as soon as law enforcement leaves, they're right back up to speed.

Our responsibility is to go through the applications and narrow the search down. (This) week we're going to interview a portion of the candidates and decide the ones we think are right for the job.

I'm grateful they thought of something. But I think they need to go back to the drawing board. I don't think this is the answer.

There's some real issues about what we're going to do with temporary housing or long-term housing.

Essentially the business manager in Waltham is the chief financial officer for the school department.