169 quotes about checking follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

No bank is going to cash a check issued to someone else.

Thom Mrozek

They were killing us with that fullback trap, ... We had a gut check in the red zone.

Kevin Mccabe

The stock has been an absolute monster; this was a reality check.

Aram Rubinson

You can't ever let your marketing department write a check your back-end can't cash.

Bill Bass

I have already been over there to check it out, to see what we are getting into.

Rick Nelson

Our mind protects ourselves by checking out.

Kelly Anderson

They had virtually an unlimited budget, an open check book. We're not going to have that.

Michael Coats

He would go ahead when Nixon was taking a trip and check out hospitals.

Leta Fickes

She's like, 'Come here! You've got to check this out,'.

Adam Timmerman

If it sounds like too good of a deal, check it out.

Glenn Jennings

You don't want to be lackadaisical about checking your bill.

Linda Sherry

All loads are subject to check.

Cynthia Knapp

I thought I had him with the poke check. But he got me 5-hole.

Vesa Toskala

Even the big bosses at the rubber companies would check with Jack Knight.

George Knepper

You won your first check yesterday.

Steve Kroft

Science does have a way of checking itself out. It's harder to get away with a lie in science than it is in life.

Jonathan Moreno

We're still checking on that. Actually, I hope he did. That means he liked it.

Herbert Spiegel

My bet is that others are experiencing the same things. I am also betting that most people aren't even doing any checking.

James Hurley

The tour company neglected to check the schedule.

Steve Mulvenon

I get surprised sometimes when we get a big check for a 10-year-old movie.

Paul Wachter

I didn't make the cut. Clearly, Avery didn't do his homework and check out what kind of shooter I was in college.

Del Harris

I'll pay the bill, but I'm not handing a check to the city to go into that fund.

Paul Valletta

If you're an author and someone is booking you a flight, they should check with you before they buy the ticket to make sure when you want to arrive.

Colin Channer

I'm picking up the check. Definitely. She's not paying for anything.

Brandon Hadwin

To check on stuff.

Gloria Williams

When you pay in advance, don't pay by check or cash. If you use a credit card, you may be able to recover some of that.

Frank Whitney

He doesn't have to check with the press office to see what we've said before. He's the president, it's his prerogative.

Nicolle Wallace

Check the caulking. This is something you should check just like you check the tires on your car.

Keith Swilley

Checking of students' ID cards is not enough to ensure security, all bags must be checked as well.

Habib Rahman

We're going to let them know he's 5, not 105. We weren't sure to check the box he's over 70 or not 18 yet.

Seth Evans

The simple answer is, you've got to check the windows.

Wes Kooistra

We made plays at gut-check times.

Bruce Weber

That's too early to check out. I would like to have (a backup) set up and running.

Richard Ahlquist

I keep checking, and we have not received any yet.

Scott Nester

They have to check out our house and make sure it is even livable.

Courtney Ward

Every month when my check came we would do one nice thing.

Bobby Anderson

If someone wants to come check us, check all you want to. I mean, I have a lactate analyzer, but that's all I've got.

Algis Shalna

We are asking people to call and check the status of their flights before they leave for the airport.

John Austin

Randy and I decided to get it started, so we wrote the check.

Derrick Jackson

We will have to move. We are checking for alternatives.

Roger Lyon

We needed to check ourselves at half time and make some adjustments.

Greg Perry

Don't let your mouth write a check that your tail can't cash.

Bo Diddley

It can act as a gut check for somebody.

Pat Dorsey

Writing them a blank check and not being able to have oversight does not achieve that.

Scott Garrett

It's a trend that we really need to check.

Jack Rogers

They should check their systems anytime a patch is issued.

Tom Duffy

(TEA) will not leave the office without that check in their hand.

Frances Jones

Usually I'd go over and check on him a lot.

Brandon Clark

Okay, I'll double check that.

Frank Culbertson

Of course, they ask for money back, and the check is no good.

Ross Howard

He kept believing in his approach and kept his emotions in check.

Pete Hughes

I'll go home and check them.

Andy Parker

We're actively recruiting and we're checking the mail every day to see who's coming.

Bill Nichols

He had come through once and gotten his check.

Denise Bishop

It was definitely a big gut check for the attack. We had to step up as a group.

Jon Birsner

My agreement with UCLA did not require me to do any reference checking whatsoever.

Leslie Askanas

As a driver it's our responsibility to get out of the vehicle and check around the vehicle.

Rocky Gonzalez

Denial is the number one aspect of medicine. That's why people don't get check-ups.

Larry L. King

A check would not always mean turning up something detrimental or negative.

Harvey Schiller

I really don't know. I would have to check....

Robert Pickersgill

I haven't heard back from Sheriff Mitchell yet, ... He's checking into it.

Gary Lewis

Their pitcher was on. He kept us in check.

Chris Santiago

Only those who attempt the absurd...will achieve the impossible. I think...I think it's in my basement... Let me go upstairs and check.

M.c. Escher

If you cannot be on the project each day to check on things, then you should not try and be your own contractor.

Robert Metcalfe

They really kept the Mohawk offense in check most of the day.

Bob Faduski

So when people tried to check this, there his documents were - but only because he'd put them there.

Bill Putnam

It's definitely a reality check. It scares the hell out of you.

Craig Dingman

I tell them to check with local (officials).

Mike Welch

The longer you leave it in checking, the more likely it will vanish.

Mari Adam

The only check is the goodwill of the agencies.

Patti Goldman

Firefighters are checking if there is any damage to the facility.

Naoki Kumagai

We'd like everyone to come out and celebrate with us. If you haven't been here before, come in and check us out.

Sharon Meikle

At that meeting they asked if they could do another (safety check) at Coolidge.

Jimmy Walker

It was a good check (of) where we stand.

Robert Lang

When I saw what the Madison referendum said, it was a gut check for me.

William Richardson

Check the diaper; if it's wet you get relief from casual water.

Bob Murphy

I'd check that for accuracy because I think that's untrue.

John Gould

Guests will check in, plug in and stay in.

Clyde Guinn

He told me that if you can solve something with a check, then it's not a problem.

Patricia Salkin

Everyday for six weeks, check the CBOT and check your elevator's basis.

Ruth Hambleton

We do a sweep and check their I.D. cards before that time.

Dan Porter

Seriously, let's keep our hype in check, OK?

Robert Scoble

No one can tell you how much it's going to cost -- it's a blank check.

Johnny Rutherford

It's almost pointless to even write a check for that.

Brian Meadows

It's a reality check, yes.

Doug Punger

Defensively, we've been keeping people in check, which is what we've always been known for.

Paul Dretsch

I talk to them here and there and see on them ESPN, check out their stats and stuff.

Frank Gore

We regularly check the balls when they hit the dirt.

Tim Mcclelland

It never hurts to check with your agent to see if there's anything new that's stirring around that you're not aware of.

Dan Delano

I don't check people's documentation, ... That's the employer's job.

Daniel Kane

We had the doctor check him out and he was OK. Edwin had a huge game.

Rob Rowe

We will again check our work to make sure it is the accurate representation of the truth.

Mark Tolbert

They are going down to check if the mast is still there.

Richard Crockett

We can't even get out to check yet. All we can hear is the wind a' howling.

Wendell Carroll

There's no cost to check it out.

Jeff Sanders

You're a tobacco company, and you're unpopular, so you write me a check for $1.7 billion.

Robert Weber

One was from a woman who said the check helped pay for medical care for her dog.

Dema Guinn

He has a Blackberry and he?s on it all the time. Most of our conversations are by e-mail and every time I check my e-mail there?s a message from him.

Baker Dunleavy

If you can run the company a bit more collaboratively, you get a better result, because you have more bandwidth and checking and balancing going on.

Larry Page

I'm always coming out, checking scores, sneaking out of the kitchen.

Gordon Anderson

We have to be very concerned about this. This cannot be a blank check for the future.

Kermit Staggers

It's a blank check.

John Walke

The norm is to do as much of a background check as possible to prepare yourself for all possible attacks. They did not do that here.

Michael Gerhardt

But no matter what, consumers should check out their options and not only with (Bell) but with all the companies.

Susan Grant

Photo ID is the gold standard. You have to have it to drive a car, cash a check.

Sen. Delbert Scott

These guys didn't do anything all year, and they collected a check.

Alex Jamieson

This is not a reality check for us because we never thought we were Brazil.

Christian Dailly

We came here to check out the welfare of the animals. If they are not well, we'll keep them until they are well.

Nancy Howell

We need to take a reality check. All of this is pretty far out.

Ben Ross

The house is due to be demolished and I was checking to see if there were any bees.

Max Davis

They had to check me out, make sure everything was on the up and up.

Gwin Price

The very best defense is online banking.. Once a day or once in two days check your account.

Jan Quintrall

We can check and check on them. But we can't just stay there all the time.

Patrick Jones

The real term should be no delivered body checking.

Peter Cardo

The show is open to all ages, so everyone from ISU should definitely check it out.

Geoff Harrison

On your in-lap the main priority is fuel and check where the other guy is.

Mark Webber

It is time for this town to get a reality check.

Warren Braren

She just went nuts on us. We did not check her.

Chuck Morris

Joe Trippi may want to check in with his candidate before talking.

Matt Bennett

We'll check it out and answer their letter. If there's some misunderstanding, we'll change what we're doing.

Don Hambidge

It was all heart tonight. It was a gut-check and they came through.

Brian Collins

Based on the serious nature of this ring, we are checking all of this out.

Diane Jackson

The first letter I received was that they froze my bank account, my checking account.

Robert Levine

I think he was just checking if I was still awake.

Conor O'dwyer

Most consumers don't have a good reality check on how they would recover.

Nancy Kincaid

It was a disaster. They did not check any of those references, and they just took them because it was the low bidder.

Paul Hunt

Our average check is $10.

Bill Lyons

In our climate, you really should check them monthly.

Carolyn Smith

So we called around. We found a policy. We wrote a check.

Ben Boyd

It's a reality check for those patients who are considering these operations.

David R. Flum

That is my entire playoff check.

Mike Sellers

I can't say. You'll have to check it out to find out.

Barry Summers

Someone's always checking on me.

Carter Carlson

Diligently check out stocks before investing in them.

Bob Webster

If someone wants to come check us, check all you want to.

Algis Shalna

We're checking now to see where the greatest need is.

David May

Just as police were going to check him, he put his hand in a bag and blew up.

Avi Sasson

We have a lot of guys checking with us every day, wanting to hit the river.

Aaron Anderson

When I'm thinking about the Nationals, I'm not even thinking about the $140,000. If I win the Nationals and they gave me a $140,000 check, that's when it would hit me.

Dwayne Johnson

You're only going to need one ticket, only one set of check-in for baggage and everything else.

Randy Petersen

It's too soon to say whether we are going to get involved. We're just going to check it out.

Judy Orihuela

It's upside down and in pieces. I have to go check on another buddy's place, and I'm afraid what I'll find there.

Larry Ancelet

Even early in the season this was a huge gut check.

Cuttino Mobley

I swear I check that twice a day.

Dave Risdon

They'll check your credit, and if anything comes up, they'll go after it immediately.

Marguerite Fischer

We will be checking on the school wellness policies as well.

Donnell Barton

We can always do better, and in this particular case what we should have done is send out a unit to check the area.

Trish Hoffman

It amazes me that there are people who have had their bikes stolen who don't even check with us.

Janet Pearson

Check any dictionary! It drives me out of my mind!

Kelsey Grammer

If you inherit a checking account with $82,000, then there is no step up in basis.

Mike Janko

Yesterday is a cancelled check. Today is cash on the line. Tomorrow is a promissory note.

Hank Stram

I need the check now.

Joseph Banks

I'd think about checking it out.

Nick O'heran

We'll have a big check at the club on the 14th.

Ryan Clements

They have been very conscious to keep the budget in check.

Aaron Parks

The only question was if something was sought in return for the check, and the answer is no.

Donald Watkins

Space is not for wimps. It's certainly not just writing a check.

Greg Olsen

The two most beautiful words in the English language are ``check enclosed.''.

Dorothy Parker

Somebody ought to go by and check on Larry.

Al Hunt

He'd check on my girls at night make sure they were safe.

Timothy Clougherty Sr

How high is the price going to go and when are they going to get that back in check again.

Michael Lyons

In their haste, they don't double-check everything. You need to do that.

Jesse Weller

But as I often say, terrorists won't check our party registration before they blow us up.

Jane Harman

I had my match then let it go. You get out there and start thinking you are better than what you are. It's a real gut check.

Alex Hume

They told us to always check the surroundings. Check for little things that little kids might not be allowed to have.

Emily Dixon

We still get a revenue check from Roche.

Edison Liu

He forged that guy's name on the check, and cashed it.

Eddie Montgomery

The only thing they didn't check was my underwear.

Ted Carpenter

The check comes home, she puts it in the bank, and we both spend.

Zubin Mehta