If Apple were to devote time and resources to this project, it could definitely be done.

We're really trying to analyze what's happened, ... Part of it could be that in 2004 there was a grueling election campaign. Perhaps the students were tired of campaigning.

I was leaking oil at that point. I was very fortunate after 8 to be even.

We are a family oriented restaurant.

Check the diaper; if it's wet you get relief from casual water.

I am using my own computer. I am using a borrowed projector. The Power Point (presentation) I assembled. In terms of whatever complaints they have about presentations that were given at City Council, they were done objectively presenting the facts.

It's pretty tough trying to find areas we can cut back, when we've already done that, ... You reach a point where you can't make any further adjustments.

(Wilcox) was being cautious, as most administrators kind of have to do, ... But caution aside, I think he's still behind us on the issue.

It wasn't pretty, no doubt about it. You get to be our age (46 for Murphy, 37 for Fortin), 36 holes a day, anything can happen. He's a great player.