It is not alone the fact that women have generally had to spend most of their strength in caring for others that has handicapped them in individual effort; but also that they have almost universally had to care wholly for themselves.

Anna Garlin Spencer

I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance.

Pablo Casals

If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.

Abigail Adams

He was well known as a jolly and caring fellow.

Dale Goodwin

We have lost the art of sharing and caring.

Hun Sen

I really believe this is a caring community.

Harry Morgan

There are a lot of very caring people who work there.

Jane Doe

Pagliuca is known for his caring manner.

Rich Copp

She was the sweetest, most caring person I've ever known.

Mark Hammond

They are two of the most loving, caring people you could hope to meet.

Michael Richardson

He was a real caring person. I've been crying all day.

Debra Clemons

We're people caring on campus, so we don't turn anybody away.

Susie Hibbeler

When the world becomes standard, I will start caring about standards.

Rasmus Lerdorf

Emmy's very vivacious and has a wonderful personality. She's very caring.

Holly Dianich

That says a lot about our community and its caring, its generosity.

Carol Rice

He's fun-loving, caring and compassionate. I've never gotten along with someone so well.

Allyson Darnell

She was so caring. She just made you feel special.

Karen Palmer

It's only because of caring people that we're able to do what we do in Loris.

Gwen Woody

She was feisty. She was very bold. She was loving and caring, too.

Linda Sellers

All these people will have input into caring for the patient.

Cynthia Cowie

This is not a one-time thing for Martin. It is a pattern of caring and kindness.

Judy Gresser

There is a difference between caring and not having the legal authority.

Brad Stone

She has been a tremendous help to me in caring for this bird.

Brenda Zaun

He was a loving caring kid. He loved everybody, there was no hate in him.

Danny Mason

Really, truly in our hearts as a family, we appreciate people caring.

Marc Henderson

He was a very kind and caring person, he was respected by everybody and he respected everybody.

Bashir Ahmed

He had to be a good person because I feel myself being more caring and loving.

William Sheridan

Caring for Older Americans: The Future of Geriatric Medicine.

American Society

Dan's a very caring kid. He leads vocally and also by example. He is our anchor.

Brian Roper

Caring for but never trying to own may be a further way to define friendship.

William Glasser

With the caring house, I don't know how it can get any better.

Jo Brown