We have to pay a premium, but the end experience for the customer is terrific because they come up right in the middle of the property.

Clearly, people are anticipating recovery. There's pretty consistent selling from a variety of accounts and very little buying.

We found a little natural water but no river, ... With the size of the hole we dug, that would have made for one hell of a swimming pool.

The challenge for everybody was that it hadn't been done here, ... This is certainly deeper down than anyone has ever gone.

We saw the market get so oversold that it's not surprising that we're getting a rebound. The market got too pessimistic about how rapidly the Fed will tighten next year.

I prefer live dealers, ... but the machines treated me all right today.

We'll need a little bit more of a concession.

There is a difference between caring and not having the legal authority.

This was born out of necessity, ... We wanted to have a certain size property and we only had so much land to work with. We realized we had to put the parking underground, so we came up with a plan and put it in place. When you look at the cost of an acre of land on the Strip, you need to make your best usage of that land.