Rare Books: An Exhibition.

John Edens

We're trying to find someone who can print up the books for free.

Richard Nash

You've really got to start hitting the books because it's no joke out here.

Harper Lee

I have this strange obsession with books.

Matthew Barber

I think that all of us have a sentimental attachment to books.

Terry Belanger

Happy are the people whose annals are blank in history books.

Thomas Carlyle

We don't want them to be stressed over reading these books.

Donna Clapp

If sex is such a natural phenomenon, how come there are so many books on how to?

Bette Midler

August is when I read, ... I pick books that take me away and I really enjoy it.

Sue Tucker

The kids are studying, but they have no books.

Sipokazi Luzipo

Blooks differ from books in several ways.

Cory Doctorow

We know how many inches of books we have in the building.

Lorna Truck

We're not trying to eliminate books. We love books.

Calvin Baker

We're in favor of any program that can give our books more exposure.

Adam Rothberg

We really want to put another win on the books. This is one of the best chances we've ever had to win this race.

Chris Dyson

_Prospero's Books_ is the _Terminator 2_ for intellectuals.

Peter Greenaway

We buy lots of books.

Bill Mcilvain

It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations.

Sir Winston Churchill

It was so sad when their little area of books (in the younger classrooms) were wet and droopy.

Beverly Brannon

The flesh, alas, is sad, and I have read all the books.

Stephane Mallarme

Books won't stay banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail.

Alfred Whitney Griswold

We want to put books in everyone's hands.

Xavier Chambon

Cannot be erased by children's books or misplaced celebrity.

Michael Rushford

Sometimes it was September or October before we would get the books.

Mary Randolph

We may as well wipe it off the books.

George Parnham

How some of the writers I come across get through their books without dying of boredom is beyond me.

William Gaddis

Without books I would not have become a vivacious reader, and if you are not a reader you are not a writer.

Ken Follet

Where do I find the time for not reading so many books?

Karl Kraus

We're not abandoning books on Maine. But we'll probably be shifting the emphasis of our books a little bit.

Neale Sweet

It's not Tolstoy or Dickens. These books are fun. They're adventure stories.

Derek Benz

I would recommend books weigh between two and three pounds.

Frank Edwards

To read too many books is harmful.

Mao Zedong

I love coloring books. I keep some by my bed.

Karen Black

The parents have been great. Today they are out picking up 2,000 books for me.

Gina Mason

It's still on the books.

Kris Carson

The first thing we did was throw out all the rule books.

Bob Coble

Study from new books but from old teachers.

Turkish proverb

Changing the standards on the books is not the same as changing the meals themselves.

Mark Epstein

I took possession in 1997, and this wasn't on the books.

Bill Barber

Maybe I'll put a sign up that says, 'Get your 1040 books here.

Brian Lawson

They want a lip print for their autograph books. I'm a sport; I go along.

Cleo Moore

We did this to further their enthusiasm and knowledge and to let them browse and buy books.

Bill Minish

When you moved the books, dust came out.

Faye Nobles

I have noted the growing market for HR books.

Mark Bloomfield

These are laws on the books that are effective and that are enforceable.

Susan Schwab

You have nothing to vet in court if you haven't put it on the books yet.

Stan Cave

We sell as much of his kids' books as we do his books for adults.

Rick Lewis

These were not the type of paintings that make it into the coffee-table art books.

Dale Guthrie

Proceeds go for books for the library, and also every student gets one book for their birthday.

Beth Schwier

Sometimes I get lost in the books, if they're good.

David Berry

We all read but we all read different books.

Nancy Fenton

We may live without friends; we may live without books, But civilized men cannot live without cooks.

Edward G. Bulwer lytton

The books are piled up in our hallways right now.

Elizabeth Stearns

It all adds up. If you're talking about a $1 difference and you're talking about a million books, that's a million dollars.

Eva Moskowitz

We can't keep his books on the shelf.

Zandra Blake

We get a lot of romance books, and we always have a good selection of paperbacks.

Esther Buck

Let?s just say you?re not going to see these books at the public library.

Emily Johnson