I believe this is why they're passing the bill, to stop us from doing this in New Mexico.

Betty Martini

This bill proposes a fix for a problem that simply doesn't exist.

Sherrod Brown

It's a love-hate association with this bill in the industry.

Sen. Kit Jennings

I don't believe we can get out of town until we take action on this bill.

Larry Mckibben

The problem with the way the bill was the day before yesterday is there was too much Big Brother in it.

Sen. Kit Jennings

We introduced the bill (to the Legislature).

George Maloof

We know that there is overwhelming public support for this bill.

Ron Bryant

Bill simply was not interested.

Lee Salem

The bill is not based on sexuality. It's based on need.

Peter Brandt

We had $100 left on Election night. And a $79 bill at the bar.

Charles Flynn

Bill Powell is the only intelligent actor I've ever met.

Carole Lombard

It's not perfect, but the amendment moves the bill from being a net negative to a net positive.

Stratton Pollitzer

Bill for the future.

Pete Domenici

Bill is just a great person.

Jerry Simonson

Bill Siewe snapped to Tim Koegel.

Harry Oliver

With me and Bill... I think we started out with $15 apiece and split the other $20 between the band.

Bobby Hatfield

The electric bill was too high to begin with and they can't pay. That has to be put back on the agenda and (the surcharge) taken off.

Michael Brooks

We got the bill--she gave them our address.

Joanne Thompson

At its core, this bill is about affording all Californians dignity and respect.

Sheila Kuehl

Bill has done an excellent job in an interim capacity.

City Manager Russ Blackburn

It costs $200,000 to get Bill Clinton to speak. We just can't do that.

Arash Massoudi

They're happier because they have one bill instead of two or three.

Gale Given

The best thing my bill does is it drives the process publicly.

Rep. David Ure

On all fronts, the bill appears to be far from being greased for passage.

Bert Ely

Even a bill designed to cut gas prices probably needed more time.

Roy Blunt

The governor's bill is not a gay rights bill.

Dan Furmansky

Our of respect for the will of the people, the governor will veto (the bill).

Margita Thompson

Not one--not one Republican Senator--voted for Senate Bill 27.

Sen. Wendell Jones

That's just one line item on the bill.

Beryl Lyons

I was impressed with his velocity. He lived up to the billing that I've heard.

Pat Borders

They pretty much gutted the bill.

Diane Costello

The CBI welcomes the deregulatory aspects of the Company Law Reform Bill.

John Cridland

From what Bill told me, I didn't have to worry.

Joe Tiller

They got lost in the $212 million-Bill Krause story.

Craig Cohoon

The evidence is that content only becomes mainstream when it is easy to access and easy to bill.

Anil Malhotra

It's not the ideal bill for us, but we believe it will make a material difference.

David Waren

They've asked us if we're supportive of the bill; we should indicate that we are.

Edward Murphy

We are very much committed to Bill 27.

Ed Byrne

We've got a farm bill that is not working and needs to be fixed.

Earl Pomeroy