23 quotes about watergate follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's disingenuous for the tobacco industry to claim that this PR stunt proves they are coming clean with the truth, ... It's like Dick Nixon taking credit for releasing the Watergate tapes.

Hubert H. Humphrey

The Sept. 11 period really was an aberration - hurricane Katrina has reawakened the sleeping giant, and I believe we'll now see a return to the Watergate era of hard-hitting reporting in the United States.

Paul Levinson

The political lesson of Watergate is this: Never again must America allow an arrogant, elite guard of political adolescents to by-pass the regular party organization and dictate the terms of a national election.

Gerald R. Ford

This was after Watergate and everybody wanted to be an investigative journalist and there were just no jobs available.

Donna Doherty

He was a bridge for the muckrakers of a century ago and the crop that came out of Watergate. He held politicians to a level of accountability in an era where journalists were very deferential to those in power.

Mark Feldstein

If the many allegations made to this date are true, then the burglars who broke into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate were, in effect, breaking into the home of every citizen.

Sam Ervin

Watergate involved a wholesale corruption of government, ... This matter involves the concealing of a private affair in which the majority of facts are already known.

John Conyers

Remember Watergate. Remember Enron. Remember the secret wiretapping of American citizens. All these stories were brought to light because of confidential sources.

Jim Taricani

It's almost classic Watergate. It's not the crime. It's the cover-up.

Bob Grossfeld

I was in the Nixon White House during Watergate, and we pretended that we were all about business as usual. And we had a president who was talking to the portraits. It was not business as usual, but you have to say it.

David R. Gergen

Watergate showed more strengths in our system than weaknesses... The whole country did take part in quite a genuine sense in passing judgment on Richard Nixon.

Archibald Cox

It was the Watergate era, and people all over the country were looking at political activities, including lobbying efforts, in a different way.

Steve Ahrens

I remember it was shocking for a lot of people. It was interesting to see Watergate in a visual form that was so well crafted.

Robert Kalwinsky

I used to think that the Civil War was our country's greatest tragedy, but I do remember that there were some redeeming features in the Civil War in that there was some spirit of sacrifice and heroism displayed on both sides. I see no redeeming features in Watergate.

Sam Ervin

He did not break the law, and there is no evidence that he has in any way misused the information collected. This is not Watergate.

Lee Casey

For the first time since the Watergate-era abuses, the NSA is spying on Americans again, and on a large scale. The Bush administration has swept aside nearly 30 years of rules and regulations and has secretly brought the NSA back into the business of domestic espionage.

James Risen

The culture of corruption has finally spilled over into public view. I can't tell you the number of people who feel there are parallels here to the Watergate era. People are tired of this regime. The White House can't change until 2008. The Senate won't likely change. The House of Representatives is the most realistic place for change.

Diane Farrell

I think that accepting an artificial time limit on this particular inquiry would be about as foolish as the Democrats who controlled the Watergate committee felt the same thing would be.

James Rogan

Post-Watergate morality, by which anything left private is taken as presumptive evidence of wrongdoing.

Charles Krauthammer

The American Dream has run out of gas. The car has stopped. It no longer supplies the world with its images, its dreams, its fantasies. No more. It's over. It supplies the world with its nightmares now: the Kennedy assassination, Watergate, Vietnam...

J. G. Ballard

The system is worse now than it was during Watergate. I think it's sad. It took a scandal like Watergate to get change before, and that is what it will take a second time.

Bill Hogan

While growing up, on the news every night was the war in Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement. We were all talking about what was happening when Kennedy got killed and King got killed. The whole Watergate thing with Nixon was big.

Eugene Dial

Probably after Vietnam and Watergate, there was an increasing distrust of institutions, so that Jesus was still in, but the institutional church was no longer an attraction. So, I think that the dropping of the denominational label is to become more generic, less of a threat, less of a reminder of negative stereotypes if you've walked away from church.

Eddie Gibbs