We have never had a chance to put those witnesses on publicly in a trial so that the jury can test their credibility also.

Her eldest is a member of the United States Congress, who has the privilege of standing before you and addressing this convention.

We seek no congressional punishment for a man who chose to cheat on his wife, ... for a president who chose to cheat the law.

Today the analysis and the speculation ends.

I certainly have no apologies for my actions or my conduct. I did my job. I followed my oath. I followed the Constitution.

It was important to continue to allow the judge to make the ultimate decision [on whether to admit the evidence], but I wanted to remove the confusion and let prosecutors tell it to jurors straight.

I think that accepting an artificial time limit on this particular inquiry would be about as foolish as the Democrats who controlled the Watergate committee felt the same thing would be.

She was a young, 21-year-old White House intern.

I'm prepared to win and I'm prepared to lose, but I'm not prepared to sell out my principles.