50 quotes about visions follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Who could tell what forms, what visions, what faces, what forgiveness he could see in the glow of the west!

Joseph Conrad

For visions come not to polluted eyes.

Mary Howitt

She could do things on beam that I had no name for. As a third-year coach, I had visions of grandeur, thoughts of state championships dancing before me. I couldn't wait to work with someone at that level.

Diane Roberts

Right now, I'm burning through the cash. We certainly have visions to make money at some point. I have an extensive Rolodex.

David Baum

I haven't heard a lot of differences yet and I'm watching very closely. I think the next few weeks we'll start seeing if there are different policy visions but…I can promise you this we're gonna be watching closely and trying to be ready to respond to any deviations.

Walter Leger

All first generation Full Track Music Download services in the UK receive a failing grade on download speeds, price and DRM. Operators must address these key weaknesses in order to realize their visions of mobile music revenues.

Kevin Nolan

Ronnie Earle had visions of grandeur, ... He was using it as a steppingstone.

Jim Mattox

It was between people who have different visions of how to lead a Christian life. Some people thought it was funny, and other people thought it was sacrilegious.

Krista Comer

The decision we will make, ... is not between right and wrong, or a good approach and a bad approach. It's certainly not between a worthy idea or a not worthy idea. It's a difference in honorable visions of our state.

John Andrews

I can't get out of my head the visions of children and babies I saw sitting there, helpless, looking at me and hoping I could make a difference... .

Marty Bahamonde

Then the sessions will get a little more challenging. Until then, it wouldn't be fair for us to explore what visions they would have in leading Mercer as president. They don't know Mercer very well. This first session is more of a getting-acquainted session.

David Hudson

The ultimate function of prophecy is not to tell the future, but to make it. Your successful past will block your visions of the future.

Joel Barker

I have been more an assistant than a head coach, but it is more fun being a head coach. It is more agony, too. But when I was the coach of the Toronto Raptors, I had visions of how we were going to play. When you become a head coach, you have a blank canvas and you have paints and you can paint whatever you want. As an assistant coach, you make suggestions.

Brendan Malone

I am a big supporter of GT racing and have always been very keen to have the cars racing on MotorSport Vision's circuits, particularly the Brands Hatch Grand Prix circuit, which is perfect for big powerful sportscars.

Jonathan Palmer

To become truly immortal, a work of art must escape all human limits: logic and common sense will only interfere. But once these barriers are broken, it will enter the realms of childhood visions and dreams.

Giorgio De Chirico

Yesterday's Tomorrows: Past Visions of the American Future.

Barry Levinson

Beyond: Visions of the Interplanetary Probes.

Michael Benson

[Professionals also have taken cracks at the topic. ] Cartoonists hit the mother lode with this one, ... Giant bugs blend with images of doomsday cultists and visions of the apocalypse.

Daryl Cagle

An artist goes into that ... meditative, contemplative space and manifests ideas or visions. Yoga means to yoke, or to unite. So we're going inside that infinite part of ourselves and kind of getting in touch with that and just being in this space where someone has done that.

Rachael Nickel

Hidden down in every person is the Divine -- Real faith, dreams and visions. Lift your thoughts above the commonplace and live in the Presence of the Best. Spiritual investments are repaid a thousand fold.

William Danforth

I'm really proud of the fact that we were able to capitalize on our different visions and create two very successful companies.

Robert Simons

. . . there are periods of history when the visions of madmen and dope fiends are a better guide to reality than the common-sense interpretation of data available to the so-called normal mind. This is one such period, if you haven't noticed already.

Robert Anton Wilson

What a wonderful area to have this camp. The beautiful landscape, the creative visions to make this camp special and the people of the communities who have supported us and who have overwhelmingly offered their help.

Rosemary Opbroek

Sweet sleep be with us, one and all!/ And if upon its stillness fall/ The visions of a busy brain,/ We'll have our pleasure o'er again,/ To warm the heart, to charm the sight,/ Gay dreams to all! good night, good night.

Joanna Baillie

Dylan's Visions of Sin.

Christopher Ricks

I went MS, this can't possibly be happening and it was very scary I had visions of me in a wheelchair in five years and I had no idea what would happen to me.

Cindy Miller

It seemed to me that so much of America's myth, stories, visions and iconographic images are in many ways parallel to the Ring.

Francesca Zambello

It was ugly -- 12 turnovers in the first quarter. I don't know if we got into the holiday fudge early or what, but it brought back visions of last year. I give (Reynolds) credit -- they played well. We also helped them, though.

Dan Boyd

We're going to grow our product line and add different things. We all have some visions but we're not going to rush that. It will happen in stages.

Rick Bisesto

They've brought in some new visions and a different kind of sensibility, and also an audience that they've cultivated themselves.

Joe Quesada

Visions of one powerful scene after another parade across his inner screen, each exploding with drama and meaning . . .

Robert Ludlum

In my opinion, the religious visions of Bush's circle are anachronistic. I can't believe that John Ashcroft has personal conversations with God every day, who tells him what to do. But if God told him that he should destroy Saddam, then this was the right advice, because a world without Saddam Hussein is better than a world with Saddam Hussein.

Adam Michnik

I'd like to step back and revisit the visions that have been reviewed by the Republicans in a nonpartisan way. With all these visions, are visions more important than, say, the educational system?

Dan Moran

The field of view is limited in such bifocal eyeglasses, requiring the user to gaze down to accomplish near visions tasks and in some cases causing dizziness and discomfort. In stimulated and actual human vision tests, the new lens performed well at both near and far focusing tasks. These results represent a significant advance in vision care.

Guoqiang Li

The two of us worked together and lived together for 46 years. We shared not just a lifetime, but the ideals, values and the visions he had. I felt that those things were just too important to let die. I had to keep them alive.

Jean Carnahan

Something in life inspires me, ... I have a song on my new record, 'Visions of God,' about my kids and not missing the important moments.

David Phelps

The genius of America is that we are still a land of undiscovered shores, and we are at our best when we open our hearts and allow the night winds to bring renewed visions of great deeds.

Phil Bredesen

One of our visions for this next-generation technology is to have embedded devices in the consumer electronics space.

Ali Tabassi

I've been a little bit more bold, not only in my writing but in the way I handle business. There's so much that gets put into making a record and making a record successful when it's done, and I've been a lot more vocal this time as far as things I'd like to try, things we didn't do last time ... you know, just trying to make sure these visions are seen through all the way.

Javier Colon

Imagination is the outreaching of mind . . . . the bombardment of the conscious mind with ideas, impulses, images and every sort of psychic phenomena welling up from the preconscious. It is the capacity to "dream dreams and see visions . . . ."

Dr. Rollo May

In these two cases I would say scientists were overzealous, too quick to push ahead. Scientists feel the pressure of our society like everyone else. Their decisions are clouded by visions of fame and dollars.

Adil Shamoo

Our respective governments have very different visions for the hemisphere.

Tom Shannon

We are thrilled to have Russell Simmons join our global rhapsody of talents and visions. In addition to being a master musician and a champion of the underdog, Russell is also an important inter-ethnic dialogue maker- a perfect match with the mission of Music Days.

Judea Pearl

When he first came to Liberal and told us what his visions were going to be, we all believed them because they all came true.

Johnnie Nelson

Their business and how they work with customers is very complementary to ours. Those visions are introducing simplicity, efficiency, accountability and scale to advertising. What they do for the radio process in advertising is very similar to what we do in online and digital [advertising].

Patrick Keane

She was very irrational and having visions and hallucinations.

Gregory Allen

Chicago is a city of contradictions, of private visions haphazardly overlaid and linked together. If the city was unhappy with itself yesterday-and invariably it was-it will reinvent itself today.

Pat Colander

We started the campaign by talking about what the country has been through, the war on terror and the economy, and now we'll talk about the vision for the next four years and the difference in visions for the future.

Nicolle Devenish

We had visions of untamed wilderness, soaring bald eagles and humpback whales flapping their tails in the water. Thankfully, we were not disappointed.

Eron Garcia

It is only by introducing the young to great literature, drama and music, and to the excitement of great science that we open to them the possibilities that lie within the human spirit -- enable them to see visions and dream dreams.

Eric Anderson