21 quotes about traces follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Traces of chemicals or fumes could be left behind on curtains, stoves, refrigerators, carpet or even in the drains.

Delegate David Rudolph

You are also caught with the fact that man is a creature who walks in two worlds and traces upon the walls of his cave the wonders and the nightmare experiences of his spiritual pilgrimage.

Morris West

Even in civilized mankind faint traces of monogamous instincts can be perceived.

Bertrand Russell

It may be that EPO traces disappear gradually from urine, but it cannot be that no EPO should be in them and then it emerges as if from nowhere.

Dick Pound

It was low traces, but it was outside the normal range.

Diane Ostrowski

A plumber is an adventurer who traces leaky pipes to their source.

Arthur Baer

There were traces of marijuana in that car, but a deputy who was working with us said there was not enough for an arrest, ... That happened on a Thursday or a Friday. On Monday I got a call from Allen Clark, who was working at Florida State Prison then, and the first thing he said to me was, `Hey man, I thought we were tight.'

Kevin Dean

I remain concerned that, as yet, we have not been presented with evidence that traces the chain of command and establishes the specific role of each defendant.

Nehal Bhuta

He's very, very eclectic. There are traces of all different types of genres. It's a matter of scratching and finding the records. It's like making a stew.

Andrew Harding

When the hounds of spring are on winter's traces,/ The mother of months in meadow or plain/ Fills the shadows and windy places/ With lisp of leaves and ripple of rain . . .

Algernon Charles Swinburne

The show traces the emergence of an evolving art market and a new brand of dealer who was totally committed to the artists he represented.

Henri Loyrette

Frequently, you are looking at files that someone thinks are deleted. It turns out that when you use a computer almost everything you do leaves traces, and it is next to impossible to delete information from a computer.

Gary Kessler

If the person who is responsible for doing this is watching, it is only going to take the smallest piece of evidence. One little piece of evidence. DNA is not visible to the naked eye and other pieces of evidence are not visible to the naked eye. And, when you walk and you move throughout the planet, you leave traces of yourself everywhere you go.

Sgt. Richard Ring

We had traces of our music that could be liked by the punk scene or the hardcore scene, ... But that was what people did with us; they said they could put us out on tour with anybody because 'nobody really knows what you guys are. You got some of this, you got some of that, it will probably work, let's see what happens.'

Claudio Sanchez

It is from the quiet and secluded scene of beauty found in the Arabian court-garden that Arabic poetry traces its beginnings.

Kamel Louafi

There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.

Pablo Picasso

What they found were pollutants such as suspended solids, as well as traces of oil, gas, copper and some residual of chlorine.

Frank Mateljian

It's about individual women and their personal tragedies, ... The play traces the arc of the grieving process and what the women's lot in life will be. I was telling the cast last night that our focus has to be telling the stories of those women, and letting the audience make the connection: The play's not political propaganda, it's art.

Brad Wright

I'm particularly excited about the sulfate results...because so much of the material we are looking at is in sulfur rich caves where gypsum and other sulfate minerals play a huge role in the biology and the subsequent preservation of traces of that biology.

Penelope Boston

The fact that no traces of agent have yet been found and that other chemicals that one would not expect in such a facility have been found do raise doubts about the conclusiveness of the analysis.

Jonathan Tucker

The new man is born too old to tolerate the new world. The present conditions of life have not yet erased the traces of the past. We run too fast, but we still do not move enough. He looks but he does not contemplate, he sees but he does not think. He runs away from time, which is made of thought, and yet all he can feel is his own time, the present.

Eugenio Montale