17 quotes about stimulated follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This is not for any fame or any financial benefits. This support group is only for our children to have a better future. If stimulated properly, these kids can live almost regular lives.

Saleem Parker

The tail end of this year will be propped up and stimulated by Vista.

Tom Trill

Tax cuts would probably flow directly into corporate profits. Companies are lean and mean today, compared with where they were ten years ago and if the economy is going to be stimulated by either tax cuts or new spending, I would prefer tax cuts. I would prefer the approach that is more profit friendly so I guess that means I don't prefer Al Gore's approach.

Christine Callies

Dogs are also like people in that they need to learn something every day to keep their minds stimulated. He needed to learn basic behavior, like heeling when I was riding my house, and how to behave in public.

Thora Thibaut

He had the artistic metempsychosis which is half drunk when sober and looks down on airships when stimulated.

O. Henry

Much of the controversy about abortion is really stimulated by the interest groups on both sides of the political question, rather than by ordinary Americans. The American people and many political leaders have already made up their minds about legal abortion.

David J. Garrow

Unlike what was previously thought, drugs like Viagra can in fact alter heart function, ... It alters it particularly when the heart is stimulated by hormones.

David Kass

Television has spread the habit of instant reaction and stimulated the hope of instant results.

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

We are so visually stimulated that we don't even realize how important touch is. Our other senses get downplayed, but they can cue us into stuff that maybe isn't that apparent by our vision.

Tina Kahn

I define downtime as being awake but not being stimulated by someone else. They may be playing by themselves, but they are doing it on their own.

Heather Findlan

This rumor has stimulated call buying by speculators yesterday and today, hoping that the price of the stock will jump.

Mark Bell

Athens has stimulated the city's development by improving its infrastructure for the Olympic games.

Jiang Xiaoyu

This was the second Photo-London exhibition. I didn't go to the first one, but reading the review and seeing the catalogue stimulated me to apply.

Paul Mcnamara

Is the Coliseum positioned between two beautiful buttes like Sun Devil Stadium? ... If you can't be intellectually stimulated by (ASU's beauty), you don't have a pulse.

Lisa Love

We found that when most Toll-like receptors are stimulated, newborns' immune responses are very impaired. But there was one important exception.

Ofer Levy

The physical part is fairly easy, but many of us take ourselves out of the race by getting overly stimulated. Relax, enjoy the day, the atmosphere and remember it's a celebration of what we enjoy doing.

Rich Castro

You know, I never have been a stagnant kind of individual. I've been in the Senate 22 years. I'm still stimulated by the challenges that it offers, but here's a whole new arena in which to deal, whole new set of challenges, whole new kind of authority, a chance for growth, and how could I say no?

Edmund S. Muskie