Taking products designed for large companies and then retrofitting them to work for smaller businesses is a recipe for failure. It would be like a bus manufacturer changing the color of the bus from yellow to black, and then calling it a car.

Zach Nelson

Sure there are some smaller names, but they're unattractive to big corporations because their market share is probably 1 percent or less.

Ethan Mcafee

It really gets our name out there. Even though we're a smaller theater program we're getting a good reputation.

Eric Prince

What concerns us most is that often with the debit or ATM transaction, the institution knows that you don't have the money, and they have the ability to stop it. The smaller the dollar amounts these transactions are, the costlier the loan.

Eric Halperin

(There's a) growing reliance on partnerships between smaller, more specialized RFID companies with great expertise but limited resources, and larger enterprise-level application integrators that have giant customers and plenty of skill at structuring their IT systems.

Erik Michielsen

If anything, a more likely trend is privatization among some of the smaller equipment operators.

Eric Buck

They've packaged it just slightly different enough so that it's more of a utility vehicle -- a smaller crossover. It represents a much better value than Neon ever did.

Erich Merkle

What I really liked about Mary Washington was that it was a smaller school and a couple of my friends are going there. I just really like the atmosphere there and the coach is a really nice guy and the team just took me in like I was already on the team when I went there. It is just the right fit.

Emmett Rutkowski

This rally looks sustainable because the gains are smaller. It is not like you have a 250-point gain in one day, which is hard to keep up.

Elvis Picardo

Street harassment happens in smaller communities, but you're not dealing with strangers. In New York, you're dealing almost exclusively with strangers. Whistling at a girl in your gym class is different than whistling at a girl you're never going to see again.

Emily May

The scale of change is much smaller than what goes on during the critical period of development, but the fact that it goes on at all is earth-shattering.

Elly Nedivi

It's going to probably to have to be a smaller building.

Ellen Peres

This is the first wave of layoffs. The second wave -- I don't know when that would be -- may be a much smaller amount of people.

Elina Kazan

Small retailers don't have that kind of a luxury. That said, smaller retailers usually have a better pulse on their stores.

Ellen Davis

I refuse to go out with a man whose ass is smaller than mine.

Elizabeth Perkins

Tabasco sauce is different from other hot sauces in many ways. Primarily, the variety of pepper we use is more difficult to grow in many respects, ... It's smaller. It's more difficult to pick.

Edward Mcilhenny

We find them smaller and fainter, in constantly increasing numbers, and we know that we are reaching into space, farther and farther, until, with the faintest nebulae that can be detected with the greatest telescopes, we arrive at the frontier of the known universe.

Edwin Powell Hubble

ATM surcharging benefits high-fee, big banks and hurts low-cost alternatives such as credit unions and smaller banks.

Edmund Mierzwinski

Their smaller size gives them less diversification, less geographic spread. So you have a little bit more risk with them. Those companies are about $16 billion market cap companies, whereas BP Amoco is a $200 billion company. So you can compare BP Amoco to a GE in terms of its size and diversification.

Ed Maran

If you take smaller ones, you can take more of them out and have better chances of finding what you are looking for.

Ed Heller