Autonomous robots alone will be unable to realize those scientific goals in the foreseeable future.

Frank Close

The Australian Government has great respect for the significance of these items as part of China's scientific and cultural history, and is committed to ensuring the worlds important heritage is protected into the future.

Chris Ellison

Scientific images are very artistic, and we wanted to present the artistic merit of science.

Michael Davidson

It was our gut instinct that we weren't at the same kind of a risk but we wanted to commission a report to confirm that because gut instinct isn't good enough. You actually want a scientific, objective, measurable opinion that you can base your actions on.

Jody Sydor

The scientific community urges immediate protection of the Hanford Reach ecosystem as the core strategy to recover Columbia Basin salmon.

Rebecca Wodder

This is a case in which there is no scientific evidence, no fingerprints, no blood splatter, no bloody weapon -- no weapon at all -- no witness to the crime.

Robert Harrison

DNA evidence has revealed a finite but troubling class of convictions tainted by what is best described as 'false facts': forensic evidence that likely carried great weight with the original jury, but which is now known, to a scientific certainty, to have been erroneous.

Peter Neufeld

Our annual roundup of the hottest research celebrates those scientists making a significant impact. Having authored multiple Hot Papers is an achievement of the highest level, as it truly demonstrates their impact on modern scientific thought.

Christopher King

The lack of scientific evidence should not be used as the basis for not doing anything. By the time you finally get the scientists there, there's nothing left.

Karen Sack

Approximately 50% of the cases are filed in the federal court, where standards for scientific evidence are far more rigorous.

Jami Rubin

Developing an Aids vaccine for the regions of the world in greatest need will take many more innovative partnerships like this one given the difficult scientific challenges we face.

Seth Berkley

This budget has grave implications for scientific research to combat HIV and AIDS. Bluntly put, this level of funding means less scientific research will get done by fewer scientists, with fewer new minds entering the field.

Judy Auerbach

Unmanned missions are all about specifically targeted scientific explorations of the universe around us. Without exceptions, these efforts rise out of intense competition where the most compelling, and answerable, questions are posed.

Marc Buie

I've been a little perplexed. I've always felt that Boston Scientific offers have been superior. I've not understood the loyalty of Guidant's board to J&J.

Ryan Rauch

The implication that Missouri is not fit for scientific research and that companies are having to move because of a perceived climate in Missouri.

Jessica Robinson

Science is analytical, descriptive, informative. Man does not live by bread alone, but by science he attempts to do so. Hence the deadliness of all that is purely scientific.

Eric Gill

Nobody climbs mountains for scientific reasons. Science is used to raise money for the expeditions, but you really climb for the hell of it.

Edmund Hillary

[The scientific consensus on the strength of the sound recordings from that region was] very, very exciting, ... It gives you chill bumps to think about that vast bottomland hardwood being certainly home to more than one bird.

Sam Hamilton

We are planning to launch nine satellites this year. The first one, a scientific experimental satellite, will blast off at the end of April.

Zhang Qingwei

It is already clear that the new slogan for the ID movement is going to be 'Teach the Controversy!' -- even though there is no scientific controversy over the validity of evolution in biology.

Eugenie Scott

A very scientific road test.

Ethan Allen

I don't mind . . . the fun and games of being treated like a fragile flower. But as a physiologist working with the unromantic scientific facts of life, I find it hard to delude myself about feminine frailty.

Estelle Ramey

The data released today by the Bureau of Meteorology adds to a huge body of scientific research that shows we no longer live in a natural climate.

Erwin Jackson

They did everything you would do if you wanted to incorporate a religious point of view in a science class and cared nothing about its scientific validity.

Eric Rothschild

As for scientific fashions, I should think that they last longer than women's fashions, but less long than men's.

Erwin Chargaff

I do not intend to sacrifice the scientific utility of the expedition to a mere record-breaking journey, but say frankly, all the same, that one of my great efforts will be to reach the southern geographical Pole.

Ernest Shackleton

Evolution is a way of understanding the world that continues to hold up day after day to scientific tests.

Eric Lander

I find it hard to take straight fantasy, as I don't believe in magic or the occult, and hard SF leaves me cold because I don't like reading pages and pages of science or scientific extrapolation at the expense of characters and emotion.

Eric Brown

Within the scientific community there is no debate about the fact that the Earth is warming, and the fact that humans have contributed to that warming.

Ellen Prager

We see no compelling scientific reason to re-create the virulent virus.

Edward Hammond

People don't know what they can say and what they can write, ... The scientific community can't operate that way.

Edward Felten

The product of the scientific imagination is a new vision of relations -- like that of artistic imagination.

Edmund Wilson

The failure to follow scientific advice and the fish kills of 2002 is now being put onto the backs of family fishermen by taking away their livelihood.

Zeke Grader

We also need to develop our bond market and adhere to a scientific development approach to ensure a harmonious society.

Zhang Tao