21 quotes about renovate follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We know we need to renovate Plantsville and South End but we are getting pressure to only do what the town can afford. We need to do what is educationally sound.

Kathleen Rickard

Upon completion, the developer will proceed to renovate the building's interior and exterior.

Paul Mann

There isn't enough money in the state's budget to bring the whole building up to current code. And if we're going to use the tax credits, we have to renovate the whole building.

Mac Mcarthur

We are searching for funding sources to renovate the buildings.

Shirley Wilkes

On a hot summer day, the varnish from the pews would end up on your shirt. We decided that if the church wasn't going to repaint and renovate itself, we would do it for the church.

Harry Schmidt

The new coaching staff seemed like they're ready to renovate. They said I was too good for (junior college). I saw the spring game, and they looked like they were motivated.

Jonathan Arceneaux

I can see the end. I want people to see what I see at the end of this project. ... I hope it will encourage people in the community to renovate other buildings.

Nelda Foster

They need to renovate more tracks. Some are falling apart. You have to set up more tracks, and that would be perfect to build a program.

Jorge Espinosa

Kids for Kids are great. This was a long awaited project and they helped make it possible. Our goal is to eventually renovate the whole school.

Steve Sweeney

I'm very happy, ... Our tenants are happy. Our new owners are planning to spend money to renovate and modernize all of the mall. They want to change its looks and bring it more up to date.

Donna Green

If it costs $50 to renovate it, it would be too much. That building has been a disaster from the beginning.

Ralph Moore

We set off a few years back to renovate the bus building industry. And I'm proud to stand here today and accept this award.

Anthony Goff

If you do nothing to this building, at least we need to renovate it. The building has shown signs of age and it's worn.

John Missell

I always thought of the waterfront as a quiet area, but the folk festival really changes that. They renovate the waterfront every year. It just keeps getting nicer.

Susan Roberts

A lot of starter homes are in neighborhoods where you wouldn't renovate. You would just move.

Carey Williams

It's not an option to not renovate this building.

Adam Falk

No matter what happens, we have to at least renovate this building.

Richard Treleven

I have the experience and I know the ropes necessary to do this job. I will renovate and revolutionize this campus. For now, I have a lot of work to do tonight.

Stephen Gosnell

I buy homes, renovate them as needed, and then use some creative methods to enable people to buy them, or perhaps lease with an option to buy later. In other words, rent to own. Every situation is different, so I stay flexible so I can design a program to meet the needs of the people who come to me for help.

John Andersen

Our plan was to renovate the building a quarter at a time and as that portion became occupied, to begin working on the next quarter.

Elaine Collins

They want to renovate this building as soon as possible to have it open, I believe, in fall 2007.

Zach Fowler