23 quotes about reactive follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I think we've gotten way too lackadaisical. Our society is very reactive rather than proactive, and it bothers me that the huge changes right after September 11, like the National Guard at the airport, have been cut back.

Amy Allen

The network-management role has historically been reactive. They don't know what is available, don't understand Internet Protocol technology and don't know what to ask for.

Jeff Snyder

The days when reactive technology would protect you are gone.

Patrick Hinojosa

We can't be reactive in this situation; we have to be proactive. Once these areas are polluted -- once they're gone -- they're never coming back. That's why this is so important now.

Dave Harter

It's too late when you're reactive. You're already losing kids.

Greg Hudnall

We can't be reactive in this situation; we have to be proactive. Once these areas are polluted they're never coming back.

Dave Harter

We want the public to be aware of the burglaries and to take precautionary measures. Be proactive rather than reactive.

Amber Dillon

Progressives have found themselves in more of a reactive role.

Corey Cook

We do not want to drop your child off at the wrong spot on the wrong day. And with the number of notes we're getting, it's going to happen. We'd rather be proactive rather than reactive.

Marlene Theel

We're trying to be proactive and not reactive to the situation. We need to have a little more compassion for the underprivileged. It's hard for them to get the help they need because they're looked down upon.

Debbie Miller

We're problem-solvers for organizations, we're team-builders and we help when things get hot. Typically we're called in when the company is in reactive mode. It would be better -- and cost less -- if we got involved sooner. But organizations are more comfortable with lawyers when conflicts become big problems.

Larry Axelrod

We've tended to be passive and reactive when it comes to recruiting companies. We've got to start being active and make ourselves stand out.

Derrick Daniels

It can't be a reactive, give me a specific laundry list of what you need and we'll figure whether we've got it. The most critical time in a disaster is in the first 48 to 72 hours and if you're not poised to help out you're not gonna be much good.

Stephen Flynn

Of course there are regrets. I shall regret always that I found my own authentic voice in politics. I was too conservative, too conventional. Too safe, too often. Too defensive. Too reactive. Later, too often on the back foot.

John Major

If we could get an increase in officers to get back to that, over time the crime rate would start to drop, ... We've become a more reactive police department.

David Hopkins

In seeking approval of this project, we are trying to be proactive rather than reactive.

Dave Alexander

They may need to take a step back and get perspective. That might mean reaching out to others and ask how they've handled it. The thing not to do is to be reactive in the moment. You have to choose your words carefully, and human resources people really know this if they keep up with their employment law.

Karen Ostrov

The series is not reactive, not angry, not a debate; it's reflective and premeditated. We very deliberately haven't opened any online discussion boards. So many people today listen in attack mode. We want to enforce listening.

Jay Allison

In France, and in Europe generally, consumption is very reactive to prices. So if inflation remains close to two percent, that is a potential problem.

Stephane Deo

Faculty don't feel they're involved in joint decision-making. They're placed into a reactive mode instead of a participatory situation.

Bill Powell

They (the Fed governors) are going to follow the jobs report. They're not going to be proactive. They're going to be reactive to the data.

John Silvia

Ultimately, we need to shift from a reactive to a proactive and event-based data protection, something that CDP helps to start to facilitate.

Greg Schulz

Have tended to be slow, reactive, and incremental over the past year.

Agost Benard