The network-management role has historically been reactive. They don't know what is available, don't understand Internet Protocol technology and don't know what to ask for.

In health care, for example, [network traffic that shuttles life-support data] is given a higher priority than general e-mail traffic. And for executives who engage in videoconferencing calls, video has to have priority.

About a year ago there was a story of a guy trying to pick up kids around here.

It's about improving business processes. That's where most businesses will see value. It will be in integrating voice into other business applications.

It was a good start to the tournament. We played sloppy defensively at different times of the game, but we will get better as the tournament goes on.

It sounds like Microsoft is going to take steps to make this easy for developers to actually implement.

The combined imagery of the PET and CT into this advanced technology now provides doctors with a single, highly defined, three-dimensional image of targeted areas of the human body. The PET/CT provides important information about a patient's condition, allowing doctors to make the best choices about treatment.

We're going to make it. But what that means, we don't know yet.

We're going to make it because the city manager says we're going to make it.