53 quotes about outright follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.

J. K. Rowling

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.

Helen Keller

It was a great run and it's great that the network didn't cancel us outright, and they're letting us do five more where we can wrap up a lot of story arcs.

Jason Bateman

We do not yet know how many lives have been lost through exhaustion, war or outright killing. There's no doubt the 60-day deadline ...presents us with really a daunting task. There are huge obstacles.

Sadako Ogata

One of our goals was to win the regular-season title. We still have to go to East Chapel Hill and handle our business to win the championship outright.

Tim Ross

As the prospects of a full-blown oil shock rise, the prospects of outright global recession in 2005 loom more and more likely.

Stephen Roach

I prefer the honest jargon of reality to the outright lies of books.

Jean Rostand

The night before the race I was at the hospital with Rush, deciding if he was going to race at all. He showed a lot of grit to even perform that day, let alone win the race outright.

Justin Rouleau

Church's new 'Spicy Chicken' campaign is a case in point. Taking first-hand insights from Church's multicultural customer base, we found that the kind of 'spicy' this segment was longing for was not an outright 'burn-your-mouth' hot fare. They were looking for something flavorful, with a kick.

Jesus Ramirez

I would have been happier to get the spot outright, but everyone is going so good, so it was the fairest way of doing it.

Marco Sullivan

Good writers borrow from other writers. Great writers steal from them outright.

Aaron Sorkin

I don't expect them to outright sell dollars -- that would lead to a crash, which would hurt China. It may signal a less aggressive accumulation of dollar reserves.

Marios Maratheftis

Some of it is outright illegal behavior, but most of it is subtle. It makes women feel undervalued and not respected.

Jo Handelsman

What exactly HAS the military done to get to the bottom of this? They launched an investigation that lasted, apparently, a matter of hours. And now they tell us there's nothing they can do, and nothing they're going to do, about the outright racist abuse of Muslims by U.S. troops.

John Aravosis

It's exciting. We wanted to come out here and win, and we knew it needed to be done. I'm just really excited. This is my last year and I wanted to win (the title) outright.

Jessica Martinez

The reform mandate is probably not going to be as strong as it would have been under an outright victory by Merkel.

Ian Stannard

We're not buying outright like Plato's. We're doing a 60/40 split.

Jill Nelson

I have complete confidence in my team that we can win the NIC outright. But I can't say we're in the driver's seat now. Ask me in four more NIC games. On any given night in this conference, anyone can beat you.

John Corthier

That's the most we scored in a conference game. We're hitting well and playing good defense. It's good to win the conference outright.

Derek Dougan

This decision has been how many years? The fact that there had been no decision at all was the same to BA-AA as an outright rejection.

Glenn Engel

In our district bylaws, we're considered co-champions. As players, you'd like to win it outright.

David Jordan

We haven't achieved anything yet. We've just got an outright entry into the semifinals by topping the classifications. Now, if we want to really cherish it, we have to go all the way to win the championship.

Ryan Gregorio

The important thing about tonight's win is that it gave us the conference outright. We talked about how important that was before the game.

Pam Adams

We have a chance to win it outright for a third straight year. It's tough to win a league outright.

Jim Mayzes

Yet there comes a time in the life of a patriot when abdication would amount to a betrayal if not outright treachery.

Olusegun Obasanjo

We've been playing pretty well but knew we needed some help along the way to win it outright. Now, if we win out, we win the area. It's right there for us, we just need to go get it.

Michael Goodling

I get disgusted by the increasing — I don't want to say incompetence — but the outright crookedness in Washington and they don't do anything about it.

Dave Klein

Flying detainees to countries where they may face torture or other ill treatment is a direct and outright breach (of) international law.

Claudio Cordone

The sentiment now is outright bullish.

Jan Leroy

What it amounts to is an outright attack on Manassas' growing Latino population.

Kent Willis

If it's a core piece of property, we prefer outright acquisition because we can manage it and it has public access.

Michael Molligan

I don't know how relevant it is to [the COS players]. But they have to appreciate the fact that it is an opportunity to win an outright championship, and not many players get an opportunity to do so.

Rusty Smith

One thing the Albanians and the other so-called ethnic organized crime groups have in their favor is the Mafia's decision to shift away from murder and outright violence.

Jerry Capeci

It's our biggest rivalry game and our girls would like nothing better than to beat Silver in their backyard and win the district outright.

Jerome Sandoval

Exaggerated claims laced with outright lies.

Lord Black

For the money that the U.S. federal government paid farmers between 1995 and 2003, ... the government could have purchased outright more than a quarter of all farms.

Cato Institute

We don't want to be co-champions. We want to win it outright.

Mike Webb

I stick by what I say. He (Dr. Atkinson) was there, but so were several others. It was implied, even if it wasn't said outright.

Larry Parker

We want to be No. 1. We strive to be No. 1 in everything. That's something our administration helps us with and something we preach all the time. That's our goal -- to win all we can, and I want to win the league championship and win it outright, and we can do that tomorrow night.

Barret Peery

Every day, foreigners need to acquire more than $2 billion in U.S. dollar denominated assets -- soon $3 billion -- just to keep the dollar from falling. This can be done through the purchases of U.S. bonds, or by buying assets outright.

Axel Merk

We reject outright that we discriminate on the basis of age.

Virgin Blue

It was outright theft. He put (Black Tie Affair) on the lead and lulled the competition to sleep. Black Tie Affair didn't win that race; Jerry Bailey won that race.

Tom Durkin

God gave us the gift of life. It is the most precious gift ever. To be unarmed is to be helpless to protect that gift; that is outright irresponsible.

Ted Nugent

We believe this to be very positive because the issue regarding whether or not Churchill is an American Indian was dismissed outright. That was the most single offensive allegation against him.

David Lane

Generally speaking, the approach is self-governance and personal responsibility, as opposed to an outright ban on alcohol.

Tom Oliver

The '90s was the slippery slope from managing expectations to managing earnings to outright fraud.

Patrick Mcgurn

It's absolutely amazing that someone who would stand for moral-uprightness would outright lie. We've never met this bishop. We've never been across [the street] to talk to the church.

Mike Watson

You'd like to be outright (champions) in a league that's as tough as ours. In a couple of months you won't remember (being co-champions). At least I wouldn't.

Mark Freeze

Ben's outright professionalism is the key to his success.

Ben Ainslie

That album was just rejected outright by country radio. It was like an open revolt against one of country's biggest superstars.

Chris Willman

The situation on the border is rapidly deteriorating, and an outright war would make the humanitarian situation unbearable.

Eric Reeves

It keeps them from having the opportunity to groom that child. Most of the time they're not going to do an outright abduction from a park.

Ernie Limon

We would go down to the Big 12 tournament and win it outright. Win the whole thing and finally get one of those trophies.

Erin Grant