33 quotes about outraged follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence.

Henri Frederic Amiel

Americans should be outraged at how many Western states are treating America's lion.

Lynn Sadler

I'm outraged. This is so un-American. It's legalized stealing. Unless the state changes the law, people of my echelon, the financially challenged, will always be the people who get moved. Is there ever an end?

Martha Babson

The entire West Side is going to be outraged. These schools will not be built by 2008.

Robert Lucero

We were outraged, to put it mildly.

Mark Slater

Every version of it still has the lovers, outraged parents and fairies.

Charlie Skelton

The support I got from the community, the letters from strangers, was stunning. I thought I was going to have to face this alone, but the community was outraged, and behind me.

Andrew Sterling

We were outraged that no officials came ... when they carry responsibility for what happened. These body parts were also our children.

Susanna Dudiyeva

It is often easier to become outraged by injustice half a world away than by oppression and discrimination half a block from home.

Carl T. Rowan

If this is correct, your shareholders should be outraged that such a transaction was not consummated.

Richard Grubman

Every day I'm intrigued and sometimes outraged by things that no one talks about. Current is a chance to be heard, and send think-bombs out into the world.

Catherine Hardwicke

Moms and dads don't know what to do. They are outraged at this. It's so absurd. Our prayer is that this nonsense will stop.

Rev. Flip Benham

We are outraged by terrorism, which threatens and devastates human lives and institutions in such a limitless fashion.

Ferenc Madl

I'm outraged not only by his own deception, but his efforts to enlist players and assistant coaches in this scheme.

Robert Sloan

Taxpayers should be outraged that this is happening. They just don't know.

Jim Metrock

I'm outraged. I'm in this field of work. We're screaming for help.

Lisa Jones

I'm outraged. The whole community is outraged because they can't be in the games and because of the continued destruction of the program.

Rhonda Taylor

I'm outraged at being abandoned there by the government, ... I felt totally helpless.

John Bryson

If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

Jack Carter

The Canada we see in this report does not reflect the one we hold in our hearts, ... Canadians expect more and they expect better. We should be outraged that we are among the worst in the industrialized world.

David Suzuki

People don't know. They've become complacent with traffic deaths. They're outraged that 2,000 soldiers doing their jobs are getting killed. That is horrible; but there were 3,344 people killed just in Florida, just commuting.

Sgt. Jorge Delahoz

When you are outraged by somebody's impudence, ask yourself at once, 'Can the world exist without impudent people?' It cannot; so do not ask for impossibilities.

Marcus Aurelius

We don't have the details but we can be outraged in general.

Doug Heiken

It will only make people more distrustful of government. What we need is more openness, not less. There is no way this is beneficial Citizens ought to be outraged.

Jay Heck

This is a once-in-a-generation chance to overhaul the system. The challenge is whether the American public is going to get outraged enough to turn that into action.

Frank Clemente

We are outraged that they would consider debarment for a billing error when the same action is being taken against a company that is responsible for $11 billion in fraud.

James Fischer

Because then, legal minds outside of the adult-film industry were outraged, and the so-called 'legitimate' people that came to his defense [Warren Beatty, Jack Nicholson, Dick Cavett, etc.] were enough to stop them.

Harry Reems

Our members will be outraged.

Gerry Morrissey

When so-called celebrities come across here making their pronouncements - wealthy people telling folks how they should earn their living - well, we're outraged. We don't feel we need to justify the hunt to anyone.

Phil Jenkins

I believe this was a huge issue. Very rarely in Pennsylvania history do we see the people getting so upset and so outraged at the government.

Robert Lusch

Oh, I'm outraged, I see this as a purely political maneuver by the U.S. government and the Drug Czar. It's political pressure.

Libby Davies

I'm outraged, disgusted, furious; I'm running out of words to express how upset I am.

Patty Murray

I would say they're outraged, concerned, disappointed.

Victoria Gray