6 quotes about outpaced follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The proliferation of alternative news outlets has made the competitive landscape more intense for local broadcasters. Digital strategies must now be integrated into everyday operations or news organizations will be quickly outpaced.

Jason Gould

The orchestra matured and so many great things happened at a speed that outpaced the internal infrastructure in the organization. They're having some growing pains, and it's unfortunate when people get caught up in it.

Tim Lynch

Investors have been conditioned to buy on the down days, ... Money continues to flow into the market (and) net sellers are being outpaced by buyers.

Doug Myers

Programming fees have significantly outpaced the average increase of a DirecTV customer's bill.

Robert Mercer

BMW's success has outpaced even our wildest expectations.

Bernard Groseclose

He got outpaced at a crucial time. He rather lacked the experience this time but he came home nicely.

Tony Mccoy