39 quotes about newer follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

One of the key challenges is how to make After Effects powerful enough for experienced users, but still accessible to newer users.

Jim Guerard

The store is going to have to become fresher, newer, more interesting to people to attract and hold people coming back to the store.

George Rosenbaum

The increase in home prices in Pasco County has led to condo conversion of some of the newer rental communities.

Byron Moger

Our newer schools have thermostats in classrooms that teachers can control, but they don't go lower than 68 or higher than 70.

Jeanann Paddyfote

Many of the plans that set out into this market, set out with expectations that they would have a larger base of beneficiaries. I do expect you will see some of the smaller, newer plans dropping out.

Dan Mendelson

Although they aren't unique like the Carnegie building and they don't have the charm of the Carnegie, they are newer and they have falling rental rates.

Tom Bauer

The difference between me and the newer artists is that I have the history with the architects, the masters that started the music. I know where the music came from.

Ricky Skaggs

And especially the newer bishops. Everybody knows they were appointed by the Holy Father.

Cardinal Zen

People who are newer to the city don't even remember the hotel ever being open. To a lot of people, it is an eyesore.

Kevin Roderick

This equipment is newer and greater and does so much more. There's just no comparison in what we can do.

Phillip White

There are a lot of new medications on the market for treating diabetes. Although some of these newer drugs are more expensive, that extra expense is made up for by a reduction of cost in other aspects of healthcare use.

Rajesh Balkrishnan

With newer bone-fixation methods, there are smaller incisions to minimize tissue damage and bleeding and accelerate the healing process.

Matthew Dairman

Of course, the equipment gets better. We add newer medications that work better. But for the most part, our job is to take care of the airway, breathing and circulation and get the (patient) to the hospital.

Dr. Dennis Wyman

With a lot of the newer agents, if they're not making money on the call, they move on.

Jennifer Foster

It would be a better building if we went to Samuelson. It will be a much safer environment. It's a newer building in much better shape.

Brian Millard

Our members and many of our newer members are having trouble finding adequate housing. This is in response to that.

David Riley

We're at the cutting edge. The purely oral approach is newer and experimental in that it's not happening in the same way in every place.

Ruth Hubbard

We are making efficiencies and moving to newer authors but established authors are still great cash generators.

Marjorie Scardino

It's not that we didn't have some newer candidates, but it was the feeling of the committee that some of these candidates were long overdue.

Gary Geller

I wouldn't know any newer bands. We're past the pimple stage.

Angus Young

This is newer, fresher comedic turf to be playing on. The fact that Ivan is attached only gives me more confidence.

Peter Liguori

Newer houses are being built to a much better standard, and that reduces property loss.

Tracy Davis

We turn not older with years, but newer every day.

Emily Dickinson

Newer teachers also have a broader perspective on literature.

Larry Johannessen

I don't know how much better newer editions are than the old editions, but I guess it depends on the subject.

Rory Schmidt

Throughout all eight hurricanes [that hit Florida since August 2004], we have found clear cases where newer and better built homes fares better than older homes.

Sam Miller

We need a lot of dedication from the newer girls and from everyone. We've never had a set team show up every day. We need players who will be here, and who will pay attention and not (mess) around.

Shelly Gonzales

One of the extra benefits of modern tennis is people learn more quickly ... the newer rackets are far more forgiving.

Stuart Miller

That's our greatest challenge: to continue to introduce newer and different and better and more durable and more interesting and better-smelling whatever it is, new products, to the market.

Alex Fisher

The [transactional printing] market is a mature market. Some of the key growth markets are in newer applications such as direct mailings and book printing.

Andy Gordon

Most buyout funds today increasingly have to go to newer markets. Countries like India and China offer the most potential.

Kelvin Chan

A Newer New Orleans.

Art Neville

She always said that she should get a newer car, but she never did.

Helen Linhart

People will enjoy the newer and younger artists. The last couple of years we got into a little bit of a rut featuring the same artists. There is a lot of talent out there.

Bob Kyler

It was competitive. It's a newer building, it's a more office-like building, (and) we were able to consolidate three (offices) into one.

John Meyers

It (UK recycling) probably increases a little each year, because we find newer things to recycle.

Tom Gregory

There's some perception in our community that we invest more in our newer schools. Their appearance makes them look dated.

Walt Byrd

Here and there. Lots of kids nowadays listen to primarily newer punk bands, and I definitely can't say I'm not guilty of that.

Eric Myers

Yeah, feathers get ruffled. But she tries to balance the newer stuff with the classics.

Ed Joiner