50 quotes about miners follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It could be hours, or days before the miners are rescued.

Steve Milligan

We had some extraordinary people here back in those days. Those miners were rough and tough, but they had hearts of gold, too.

Howard Tritz

It's important that we monitor these miners with problems. The intent is good. It needs to be thought through very carefully.

Bill Caylor

When I saw that on television, it just broke my heart because I know what those miners go through.

Doris Wilson

I have never heard one good thing in comments from miners about that area.

John Sparkman

Even with that, that's not enough air to get those miners out of these circumstances which we all know now they find themselves in.

Joe Main

As a result 13 underground miners are presently unaccounted for.

Roger Nicholson

Coal production peaked in 1990, and we lost 40 percent of our production, which meant we lost 40 percent of our miners.

Bill Caylor

People are betting on strong earnings growth for miners, and the argument is that metal prices will stay firm, if not climb up.

Peter Wright

We were deceived. The miners were peaceful. I always thought maybe some miner started it.

David Roberts

This is the first one I've been involved with where miners were trapped.

William Garay

In West Virginia, we're all family. We know how firefighters and policemen honor their own and we feel our miners deserve to be honored in a similar way.

Ginger Baker

The twelve miners have been located and are being moved to the surface and their condition is being assessed while they are being moved.

Tom Hunter

I'm a believer that we do not have enough air on these miners to get them safely out of harm's way. That's what the government should be guaranteeing.

Joe Main

Alcohol and drug abuse by miners threatens the safety of their colleagues, and that cannot be tolerated.

David G. Dye

There were people getting killed in there left and right, and he would explain how they got killed. A cable broke on a hoist and the whole thing fell clear to the bottom, things like that. A lot of miners were also killed by falling rocks.

Barry Kibler

We wait 45 hours to rescue miners and it's too late, but the Legislature under the prodding of our governor acts in eight hours.

Robert Rupp

They're making miners work excessively long shifts. They have too many miners underground.

Robin Munro

This had never been done before. He had no precedence. He was working with hard rock miners.

Dj Garrity

There's some legs left in the miners, at least in the medium term while metals prices hover not too far from record levels.

Donald Williams

That increases as miners go down due to rock temperature -- guess you're getting closer to hell.

Harry Anderson

The miners had to run out of the mine as the water pored in, and it reversed the flow in a canal and shrimp boats were breaking lose.

Donald Owen

Time appears to be on the miners' side.

Glyn Lawcock

They're a bit more prudent than some of the other miners.

Nick Hatch

You can't expect miners to come in and testify about unsafe conditions in the mine when you have their employers across the table from them.

Tony Oppegard

I've never really done anything like this at the Miner's Claim before. We've really stuck to the status quo there.

Christian Harra

When we lose one, the whole nation's miners mourn.

Bob Friend

Yes, it bothers me tremendously. I'm not sure how many miners went and was able to live as long as my father had, which I'm sure most of them did, and it really bothers me because it took them so long.

Ann Merideth

All of the money brought in will go to the families of the miners who died in the two accidents and to the survivor. It is a group effort, and lots of folks are involved and should be thanked.

Carol Baugh

I'm from Texas, and my dad was from West Texas. As I was growing up, he'd tell me about the Miners and then he'd say that it just shows that you can do anything if you try hard enough.

Mehcad Brooks

Most of the miners that you see in the movie were actual miners that live in that town or in villages nearby.

Stephen Daldry

VCEDA didn't work for that money, ... It has been made off the back of several generations of coal miners, and from the gas companies.

Scott Moore

Some of the sectors that have gone so far like miners and the oil stocks are due to come back a little, and it doesn't take much in those big sectors to take the index down.

Roger Cursley

As far as making somebody walk, we're going to have old miners dropping dead.

Michael Josephson

There was some type of explosion either heard or felt by the miners attempting to go in the mine for a shift change. They then backtracked out of the mine.

Lara Ramsburg

We found the two miners that we were looking for for the past 40-some hours. … Unfortunately, we don't have a positive outcome.

Doug Conaway

There's a closeness in the miners that's unexplainable. They're a band of brothers.

Jim Rose

The miners tried to fight the blaze but were unable to control it and escaped to the surface.

Gordon Miller

Everything humanly possible is being done to rescue the miners.

Gordon Miller

This legislation will give miners a fighting chance to survive situations like what happened at Sago.

Cecil Roberts

These miners are experienced, they are well-trained. We are just praying they had an opportunity to put their training to use.

Gene Kitts

It's not just miners - I suspect there will be a few more industries feeling the effects of oil prices and other costs.

Angus Gluskie

We lost an entire generation of coal miners.

Jim Dean

We don't know whether some of the miners got washed away. Flooding underground creates a lot of pressure. God only knows who's alive down there.

William Garay

We're working as hard as we can ... to find those two miners.

Doug Conaway

There are huge expansions going on in Western Australia and the employment pages are groaning with ads from companies like ours. Miners are helping out as the jobs market softens a bit elsewhere.

Leo Kipfstuhl

It was a good result considering the environment of higher costs being faced by miners.

Jason Teh

This is a typical case in which mine owners make money, miners lose their lives and the government pays the bill.

Li Yizhong

In fact, we've been told that the miners had to enter the building by the side doors, and not the front entrance.

Ellise Clark

Miners have been massive in the past 12 months. The commodity bull-run has been enormous.

Edmund Shing