46 quotes about fake follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The hair is real; it's the head that's fake.

Steve Allen

Acting is all about honesty. If you can fake that, you've got it made.

George F. Burns

An artist does not fake reality--he *stylizes* it.

Ayn Rand

Integrity is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake your consciousness, just as honesty is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake existence.

Ayn Rand

This is the challenge of writing. You have to be very emotionally engaged in what you're doing, or it comes out flat. You can't fake your way through this.

Real Live Preacher

The charge is that she (Thomas) punched someone in the face and then she chose to give police a fake ID.

Laura Mcelroy

Training has helped clerks to spot fake IDs.

Terry Hinton

You tried to charm them and fake them out, ... They saw you lie to them. I saw you lie. It was an insult to the court and to the system.

Gerard Lynch

Sincerity: if you can fake it, you've got it made.

Daniel Schorr

You can't find any true closeness in Hollywood, because everybody does the fake closeness so well.

Carrie Fisher

Yeah, I was fouled (as I was about to shoot). I got the fake down and I knew I was about to shoot but they didn't call it.

Josh Parker

Unfortunately, I find myself just watching him sometimes when I should be carrying out a fake.

Joey Harrington

Honesty is the key to a relationship. If you can fake that, you're in.

Richard Jeni

Then the idea of this fake death came out very late in the game and we rewrote it.

Howard Gordon

(They) just don't want anything fake. They're just being snobby.

Chris Payne

You don't know if it's fake until it's too late.

Lewis Brinson

We're Sex Pistols, we ain't fake.

John Lydon

This must stop. We will punish sellers of fake braces.

Rasamee Vistaveth

Memory is like an orgasm. It's a lot better if you don't have to fake it. [On virtual memory].

Seymore Cray

Modesty in an actor is as fake as passion in a call girl.

Jackie Gleason

He held us in the box. He's always a threat, even if he's carrying on the fake.

John Shevlin

It's serious, but gangs out here, they're fake.

Mike Thornton

That is Matt?s call. If he sees that he can make it, he calls the fake. He made it easily.

Bill Scott

We know as a fact that No. 61 obtained a fake federal agent's ID to commit felonious crimes.

Jan Caldwell

It comes from a time of optimism based on technology. It is a fake; it's clearly not an artifact.

Peter Franck

You can't fake listening. It shows.

Raquel Welch

The way we carry on with each other though, that?s not fake.

Anna Mercedes

He's scary because of what he's doing to California. You can't fake it to the public. We're not star-struck.

Jennifer Lee

The harm (of fake vaccines) is incalculable.

Jia Youling

He told them that he knew it was fake and that he had gotten it from an unknown man.

Yvonne Martinez

I find it perplexing that Nike didn't come here and say they think the shoes are fake.

Cameron Belk

We created a license that was almost impossible, if not impossible, to counterfeit, to fake, to get.

Frank Penela

It's better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody.

Matt Damon

Fake drugs is a business that is equivalent to murder.

Gao Feng

If you have a beautiful face you don't need big fake boobs to get anyone's attention.

Paris Hilton

Customs will seize items if they are fake.

Cameron Belk

They gave me their name, which was fake.

Brenda Allen

I wanted to see if I could hit [Campbell] with the fake. He went for it. That really got the crowd excited and that made me excited.

Hakim Warrick

Only very, very good actors can fake them.

Sonja Lyubomirsky

If you don't get it from Nike, they say it's fake.

Cameron Belk

One cop was reaching for his gun. I had to break open one of the skulls to prove that these were fake.

Todd Masters

He received the ball, made one fake and put the ball in the corner - they were placement shots.

Tracey Morrill

If it's a technical position and they've got skill and competency requirements, you can't fake that.

Marty Nemko

Santa was a fake.

Stephen Lawrence

The amps are turned up until the sound breaks. There's nothing fake involved.

Gabe Borquez

She didn't believe in fake flowers. That was a no-no.

Edith Johnson