29 quotes about emphasize follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I can't emphasize enough how easily overlooked these ticks are.

Bob Lane

I wanted to emphasize the glamour and prestige of the event.

Joan Maloney

It would actually re-emphasize the South as a new manufacturing area for automotive companies.

David Rumbarger

We can all do more to emphasize reading in the high schools.

Keith Brewer

But I have to emphasize that this is not the final toll.

Jaspher Ombati

Our goal is to emphasize our design center to display our featured items.

Keith Papanicolas

We want our players to be scholar-athletes. We emphasize that all year.

Shane Voss

Coaches emphasize defense. We'll try to. We still want to get our points on the board.

Frank Edwards

It appears ? appears , I want to emphasize ? that the cabinet was damaged last week. We don't know. It could have been damaged before.

Issa Dadoush

(Bush) will emphasize the positives. And put a happier face on the economy.

Bert Rockman

If God created shadows it was to better emphasize the light.

Pope John Xxiii

I want to emphasize that this is a very, very gradual process.

Dr. Felix Umansky

What I try to emphasize more than anything else is don't be afraid to make a mistake. That's how you learn what you can't do, and what you don't like to do.

Wesley Hill

The majority of the management team, and I emphasize team, that was here when we built it up is still here.

Scott Long

The walks emphasize aesthetic appreciation.

Carolyn Rost

I can not emphasize enough it is an American buyer.

Michael Seymour

I wish to emphasize that China is a peace-loving nation.

Jiang Enzhu

We want to emphasize safety, so no one gets hurt.

Mario Perez

They really are a good team. I cannot emphasize that enough.

Gary Fifield

The most important thing I can emphasize is to be suspicious and cautious.

Todd Holmes

We really emphasize that for our team. We have to be in better condition than our opponents in order to compete.

Mike Tkach

We are committed to completing this transaction with Vincor quickly and I emphasize quickly. We will make all our resources available to achieve that goal.

Richard Sands

We're trying to emphasize that it's not better here, it's just different.

David Brody

We emphasize service and mission. They're getting it.

John Graler

The new space will let us emphasize the aesthetic qualities of our collections. We want to appeal to visitors in a new way.

Dan Rahimi

One thing we wanted to emphasize was bringing a little more physical (play) to the defense.

Korey Hall

We tried to emphasize with him and the team that things aren't going to go perfect.

Al Groh

It's important for us to emphasize the good things and correct their mistakes. More often than not, you learn more from the mistakes that you make than from the things that you do correctly.

Kristi Reller

That is what we want to emphasize - that is just the ones that we know of.

Edith Erfling