13 quotes about cutter follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I think it's a perfect age for them to do an investigation . . . that's unique to them and not a cookie-cutter assignment.

Norm Negus

We've always said that we were not going to have a cookie-cutter approach.

Condoleezza Rice

It's not a safe bet and it's not the cookie-cutter formula.

Blair Underwood

I don't agree with the cookie-cutter mentality. It's maddening. It's sad and very frustrating.

Terry Gough

We wear our cars. You can't just take a cookie-cutter approach.

Freeman Thomas

This is not a cookie-cutter vehicle. This was specially designed.

Dana Perry

These are not cookie-cutter businesses. They require unique discipline and mind set.

George Whalin

If I start this year, I'll be throwing my cutter a little bit. And I'll blow the dust off my changeup and bring it back.

Jeremy Affeldt

Peg can run the silage cutter and I run the truck and bagger. So the two of us can put up our silage.

Don Zilverberg

She's a professional duct tape cutter.

Hayden Allred

It's a well-proven cookie-cutter formula. It works.

David Upton

A high cutter. Usually when the ball is up, it's a sign that a guy is overthrowing.

Damian Miller

We don't have really any facilities aboard a cutter to store a deceased body.

Ryan Doss