23 quotes about buyer follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We have not identified a specific buyer.

Michael Niggli

The likelihood now must be that the picture would pass to an overseas buyer.

Lord Halifax

I'm painfully middle class. I'm very much a retail buyer.

Valerie Harper

If you can find a buyer for the business, that's obviously a way to get your money at less risk.

John Godber

It's a more cautious buyer.

Jay Butler

If you are going to be a (condo) buyer, you either want to be around the action, or you don't want to be around the action.

Lorenzo Fertitta

We did see a drop-off in buyer volume.

Brett Ellis

I suspect that there is a significant buyer out there, probably a central bank.

Paul Merrick

Time Warner is the biggest challenge for any buyer.

Peter Fader

I've never solicited a tenant or a buyer. I'm happy with what I do. But as a businesswoman, I have to consider things that come my way.

Lisa Vitiello

Every buyer that reads that negotiates harder.

Peter Francese

We've always reached the hardcover buyer more than the paperback buyer.

Chris Lynch

Almost anything is worth offering on the off chance it will find a buyer.

Chris Anderson

We were assured by the buyer, ... that it was not endangered. He flat out lied to us.

Richard Neutra

I can not emphasize enough it is an American buyer.

Michael Seymour

We have other partnerships (with Viacom), ... we prefer to be the buyer.

Frank Biondi

Whatever you've got, there's money for it. At the end of the day, there's a buyer for it.

Russell Ingrum

We won't stop until every new car buyer considers us.

John Krafcik

For an older record buyer, there is much more available now.

Darren Clark

It's a race for the hearts and minds of the premium buyer.

Jim Sanfilippo

No home-owner or home-buyer was ever affected at all.

Jimmy Neal

You can have no assumptions. The buyer profile was very general in details.

Brandon Hall

I don't see a strategic buyer. It doesn't make sense for HP to buy Kodak.

Shannon Cross