An architect is the drawer of dreams.
Grace Mcgarvie
The bungalow had more to do with how Americans live today than any other building that has gone remotely by the name of architecture in our history.
J. Russell Lynes
Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space.
Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe
Architects are pretty much high-class whores. We can turn down projects the way they can turn down some clients, but we've both got to say yes to someone if we want to stay in business.
Philip Johnson
Talent finds its models, methods, and ends in society, exists for exhibition, and goes to the soul only for power to work. Genius is its own end, and draws its means and the style of its architecture from within.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it begins.
Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe
[It is] the most hideous waterfront structure ever inflicted on a city by a combination of architectural conceit and official bad taste. the Cathedral of Asphalt.
Robert Moses
Architecture is the art of how to waste space.
Philip Johnson
Architecture, of all the arts, is the one which acts the most slowly, but the most surely, on the soul.
Ernest Dimnet
There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds.
G. K. Chesterton
The fundamental architecture and building blocks are right.
Phil Hester
Berlin is liberation. Architecture, man!
Michelle Rodriguez
I always wanted to study abroad. Art and architecture are what fascinate me.
Matthew Boland
If you have to have a ramp, try to respect the architecture.
Deb Michener
I quit college. I was studying architecture for about a year.
Barry Mann
There were a lot of architecture and structural things that they had to grind out.
Jane Mcvey
It's people only that you see, there's very little architecture that you see inside.
Jacques Herzog
The house has a degree of graciousness that is rare in new architecture.
John Mashek
To create architecture is to put in order. Put what in order? Function and objects.
Le Corbusier
It's a remarkable example of that type of architecture.
Howard Smith
The word 'open' never appeared. There is no open architecture.
Herb Schneider
We wanted it very much to fit in with the look, feel and architecture of the community.
Scott Rasmussen
An important work of architecture will create polemics.
Richard Meier
One Hundred Years of Architecture.
Jeremy Strick
I have no requirements for a style of architecture.
Michael Graves
This is the architecture everybody else is using.
Scott Cooper
Architecture is the reaching out for the truth.
Louis Kahn
Architecture is one part science, one part craft and two parts art.
David Rutten
Not only are they destroying architecture of note, they are destroying history.
David Bahlman
The topology will drive the architecture.
Bill Tolpegin
We absolutely loved it in Winnipeg. The people were wonderful, the architecture is wonderful.
Patrick Swayze
We are victims of our architecture.
Guillaume Parmentier
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