37 quotes about upstream follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The oil system, both upstream and downstream, is being run close to sustainable limits and the tensions created by the absence of slack are now the key driver of prices.

Barclays Capital

It will give the folks upstream a chance to catch some of these shad that we have been hogging.

Gary Scott

Operational issues held us back this quarter, but we are in the process of making a full recovery. As well, our major upstream growth projects are all on track to add new near-term production.

Ron Brenneman

I describe more as a market pressure than UPS problems. It's kind of tough to swim upstream in this period.

Scott Flower

Our upstream business -- exploration and production -- continues to be the major contributor to overall profits, ... However, the improvement in earnings from the year-ago quarter was largely driven by our U.S. downstream operations -- refining, marketing and transportation.

Dave O'reilly

You're dealing with it at the deep end, when people are already shooting at each other. The best investments are one upstream.

Peter Greenwood

Our order book continues to strengthen and our research continues to uncover new ways to expand our technology for the upstream industry.

Dave Pratt

Over time these prices will have an impact on supply and demand. In order to achieve security of supply we need to increase investments. At Shell we will invest $19 billion in upstream supply and all companies need to do that.

Malcolm Brinded

We have listened to the market and developed the first-of-its-kind 'Quick Start' program to help the automotive supplier community quickly cut costs by enabling leaner processes. With these easily deployed, low-cost, no risk offerings, we expect the tier one community to quickly adopt our technology further building out our automotive ecosystem upstream to suppliers.

Gary Latham

The way the rescue was actually accomplished was the crews waded across lower down the river and then they moved upstream and they walked him back downstream.

Martin Ernst

Princeton Hospital appears to have everything in the world against it and not a lot going for it. They are swimming upstream in a fast-moving current.

Tim Cook

We are at the point where people are making a decision about what to watch. The advertising opportunity is moving upstream.

Michael Raneri

Frankly, this is a darn good economy to start with. He's inheriting an asset, not a liability. It's not as if he's swimming upstream.

Jim Wilcox

The size of the buybacks and the relatively low percentage that is being reinvested in the industry would tend to indicate that oil companies don't have enough new upstream opportunities and projects to spend their money on.

Neil Mcmahon

Those really are not legitimate complaints. When our floodwall is in place and securing the river, we will have zero impact on properties upstream.

Gary Warren

This is in keeping with our upstream strategy, to build our portfolio of high quality producing assets and medium term development opportunities to supply our British Gas customers.

Roy Gardner

This estuary was a 40-foot-deep holding area for arriving salmon, and for juveniles heading out to sea, ... Now a wedge of sand and rock extends all the way upstream to Honeydew. Some estimate that area holds 80 million cubic yards of fill.

Chris Larson

If trees go down, it's fine as long as the reason is a naturally caused one. Our real concern is altered water flow from upstream, and hurricanes don't change that one way or another.

Rick Cook

As you start developing and making improvements upstream, at some point you're probably going to want to take that restriction weir out to aid in reducing upstream flooding.

Carlos Hernandez

Fishing for browns requires stealth, patience, a lot of hiding behind bushes and limited wading. About the only time you'll see me hiding behind a bush is when I encounter a bear. I'd rather be on the water heading upstream. Doesn't seem to bother the rainbows and it's probably the reason I don't catch a lot of browns.

Jimmy D. Moore

They're trying to migrate upstream, that's why were providing fish passage. There will be fish passage this spring.

Robert Richter

We need European and all foreign companies to be able to invest in upstream in Russia, and for Russian companies to be able to invest in downstream to provide transparency. Companies need to have a right to invest openly without any restrictions imposed by the state.

Igor Shuvalov

I see the ability to drive the technology further upstream in my process so we can coordinate even further the interaction between our various systems, which will help coordinate all of our titles.

John Blanchard

A supply disruption could trigger a release, but it is too early to say. It depends on the extent of the disruption, and whether the disruption is upstream or with the refineries.

Claude Mandil

We'd like to think we have pretty aggressive organic growth in the company, both upstream and downstream.

Jim Mulva

There is little doubt that raw sewage is routinely dumped upstream of intake much less than the required 2 mile distance.

Ben Carter

Always drink upstream from the herd.

Cowboy Proverb

If you move data quality upstream and embed it in the [business] process, it's much better than trying to catch [flawed data] downstream and then fixing it in all the different applications that used it.

Aaron Zornes

I believe it is reasonable for them (shareholders) to reject the proposal because no investor would want the parent competing with the listed unit for any upstream asset acquisition.

Marco Mak

These federal environmental laws were designed to help keep peace among the states, to give them a way to address upstream pollution problems coming from their neighbors. In Louisiana, pollution comes as far away as Wyoming and Minnesota.

Howard Fox

With the proceeds from the A share issue, we will be able to fine-tune the integration of the company's upstream and downstream operations.

Li Yizhong

The weakness in the household sector of the economy has helped to contain core inflation despite rising energy and upstream prices. I think while that situation persists, interest rates will certainly be on hold.

Andrew Hanlan

As we have seen for more than a year, ... our upstream business -- exploration and production -- has been the major contributor to our higher profits.

Dave O'reilly

The p11 is upstream of the receptor, and now the question is what is upstream of the p11.

Paul Greengard

It appears that investor sentiment for upstream semiconductor-related shares has been strong.

Shawn Wang

It is well known that "problem avoidance" is an important part of problem solving. Instead of solving the problem you go upstream and alter the system so that the problem does not occur in the first place.

Edward de Bono

It would see to me the downstream assets of Texaco in the United States are the major issue here. Generally speaking, the upstream generation and production company doesn't have any FTC concern.

Ed Maran