46 quotes about unusually follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The winter has been unusually harsh this year again. It's a constant battle for these survivors.

Marvin Parvez

Although it's still early in the quarter, we worry that what is typically a strong quarter for Oracle could prove to be unusually weak given the tough U.S. macroeconomic environment and potentially weakening conditions in International markets.

Neil Herman

We believe this update is a combination of management's typical conservatism and sales sluggishness from the unusually warm weather.

Bill Dreher

He is an unusually detail-oriented software engineer.

Steve Capps

Even though this is a planned shutdown, the unusually warm weather will tax the storage capacity of some of our member agencies.

Bill Jacoby

In 2005 it seemed the local economy was growing at an unusually overheated pace. As interest rates continue to rise, I would expect things to slow down a little. Even if there is a slowdown, there are so many things already on the boards, especially in construction, that it shouldn't be a big slowdown.

Brian Finnegan

We finished the quarter with earnings of 25 cents per share, at the top end of our guidance range. Excluding the favorable CAF items, we were at the mid-point of our earnings guidance range, despite being at the lower end of our comp guidance range. As already discussed, we benefited from the unusually strong wholesale margins.

Austin Ligon

If you had unusually high demand and your supplies were diminished two days earlier than usual, then they won't rush you a new supply.

Richard Cobb

Reading is unusually large for a team in this league, but it has been a problem.

Chris Cichocki

This time, it is about a third of our customers and that's unusually high. But it has been an unusual winter with the volatility in the natural gas market.

Larry Graham

This is an unusually short time for such a product to be on the market. But it was a very competitive deal.

James Cotton

That is an unusually strong dip. I don't think it is a mirage.

Joseph Winter

Almost anyone's who's in business. An amusement park in a summer that's enormously or unusually wet would most likely see gate revenues going down, so they may need to hedge against that.

Bradley Hoggatt

[Unusually wet conditions in June, along with high heat and humidity in July, likely played a factor, veterinarians said. Some areas of southeastern North Dakota had more than a foot of rain in one month.] We've had anthrax before, but not of this magnitude, ... It started on July 1 and the reports have been daily since then.

Andrew Peterson

We have central banks that are trying to frame exit strategies from unusually accommodative conditions.

Steve Roach

This is a year of unusually low S&P index turnover due to the low number of mergers and acquisitions in the large-cap sector. So we are making the change at a time when the impact on index investors will be minimized.

David Blitzer

While there were signs of improvement in the state's economy in January, they were not enough to support the sharp decline in the calculated unemployment rate. Patterns that are outside the norm, such as the unusually warm weather in January, can exaggerate the impact of seasonal adjustments that are part of the rate calculation.

Barbara Riley

It was going at an unusually fast rate of speed considering the setting. It's a parking lot, generally.

Officer Chris Amos

That's attributed to the unusually dry conditions this year.

Mike Tapp

We keep looking for the ice to recover, but it isn't. Unless conditions turn unusually cold this spring and summer, we may be looking at sea ice losses in 2006 that will rival what we saw in 2005.

Mark Serreze

He was unusually committed to exposing the truth about AIDS in the black community, and he was unafraid to challenge conventional wisdom.

Keith Boykin

But paradoxically, the losses of harlequin frogs were taking place in unusually warm years.

J. Alan Pounds

As has been widely discussed, February sales were likely hurt by a record- breaking snowstorm that hit in the middle of the month and by unusually-warm weather in January, which likely pulled some early-spring sales forward.

Patrick Mckeever

It was an unusually good quarter for credit losses. But it reflects a better credit environment, and the underlying earnings were strong, too.

Mark Lane

While many people attempt to connect this season's unusually strong hurricane activity in the Gulf of Mexico with global warming, this is simply not the case.

Patrick Michaels

Ultimately, ... I think the president is unusually good at ignoring all kinds of outside pressure with an important decision like this and focusing on the merits and what's important for the long term.

Bradford A. Berenson

The earnings quality was weak because the earnings growth was driven by lines that are very hard to forecast or unpredictable like trading incomes and acquired loan portfolios. These were the lines that really drove the earnings results and were unusually high this quarter.

Mario Pierry

These are unusually mature, complex characters. They do bad things for their own reasons, but that doesn't make them morally bad. In fact your heart breaks for these people.

Anna Paquin

I didn't really pay much attention to it. I liked him. I thought he was a nice kid; he was unusually nice. But we weren't tight.

Jim Wilkes

It was an unusually good first quarter because of oil demand spilling over from last year, but that will fall away in the second quarter, which will be pretty weak.

Martin Stopford

We have a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility to handle unusually high levels of meat inclusion and human-grade ingredients.

Ron Mayert

Having said that, however, I should note that the current downturn in this sector is an unusually mild one compared with previous cycles.

Malcolm Edey

Arizona offers a climate unusually conducive to identity theft.

Andrew Thomas

It's unusually complicated and it's all about the hockey.

Lise Lareau

Some parts of the country are experiencing tight supplies because of unusually heavy refinery maintenance schedules. Until crude oil prices drop substantially, Americans won't see a big decline at the pump.

Rob Schlichting

What Russia has done recently is surprising and unusually drastic -- I can't remember such practices against diplomats even in Berlin when Hitler was in power.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski

An unusually tranquil skyscraping vantage-a kind of front porch 850 feet in the air.

David W. Dunlap

Demand has been unusually very strong. It's unbelievable.

Chu Woo Sik

You get a 6- or 7-foot high tide, it's like a 2-foot wall backing up the flood water, preventing it from going out into the bay. Luckily, even though tides will be building next week, none will be unusually high.

Mike Pechner

Unusually brazen. ... It shows really poor judgment to put yourself in a position where you are seen as wielding that power for a friend.

Larry Noble

The selection of a shortlist, the judges felt, was an unusually difficult process this year. There was sufficient quality for two distinguished lists.

John Sutherland

The acceleration of the past several months has been quite stunning, so it's not surprising to get a bit of a pause. After an unusually warm December, January was unusually cold and snowy. That may have affected production.

Klaus Baader

The cause of the persistent warmth has been an unusually active jet stream off of the Pacific Ocean. A west-to-east storm track brought mild air across the country, resulting in above normal temperatures for mostly every state.

Eric Horst

It is definitely an unusually high number, normally you don't find wild birds dropping out and dying.

Eric Carey

Unusually warm weather significantly reduced the winter draw on (natural gas) inventories, leaving the continent very well supplied.

Earl Sweet

The short story is that 2005 started out unusually wet ... so that at the end of February we had the wettest start to any year on record.

Ed Polasko