If you're a politician or a bureaucrat, this is a great program to make people feel good and to show that you're doing something to make them safer. But obviously, there's a big difference between what's presented to the public and how the program actually works.

Food and sanitary conditions that pose a danger to the public.

For the first time, I expect to have a window seat.

It's when you sit up and move your head around that suddenly you feel this force of gravity.

I really enjoyed my time on the Mir space station. It was a really good experience.

The US needs to take the lead in saying this is a vulnerability that needs to at least be explored. Putting our heads in the sand and acting like it's still 1961 in a post-9/11 environment is just not the way to go.

Arizona offers a climate unusually conducive to identity theft.

Nasser Hussain makes the captain's thoughts known better than all others.

We've been working on this message for two weeks to make sure it was worded right.