19 quotes about unchecked follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.

Martin Luther King Jr.

The evil implanted in man by nature spreads so imperceptibly, when the habit of wrong-doing is unchecked, that he himself can set no limit to his shamelessness.


While everyone agrees on the need for aggressive deterrence of terrorism, the disclosure of unchecked domestic spying by the president is deeply troubling to many Americans.

Michael Greco

The dangerous escalation of the conflict in recent days is a direct consequence of killings being allowed to run unchecked.

Philip Alston

The fact that the oil spill occurred in a caribou crossing area in Prudhoe Bay is a painful reminder of the reality of unchecked oil and gas development across Alaska's North Slope.

Natalie Brandon

The governor believes in the adoption subsidies program, but it was growing unchecked. With a generous means test, the program will be able to continue in the future.

Jessica Robinson

If left unchecked, erosion can affect nearby structures. However, in this case, the erosion was not so severe as to threaten neighboring properties.

Heather Saucier

I file these because it was the right thing to do. We can't allow alleged public corruption like this to go unchecked. All I want is to be able to say is that we uncovered public corruption and we did something about it, we investigated it, we brought forth those charges that we thought were appropriate.

William Lennon

If it went unchecked, if it got into our forests, it could devastate us.

Mike Dunn

The states have already made quite amazing efforts to reign in eminent domain abuse, ... We hope and expect that state and local governments will continue to create strong safeguards against unchecked confiscation of property. After all, the Supreme Court has placed it entirely in the hands of state and local governments to ensure that eminent domain is not abused for private profit.

Scott Bullock

I can only speak from my experience, but the facilities go unchecked each year because the school system does not have the money to repair them.

Steve Bailey

In reality, it reflects an attempt by the Bush administration to exercise unchecked power without the inconvenient interference of the other co-equal branches of government.

Bill Goodman

His pattern of conflicts of interest undermines citizen confidence and investor confidence in the operations of the SEC. Left unchecked this has the potential to undermine market confidence. Americans and investors deserve an SEC that will vigorously protect their interests and protect the openness and efficiency of our markets.

Scott Harshbarger

No one is being singled out. But the accumulated effect of letting that go unchecked would hinder the ability we have to do what we do.

Darryl Seibel

[Murrow] taught us many valuable lessons about responsibility, and to always, always question authority, because with it authority often goes unchecked.

Fred Friendly

The Minutemen are the equivalent of a terrorist organization and they're really going unchecked by the government right now.

David Castillo

In the past 10 years, under the old rules, cable companies have been virtual monopolies and their rates have climbed unchecked.

Jeffrey Mazzella

If the trend continues unchecked it could neutralize the improved functional status in 10 or 15 years. It's critical we find ways to reduce disability, both physical and cognitive.

Richard Suzman

The international community must never again allow genocide or mass murder to go unchecked. This is a moral issue of huge importance and will establish a new standard that could help save millions of lives.

Nicola Reindorp