We stand by this good pro-life law that will reduce the number of abortions in our state.

The governor believes in the adoption subsidies program, but it was growing unchecked. With a generous means test, the program will be able to continue in the future.

This is not something Gov. Blunt is going to include in the special session.

It's very common in elected official positions that when you come into office you reuse what was left by your predecessor. Whereas in an agency, you have a predictable amount of use and should be able to maintain an appropriate amount of inventory.

He's very familiar with the area ... is familiar with the community and the people he will need to be working with.

I just seen some pictures today where her shirt was up on her stomach, and it was showing her midriff—we can't even wear that to school.

Your question is the first I've ever heard of that.

The implication that Missouri is not fit for scientific research and that companies are having to move because of a perceived climate in Missouri.