29 quotes about trooping follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

O, now, for ever Farewell the tranquil mind! farewell content! Farewell the plumed troop and the big wars That make ambition virtue! O, farewell! Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump, The spirit-stirring drum, the ear-piercing fife, The royal banner, and all quality, Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war! And, O you mortal engines, whose rude thr.

William Shakespeare

For that matter, is the Saudi government doing as much as it can to stop its young men from trooping to Iraq to kill Americans?

Bill Kristol

We are a small troop, but we do a lot of community service. But we're always ready to roll up our sleeves and get into it to help the community.

John Desparrois

The silverback is in charge. As the young males mature into blackbacks (adolescents), they begin to challenge the silverbacks. He runs them out of the troop and the blackbacks live a bachelor's life until they mature into silverbacks and establish their own groups.

Ron Evans

It would be great to never have (Camp Flying Eagle) developed forever. Scouts need a place like Camp Flying Eagle. It brings my troop back to nature.

Carlos Mendez

We've never had this much depth before in our distance troop. They really carry a lot of points for us.

Deneen Keller

If the number of weapons handed in doesn't reach 25 percent, let's say only 20 percent, then the number of troop (reinforcements) that will be withdrawn will also be the same, 20 percent.

Sofyan Djalil

Troop preference is the biggest consideration. We can make the meal fit every regulation, but if you don't like it you're not going to eat it.

Judith Aylward

I was on a troop transport that carried Army troops from New York to Germany. I know how cold the Atlantic Ocean can get. While I was reading that, I could feel the cold winds blow.

Harry Lawwill

I was in the Boy Scouts for about four years until my troop disbanded. It is really one of the best activities youths can get involved in and nearly every scout I have known has been a class act due to the discipline the Scouts have instilled in them.

Ted Stevens

I thought it could be a fun way for a Boy Scout troop or a fraternity to pick up a little extra money.

Bruce Thyer

It is urgent that ... we establish a force that has both the troop strength, the equipment and an unambiguous mandate to protect civilians from harm.

Juan Mendez

Sometimes, anywhere from 90 cases to, like, 400 plus cases per troop.

Reyna Kaneko

This troop has been together since they were Daisies. We do a lot of community service with the Valley Parish Nurse Program.

Cathi Kellett

The current administration is not one to announce large-scale troop reductions.

Patrick Cronin

I'm not expecting awards. I want the Philippine audience to troop to the theaters. I did not make the movies for that [awards]. I just want the movies to make money so that the industry can get back on its feet.

Joel Lamangan

A scout troop consists of twelve little kids dressed like schmucks following a big schmuck dressed like a kid.

Jack Benny

Dad was a Scout, but got back into it through my troop when I joined, and he never quit again. Dad was always helpful and thoughtful. He was a clever problem-solver. He could also design buildings and make sure they got built. He had a knack for fixing and building things. He was always puttering around the house with his tools.

Jim Funk

There's a caravan of cars that come in here for each troop.

Reyna Kaneko

If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country, I never would lay down my arms -- never! never! never!

William Pitt The Elder

It's quite an irony that we're commemorating martial law and we see that the militarist mind-set is so deep in this administration, ... The standard response to protest actions are massive troop and police deployment. These things are obviously intended to intimidate people, short of what Marcos did in 1972.

Renato Reyes

It's fun whether you're a boy or a man. Some of my fondest memories in Montana are with the Boy Scout troop.

Joe Coco

In the Scouts, we learn a lot about construction. The entire troop will probably help out because we usually pitch in on one another's projects. Even the Scout graduates come in if we need them.

Chris Quinn

Cindy Sheehan, who are just encouraging the terrorists, endangering our men and women in uniform, and lowering troop morale with their antics.

William Greene

Montana is one big playground for scouts. I don't think you'll find a Boy Scout troop with more camping opportunities than Troop 17.

Joe Coco

None of the girls in the troop thought it sounded like a fun idea. I'm glad I went.

Burgandy Newell

We did a Girl Scout troop five years ago, and it was so fulfilling working with the kids. Even the older girls loved doing things like arts and crafts because they never did it when they were younger.

Gwen Ferguson

We realized there was nobody feeding in and Troop 15 was going to dry up. Our intention is for this pack and the troop to work side?by?side.

Becky Douglas

I show them my order, while they're looking at that I tell them our troop is a self supporting troop so we don't ask our parents for anything we'll just have to pay for what we go to by what we sell. Usually that makes a good impression on them.

Erin Rodgers