If you look at the targets that need to be achieved under the UNFCCC, then you will need breakthrough technologies by 2050. And you don't get these without putting money into research and collaboration projects. They do not develop on their own.

Christian Egenhofer

Optical networking is exploding, and the market will experience tremendous growth during the next decade. As we noted with Digital Subscriber Lines, few important technologies experience smooth and steady adoption cycles. Customers cannot accurately calculate the exact rate of adoption, and the inevitable result is inventory imbalances.

Drew Peck

We have noted that the refinement of existing technologies, and to a greater extent, the development of new ones, is often accompanied by significant technological obstacles; this is especially relevant given the complexity of the technologies involved.

Rahul Nayar

The user will benefit from the ability of the technologies to understand more about them to make search more relevant and to make information retrieval more relevant. But it will take time and probably more than people anticipate.

Steve Berkowitz

More time seems to be put into protecting the mother ship, but those same technologies are not being shared with their partners.

Greg Boser

The silicon dependence of crystalline will remain a challenge to the industry and, as such, Shell has decided to focus on next generation technologies.

Tim O'leary

Our No. 1 theme here is to create tools that are of use to the farmers and the people in the agribusiness sector. We are continually tapping into new technologies, to find those extra pennies in the marketplace to help them make money.

Kevin Mcnew

The idea is to essentially ensure that when companies build new technologies, they build in the capability for police to do what they've always done on the previous technologies.

Alex Swann

This study is important to help investors, managers, and policy-makers to understand the crucial question the extent to which environmentally-friendly technologies and products are profitable.

David Levine

Projects like this demonstrate a public and private sector commitment to making the hydrogen economy a reality, and to promoting innovation and demonstration of the real potential of green energy technologies here in Canada.

Don Bell

End-user concerns about availability and value of these new technologies could result in some buyers holding off PC purchases until later in 2006 or beyond.

George Shiffler

We've got the very beginning stages of a lot of things. These aren't mature technologies. But some of the student projects are ones that we really expect to grow and become important resources for Athens. And really the most exciting thing is the businesses, the government, the students consider this to be a community resource and they're excited about it.

Scott Shamp

The president's visit sends a powerful message to the lab that its work on these technologies is a very important component of the administration's energy research and development policy.

Bob Noun

We understand that the future is a digital world and a digital lifestyle. Our customers are on the go, and to that end we offer integration of both wireless and wireline technologies.

John Britton

Customers can largely blame themselves and not the vendors for these problems. Users have been clamoring for a one-stop shop for all their security needs because they had so much difficulty integrating all these disparate technologies.

Steve Hunt

From my limited experience looking at other such packages, ours is much less expensive and better software than the currently existing proprietary tools on the market. Also, it's based on open source technologies, which means there's no vendor lock-in.

Adrian Holovaty

These costs have increased to us about 9.2 percent a year. That, in addition to soaring gas prices and maintaining our cable system, and updating technologies have played a factor in determining what the rates are.

Donna Chatman

They are looking to extend their reach into the consumer and business market by experimenting with a number of new technologies that go beyond the home page.

Patrick J. Mahoney

The concept is the same. It's to keep the engine in the 'sweet spot,' where it's most efficient. They're just doing it in different methods. They're utilizing different technologies to do that.

Bruce Harrison

Clearly homeland security has become more of an issue since Sept. 11. Both these companies have technologies that could expose them to rapidly growing, potentially large markets over the next couple of years.

Joseph Nadol

Increased demand for wireless communication products, PC chipsets and LCD drivers in the computer segment was the key driver for the growth. Higher shipments of leading-edge technologies were also a primary reason for the 2 percent sequential increase in blended ASP. As a result, our Q4 revenue grew 16.5 percent and gross profit increased 68.3 percent sequentially.

Jackson Hu

It's not a surprise. Research shows more than one-third of people using dating sites are married or in a relationship. While some dating sites use targeted discounting strategies or the promise of a long-term relationship to improve their conversion rates, we take a different approach, focusing on privacy technologies.

Jerry Klein

Low interest in this service among the grey-power generation and the baby boomers stems from multiple reasons, including the fact that the service is a novelty to many senior citizens, who are typically slow to adopt new technologies in the first place. The seemingly complex applications inhibit adoption.

Harry Wang

The best technologies are the ones you don't notice.

Volker Steinbiss

The resources needed in the future to support continued growth in China are simply unattainable if current consumption patterns continue. Sustainable design technologies offer a vehicle to increase efficiency, which will enhance China's economic growth while allowing for better management of its tremendous environmental challenges.

Nabil Nasr

Filtering technologies, and the way that they are implemented, are becoming more sophisticated.

John Palfrey

It gives them more leverage. If your cost of goods is lower, you have more leverage to negotiate prices that might be able to beat out competing technologies.

Ren Benjamin

[Symbol Technologies is] not a household name but everybody knows their products. They're a bar coding company, so when you return an Avis car that's the bar coding that they're doing, ... They are a productivity improver. They need capital spending from corporate America but when that comes back, we think that the stock, which was at $40 two years ago, has about 50 percent upside.

David L. Katz

At the global business solutions centre, IBM is embedding a range of high-value capabilities such as consulting, research and emerging technologies into easily managed reusable tools that can be delivered globally.

Amitabh Ray

The Stockholm project involved a collaborative effort by some of IBM's most talented divisions across the globe and can be replicated in cities around the world. IBM's ability to harness innovative thinkers around the world enables a synergy that combines insight with sophisticated technologies, bringing added value business engagements such as the Stockholm system.

Peggy Kennelly

We've seen a ton of archiving companies developing data-protection technologies during the last six months, ... We've seen a lot of search engine companies looking at ways to access this information too.

Brian Babineau

We want to offer all kinds of technology. I'm trying to tell the team, the Nissan team, don't make the choice for the consumer. Let them choose between the palette of technologies we can offer.

Carlos Ghosn

In a certain sense, I think that these new technologies are reducing the constraints on how we organize work.

Tom Malone

One of the most exciting projects we are initiating is a collaborative course development model which will allow many organizations to participate and benefit by working together. In addition, we are exploring mobile technologies, as well as other innovative ways to bring these resources to students. Education is changing and to be successful, we need to stay ahead of the technology.

Gary Lopez

Integrating the technologies and product capabilities of Xerox and Microsoft enables the timely delivery of information -- it is the catalyst for knowledge-sharing to become a realistic and relevant capability in the office today.

Rick Thoman

As the twentieth century ends, commerce and culture are coming closer together. The distinction between life and art has been eroded by fifty years of enhanced communications, ever-improving reproduction technologies and increasing wealth.

Stephen Bayley

It's an even smaller deal, given Microsoft's take on Java right now, which is that they're really trying to de-emphasize it in favor of other technologies, notably, XML for integration and their own ActiveX and other technologies.

Tom Young

The time has come for the information technologies industry and the consumer electronics industry to combine their skills in order to offer to the mass market innovative products and services.

Thierry Breton

Our energy-saving technologies in designing CPUs will have great potential in keeping up with a few IT giants in multi-core platforms.

Li Guojie

It's a lot more complex to get organized properly than it is to build one device and one service as Apple has done. It's always been painful at the introduction of new technologies. But it always takes shape like it's done in the past.

Chris Gorog

You don't need to fear diversity in tagging vocabularies. They are inevitable, because businesses are so diverse, ... But if you're going to live with differences, you're going to need strong transformation technologies. That's why the key to XML is not representation, but rather transformation.

Simon Phipps

Lockdown provides the core technology that makes switches on the network intelligent. We can integrate virus scanners, patch management, and other protection technologies so that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Brett Helsel

The purpose of this agreement is to focus on advanced and emerging technologies. Fuel cells had been our focus for the last 7 years.

Scott Fosgard

George's vast experience in the development and application of speech recognition technologies will be invaluable as INFONXX continues to implement customer-focused solutions for voice services and telecommunications carriers. We are glad he's on our team.

Michael Bates

The fastest way to claim the benefits of new technologies and reduce the cost is to install them on farms. Putting a sufficient numbers of new technologies on the ground will increase competition, prompt engineering improvements and spur the development of markets for new by-products that will increase farm revenues.

Dan Whittle

The task force will look at these technologies and make a recommendation to the attorney general, who is authorized to approve a list of less-lethal ammunition for law enforcement in New Jersey.

Peter Aseltine

CSS is the most mature segment and, as such, many of the traditional call center technologies are becoming more commoditized. However, there is also more interest in technologies specific to areas such as analytics and workforce optimization, so we see positive but modest growth going forward.

Sharon Mertz

Syndication technologies are truly changing the way people receive and share information today. The technologies enable corporations to engage their stakeholders, whether they are consumers or employees, in dialogue directly. Understanding how constituents now find and share information is the key to building corporations and their brands in the future.

Richard Edelman

These combined meetings will draw more than 2,000 for one of the most dynamic and far-reaching gatherings on the global issues affecting research and industry. Our goal is to advance tissue engineering/regenerative medicine science and foster interactions that may more rapidly result in new technologies that will benefit patients worldwide.

William Wagner

Specialization and the need for new technologies and new ways to market the harvest more effectively are impetus that drives farmers to cooperation.

Chen Yinfa

We know that enterprise customers are already beginning to look at ways to allow workers to begin using more advanced voice applications that allow them more consistent coverage, easier systems management and the ability to tap into new applications. This is just another way for us to help educate the market and prove to customers that they can start putting these technologies in place.

Brett Galloway

They must push for technical innovations and develop their own core technologies so that their competitive edge in the international market shall not depend on their low costs alone.

Diao Chunhe

I think my imagination dictates the technologies I use. But at the same time, my imagination can be technologic. Sometimes I see a tool and I know immediately how to use it, but most of the time I use the tool for an idea I already have.

Michel Gondry

Sustainability is an increasingly important concept in building construction, not only in the U.S. but in all of the regions we operate in around the world. We're pleased that we've been able to incorporate so many cutting-edge technologies and systems into our new facility, which will deliver long-term benefits to the company, our employees and the environment.

Walt Rakowich

Science at that time was looking at fragmented pieces of a big picture. Scientists were looking at technologies to increase crop yields. The science behind agriculture was focused on that piece of the picture.

Harold Browning

By developing technologies for carbon capture and storage, we can reduce emissions in the medium-term as we move to large scale use of renewable, carbon-free energy sources.

Janez Potocnik

As the technologies evolve, PETNET offers advanced products and services that optimize diagnostic accuracy, and help support business growth.

Michael Reitermann

Toshiba is committed to anti-proliferation efforts and will work with U.S. and international authorities, as well as with the Westinghouse team, to ensure that nuclear technologies are only used for peaceful purposes.

Keisuke Ohmori

Feedback from our developer and customer communities is essential to delivering compelling products. Adobe Labs fosters community involvement early in the product development cycle, enables access to emerging technologies and ultimately helps to build better products.

Kevin Lynch

These are all state of the art technologies. It's a very stable and non-toxic system.

Jim Benson

What's different about this particular service is it provides point-to-point e- mail encryption, and it's not that there aren't other technologies out there that can do this type of thing.

Jordan Kalpin

E-mail represents one of the most innovative technologies of recent years.

Renzo Rosso

When you look at the enabling technologies for live voice, most consumers have speakers, many have a microphone, but how you get them to work is another thing.

Seamus Mcateer

The technologies which seem to be receiving interest from the Bank include those with damaging social and environmental impacts, such as nuclear, large dams and so-called 'clean coal'. It is widely understood that these technologies will not help to bring people out of poverty, which is the World Bank's mission.

Catherine Pearce

The National Oil Company had restricted access to many of the industries' emerging technologies through its years of economic sanctions.

Craig Mcmahon

If you bring in these technologies and don't think ahead to how they'll be used to promote learning and the acquisition of skills, then the only thing that will change in school is the electric bill.

David Thornburg

IBM is pleased to announce our intent to become a founding sponsor of The Green Grid. IBM has been a leader in innovation around power and cooling technologies and committed to implementing energy efficiency programs for more than 30 years. We look forward to working together with other like-minded companies to promote further innovation around power management in the data center.

Doug Balog

I suspect that climate change is involved in general in these enigmatic declines. Ultimately we have to have a transition to cleaner energy technologies, to cleaner sources of energy. But by then, it might be too late for the mountain yellow-legged frogs.

J. Alan Pounds

These special builds [of Windows Communication Foundation and Windows Workflow Foundation serve as] the green light for customers to deploy these technologies.

Ari Bixhorn

This technology solution will improve the passenger experience at Atlanta airport by allowing travelers to use their mobile phones and data devices anywhere in the airport. The strong and reliable network offered by the in-building distributed antenna system makes the airport a premier launching pad for these next generation technologies.

Lance Lyttle

It helps us develop technologies and techniques needed for opening the space frontier.

Keith Henry

Less than ten per cent of cancer research funding goes to early detection. Our emphasis is on collaboration across technologies and institutions. We have assembled some of the world's leading researchers, including Dr. Brad Nelson from the BC Cancer Agency, to attack early detection in a new collaborative approach.

Don Listwin

You need a lot of overhead clearance for all these technologies. The old building had a real low roof deck, and there was absolutely no room to put anything overhead. With this new design, we can continue to grow technologically. We just started an electronic medical records program. We hope to have computerized physician order entry sometime in the next year or so.

Michael Thomas

There's a lot to be done. Video conferencing, different recording [technologies] -- there's lots of technology out there. It's starting to translate into the day-to-day for courts.

Terrie Bousquin

And as we support the transition to multi-core enterprise computing, Intel is already sampling next-generation processors and platforms that will consume orders of magnitude less power and incorporate new platform technologies.

Diane Bryant

The broadband market will be shared by a range of technologies, power line will be the second largest in number of users.

Amit Yudan

Within new, renewable energy, the fund will seek out technologies that further prove the viability of wind, hydrogen, biomass and solar power as competitive areas technologically.

Norsk Hydro

There will be those that will claim this merger brings us closer to a re-emergence of Ma Bell; however, my support is predicated on the applicants' enforceable commitments to open its traditional local markets to competitors, invest in new markets, and accelerate deployment of broadband technologies. The end result should produce more competition, not less.

William Kennard

Many businesses are delaying rolling out high productivity technologies, such as wireless local area networks and IP telephony systems, because they have seen so much hype about the potential threats.

Lawrence Orans

We will also introduce strategic partners to establish large-scale coal mine groups with highly competitive and advanced technologies.

Yu Youjun

By offering RSS feeds -- which is one of the hottest technologies on the Internet right now -- our customers can subscribe to the exact, updated information they need. RSS is just another example of how Go Daddy(R), in response to customer requests, leveraged the latest Internet technology for our customers' benefit.

Bob Parsons

Most can't transition their technologies over too quickly because it adversely affects their [proprietary software] revenues. But if more money is being derived from open source, then they need to be seen as big supporters of it. It is a tightrope they have to walk.

Navin Nagiah

These GIG-enabling technologies demonstrate they can provide both the aircrew and the commanders with an unparalleled view of the common operating picture as well as improved real-time situational awareness, contributing to an increased operational tempo. This dramatically improves their ability to complete missions in a dynamic, time-critical environment.

Patrick Stokes

Our team in the East is strong and our customers have a full complement of exciting product technologies and skilled resources available.

John Malcolm

One of the most interesting things is to watch how these sites pioneer new technologies.

Sean Kaldor

The Aegis-equipped systems certainly have the capability to be upgraded and equipped at some point with theatre missile defense technologies that would provide Taiwan with defense capabilities against Chinese missiles.

Evan Medeiros

It is deeply frustrating and inappropriate when companies borrow or refashion such technologies as their own without making similar investments.

Eric Sprunk

Schools already invest in computers for pupils and have more IT equipment than ever before. But children need access to computers both at school and at home. That's whey we need to see an increase in portable technologies that can be used beyond the classroom and at school.

Estelle Morris

Automakers have engineered numerous new safety technologies into SUVs over the past several model years to prevent rollovers.

Eron Shosteck

Inside the enterprise we are still seeing a slow adoption of Web services and XML technologies, which will inhibit the uptake of Web 2.0 for real, mission-critical applications.

Eric Newcomer

This gap underlines the need for continued and increased efforts to restructure, innovate and adapt new technologies. Behind the successful and innovative companies are always people with ideas and a willingness to take risks.

Erkki Liikanen

There is a lot of different fuel technologies that will be researched.

Erin Rogers

Some of the regulations will spur more technology innovations. California will be in the forefront as far as creating technologies that would lower emissions.

Erin Rogers

We are not going to go on an aggressive land-acquisition program (to build runway safety areas). Instead of busting up stable neighborhoods, the city will continue to work with the FAA to find the appropriate technologies and safety measures at an airport that has been hailed as one of the safest in the nation.

Erin O'donnell

Basically we call it caller ID on steroids. This is a great opportunity to leverage all of the technologies that they're already comfortable with.

Eric Dishman

If you can make these technologies work for frail people who are losing their memory, they're going to work really well for the rest of us.

Eric Dishman

Every company will have to find a way to incorporate these kind of technologies in into their future.

Eric Austvold

The new Reservoir Products Division is strategic to our company's growth and delivery of value to our customers. We have a long history of developing new technologies that deliver outstanding benefits to our customers.

Eric Adams

Companies need to start with the existing customer experience on their systems and build back the tools, technologies, and processes that will help them communicate better with their customers. Technology can only support a process that works. If the process is broken, technology cannot solve the problem.

Elizabeth Herrell

It is normal for these types of papers to be presented, which discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the technologies.

Edward Felten

This is the opportunity for the specialized voice or data partners to brand themselves as a Master in those technologies. We'll be adding new Master categories over time.

Edison Peres

Customers more and more need a partner who can integrate all these technologies together, and this is one of the foundational elements we want our program to have going forward. But they sometimes need from partners a level of depth, so we wanted to identify the ones that have that level of depth or breadth.

Edison Peres

Besides the experts, we will also make use of aerial, telemetric and archeological technologies to get an overall and accurate report on the current conditions of the Great Wall in the province.

Zheng Lansheng